Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Independence "Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue." — Mary Wollstonecraft
Stupidest and/or Scariest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Do As I Say, Not As I Do "I'm appalled at people who simply want to look at this abhorrent behavior and say people are going to do drugs anyway, let's legalize it. It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea and those who are for it are purely 100 percent selfish." — Rush "Hillbilly Heroin" Limbaugh, 12-9-93. Scott Loughtery, "Limbaugh Demagoguery on Drugs," Baltimore Independent Media Center, 10-10-03.
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day: From Politics "The United States will work toward the elimination of human rights." — in a pledge to El Salvador, Dan Quayle, vice president under President George H. W. Bush, is perhaps better known for his verbal blunders than for his politics. Let us pause and remember the ol' days of the first Bush administration, when men were men and a potato was a potatoe. Quayle is Hall of Shame member #3.
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Noctilucent Clouds Over Sweden

Credit & Copyright: P-M Hedén
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 306 - Maxentius is proclaimed Roman Emperor.
● 312 - Battle of Milvian Bridge: Constantine I defeats Maxentius, becoming the sole Roman Emperor.
● 1061 - Empress Agnes, acting as Regent for her son, brings about the election of Bishop Cadalus, the antipope Honorius II
● 1516 - Battle of Yaunis Khan: Turkish forces under the Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha defeat the Mameluks near Gaza.
● 1531 - Battle of Amba Sel: Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi again defeats the army of Lebna Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia. The southern part of Ethiopia falls under Imam Ahmad's control.
● 1538 - The first university in the New World, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, is established.
● 1628 - The Siege of La Rochelle, which had been ongoing for 14 months, ends with Huguenot surrender
● 1636 - A vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes the first college in what would become the United States, today known as Harvard University.
● 1664 - The Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, later to be known as the Royal Marines, is established.
● 1775 - American Revolutionary War A British proclamation forbids residents from leaving Boston.
● 1776 - American Revolutionary War: Battle of White Plains - British Army forces arrive at White Plains, attack and capture Chatterton Hill from the Americans.
● 1834 - The Battle of Pinjarra occurs in the Swan River Colony in present-day Pinjarra, Western Australia. Between 14 and 40 Aborigines are killed by British colonists.
● 1848 - The first railroad in Spain - between Barcelona and Mataró - is opened.
● 1864 - American Civil War: Second Battle of Fair Oaks ends - Union Army forces under General Ulysses S. Grant withdraw from Fair Oaks, Virginia, after failing to breach the Confederate defenses around Richmond, Virginia.
● 1868 - Thomas Edison applied for his first patent, an electrical vote recorder.
● 1886 - In New York Harbor, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty.
● 1914 - The single largest one-day percentage decline of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the recorded history of the New York stock market.
● 1918 - World War I: Czechoslovakia is granted its independence from Austria-Hungary.
● 1918 - The German fleet is immobilized when sailors mutiny en masse and disobey an order to leave port five times; 1,000 would ultimately be arrested.
● 1918 - New Polish government in Western Galicia (Central Europe) is established.
● 1919 - The U.S. Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto, paving the way for Prohibition to begin the following January.
● 1921 - Argentina - In response to an employers' and government offensive, workers revolt, the anarchist flag of red and black flies. Isolated, the groups are encircled and destroyed by the army. Over 1500 workers die, including all the leaders of the revolt.
● 1922 - March on Rome: Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome and take over the Italian government.
● 1932 - U.S. Dept. of Interior removes Papago tribal land in Arizona from mineral exploration. This horrifying precedent is rescinded two years later by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.
● 1936 - US President Franklin D. Roosevelt rededicates the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary.
● 1940 - World War II: Italy invades Greece through Albania. This was the selected anniversary of Greece's entry into World War II. It is celebrated in Greece as Okhi Day.
● 1941 - Holocaust in Kaunas, Lithuania: German SS forces arrange the massacre of more than 9,000 Jews of the Kaunas ghetto. After the victims assembled on the Demokratu square at 6 AM to be shot they are buried in gigantic ditches.
● 1942 - The Alaska Highway (Alcan Highway) is completed through Canada to Fairbanks, Alaska.
● 1942 - Holocaust: 2,000 Jewish children and 6,000 Jewish adults from Cracow are deported by Germans to Belzec death camp.
● 1942 - Holocaust: SS directive orders all Jewish children's mittens and stockings to be sent from the death camps to SS families.
● 1943 - The alleged Philadelphia Experiment supposedly occurred.
● 1945 - People's Peace Crusade launched by PPU, England.
● 1948 - Swiss chemist Paul Müller is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of the insecticidal properties of DDT.
● 1954 - The modern Kingdom of the Netherlands is re-founded as a federal monarchy.
● 1956 - The second-generation Tsutenkaku tower in Osaka is opened to the public.
● 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev announces that he had ordered the removal of Soviet missile bases in Cuba effectively ending the crisis.
● 1964 - Vietnam War: U.S. officials deny any involvement in bombing North Vietnam.
● 1965 - French foreign minister Couve de Murville travels to Moscow.
● 1965 - Nostra Aetate, the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions" of the Second Vatican Council, is promulgated by Pope Paul VI; it absolves the Jews of the alleged killing of Jesus, reversing Innocent III's declaration from 760 years ago. In short, Pope Paul VI announces that the ecumenical council has decided that Jews are not collectively responsible for the killing of Christ.
● 1965 - In St. Louis, Missouri, the 630-foot-tall parabolic (catenarian) stainless steel Gateway Arch monument is completed.
● 1967 - Black Panther leader Huey Newton, 25, is arrested and charged with murder in Oakland.
● 1970 - William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, accuses Nixon administration of conducting an illegal war in Laos without congressional knowledge or approval.
● 1971 - Alberta Indians begin sit-in at Indian Affairs office in Edmonton, Alberta, to protest conditions at reserve schools. The sit-in would last six months.
● 1971 - Britain launches its first and currently only satellite, Prospero, into low Earth orbit atop a Black Arrow carrier rocket.
● 1972 - The first Airbus A300 flies into the skies.
● 1976 - John D. Ehrlichman, former domestic policy adviser of President Nixon and convicted Watergate felon, arrives at the Swift Trail Camp minimum-security facility in southeastern Arizona. {This prison outside of Safford, is one of the so-called "country club" prisons because of its tennis courts.}
● 1982 - U.N. World Charter for Nature signed.
● 1985 - Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.
● 1985 - Sandinista Daniel Ortega becomes president of Nicaragua and makes peace overtures to the United States; American policy continues to support the Contras in their revolt against the Nicaraguan government.
● 1986 - The centennial of the Statue of Liberty's dedication is re-celebrated in New York Harbor.
● 1988 - Jurors award $147,000 to Tacoma parishioner seduced by her minister.
● 1988 - The French drug manufacturer Roussel Uclaf states that it will resume distribution of the so-called abortion drug RU-486.
● 1989 - Police attack 10,000 pro-democracy demonstrators, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
● 1997 - Police in the Dominican Republic arrest over 500 to try to end ongoing general strike.
● 1997 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains a record 337.17 points to close at 7,498.32.
● 1998 - An Air China (Mainland China) jetliner is hijacked by disgruntled pilot Yuan Bin and flown to Taiwan.
● 2005 - Plame affair: Lewis Libby, Vice-president Dick Cheney's chief of staff, is indicted in the Valerie Plame case. Libby resigns later that day. {After Libby is convicted and sentenced, the war criminal Bush commutes his sentence to no jail time. Obvious payback for being the fall guy.}
● 2006 - Voting on a new constitution that would make Kosovo officially a part of Serbia begins; voter turnout on day one was low.
● 2006 - Funeral service for the peace of the executed at Bykivnia forest, outside of Kiev, Ukraine, with reburial of 817 Ukrainian civilians (out of some 100,000) executed by Bolsheviks at Bykivnia in 1930s – early 1940s.
● 1510 - Francis Borgia, Spanish duke and Jesuit priest (d. 1572)
● 1585 - Cornelius Jansen, Dutch bishop (d. 1638)
● 1667 - Maria Anna of Neuburg, second wife of Charles II of Spain (d. 1740)
● 1691 - Peder Tordenskjold, Norwegian naval hero (d. 1720)
● 1697 - Canaletto, Italian artist (d. 1768)
● 1703 - Antoine Deparcieux, French mathematician (d. 1768)
● 1718 - Ignacije Szentmartony, Croatian Jesuit missionary (d. 1793)
● 1793 - Eliphalet Remington, American firearms manufacturer (d. 1861)
● 1804 - Pierre François Verhulst, Belgian mathematician (d. 1849)
● 1818 (O.S.) - Ivan Turgenev, Russian writer (d. 1883)
● 1845 - Zygmunt Florenty Wróblewski, Polish physicist (d. 1888)
● 1846 - Georges Auguste Escoffier, French chef (d. 1935)
● 1875 - Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, American geographer and editor (d. 1966)
● 1877 - Joe Adams, American baseball player (d. 1952)
● 1881 - Bruno Söderström, Swedish athlete (d. 1969)
● 1885 (O.S.) - Velimir Khlebnikov, Russian poet (d. 1922)
● 1891 - Ormer Locklear, American movie stunt pilot (d. 1920)
● 1892 - Dink Johnson, American musician (d. 1954)
● 1896 - Howard Hanson, American composer (d. 1981)
● 1902 - Elsa Lanchester, British-born actress (d. 1986)
● 1903 - Evelyn Waugh, English writer (d. 1966)
● 1907 - Edith Head, American costume designer (d. 1981)
● 1907 - John Harold Hewitt, Northern Irish poet (d. 1987)
● 1908 - Arturo Frondizi, President of Argentina (d. 1995)
● 1909 - Francis Bacon, Anglo-Irish painter (d. 1992)
● 1912 - Richard Doll, English epidemiologist (d. 2005)
● 1914 - Jonas Salk, American medical scientist (d. 1995)
● 1914 - Richard Laurence Millington Synge, Nobel laureate (d. 1994)
● 1914 - Glenn Robert Davis, U.S. Congressman (d. 1988)
● 1915 - Paul Jarrico, American screenwriter (d. 1997)
● 1917 - Jack Soo, American actor (d. 1979)
● 1922 - Gershon Kingsley, German composer
● 1922 - Butch van Breda Kolff, American basketball coach (d. 2007)
● 1922 - Simon Muzenda, Zimbabwe politician (d. 2003)
● 1926 - Bowie Kuhn, American Commissioner of Baseball (d. 2007)
● 1927 - Dame Cleo Laine, British singer
● 1928 - Ion Mihai Pacepa, Romanian general
● 1929 - Joan Plowright, British actress
● 1929 - Marcel Bozzuffi, French actor (d. 1988)
● 1929 - John Hollander, American poet
● 1930 - Bernie Ecclestone, English racing official
● 1932 - Suzy Parker, American actress (d. 2003)
● 1933 - Garrincha, Brazilian footballer (d. 1983)
● 1936 - Charlie Daniels, American musician
● 1936 - Curtis Lee, American singer
● 1936 - Carl Davis, American-born musical conductor and composer
● 1937 - Lenny Wilkens, American basketball player and coach
● 1938 - David Dimbleby, English television commentator
● 1938 - Anne Perry, English-born novelist
● 1939 - Jane Alexander, American actress
● 1939 - Miroslav Cerar, Yugoslav gymnast
● 1940 - Susan Harris, American television writer and producer
● 1941 - John Hallam, Irish actor
● 1941 - Hank Marvin, English guitarist
● 1942 - Kees Verkerk, Dutch speed skater
● 1943 - Conny Froboess, German singer
● 1943 - Charo López, Spanish actress
● 1944 - Dennis Franz, American actor
● 1944 - Anton Schlecker, German billionaire
● 1944 - Coluche, French comedian and actor (d. 1986)
● 1945 - Elton Dean, English musician (Soft Machine) (d. 2006)
● 1946 - Wim Jansen, Dutch footballer and coach
● 1946 - John Hewson, Australian politician
● 1948 - Telma Hopkins, American singer (Tony Orlando and Dawn)
● 1949 - Bruce Jenner, American athlete
● 1949 - Tracy Reed, American actress
● 1950 - Sihem Bensedrine, Tunisian human rights activist
● 1952 - Annie Potts, American actress
● 1953 - Pierre Boivin, Canadian businessman and hockey executive
● 1955 - Bill Gates, American software executive
● 1956 - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran
● 1956 - Dave Wyndorf, American singer (Monster Magnet)
● 1962 - Daphne Zuniga, American actress
● 1962 - Scotty Nguyen, professional poker player
● 1963 - Lauren Holly, American actress
● 1963 - James Miller, the "Fan Man" (d. 2002)
● 1963 - Eros Ramazzotti, Italian singer
● 1965 - Jami Gertz, American actress
● 1965 - Luigi Miraglia, Italian Latinist
● 1966 - Steve Atwater, American football player
● 1967 - Julia Roberts, American actress
● 1967 - John Romero, American video game designer
● 1967 - Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein
● 1969 - Ben Harper. American musician
● 1969 - Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Puerto Rican screenwriter and producer
● 1972 - Terrell Davis, American football player
● 1972 - Brad Paisley, American musician
● 1973 - Antonio Banks, American professional wrestler
● 1974 - Joaquin Phoenix, Puerto Rican-born actor
● 1974 - Vicente Moreno, Spanish footballer
● 1974 - Braden Looper, American baseball player
● 1974 - Dejan Stefanović, Serbian footballer
● 1974 - Dayanara Torres, Puerto Rican actress and beauty queen
● 1976 - Karl Tremblay, Canadian singer (Les Cowboys Fringants)
● 1979 - Aki Hakala, Finnish drummer (The Rasmus)
● 1979 - Martin Škoula, Czech ice hockey player
● 1980 - Alan Smith, English footballer
● 1980 - Christy Hemme, American professional wrestler
● 1980 - Kanzi, Most Literate Non-Human
● 1981 - Milan Baroš, Czech footballer
● 1981 - Solomon Andargachew, Ethiopian footballer
● 1982 - Jeremy Bonderman, American baseball player
● 1982 - Mai Kuraki, Japanese singer
● 1982 - Anthony Lerew, American baseball player
● 1983 - Jarrett Jack, American basketball player
● 1984 - Obafemi Martins, Nigerian footballer
● 1996 - Naelee Rae, American actress
● 1996 - Jasmine Jessica Anthony, American actress
● 312 - Maxentius, Roman emperor (b. c. 278)
● 1225 - Jien, Japanese poet and historian (b. 1155)
● 1312 - Elisabeth of Tirol, German queen
● 1412 - Margaret I of Denmark, wife of Haakon VI of Norway (b. 1353)
● 1485 - Rodolphus Agricola, Dutch humanist (b. 1443)
● 1520 - Pier Gerlofs Donia, Frisian pirate and freedom fighter
● 1568 - Ashikaga Yoshihide, Japanese shogun (b. 1539)
● 1627 - Jahangir, Mughal Emperor of India (b. 1569)
● 1639 - Stefano Landi, Italian composer (b. 1587)
● 1646 - William Dobson, English painter (b. 1610)
● 1661 - Agustín Moreto y Cavana, Spanish playwright (b. 1518)
● 1676 - Jean Desmarets, French writer (b. 1595)
● 1703 - John Wallis, English mathematician (b. 1616)
● 1704 - John Locke, English philosopher (b. 1632)
● 1708 - Prince George of Denmark, Consort of Queen Anne of England (b. 1653)
● 1716 - Stephen Fox, English politician (b. 1627)
● 1740 - Empress Anna of Russia (b. 1693)
● 1754 - Friedrich von Hagedorn, German poet (b. 1708)
● 1755 - Joseph Bodin de Boismortier, French composer (b. 1689)
● 1763 - Heinrich, count von Brühl, German statesman (b. 1700)
● 1768 - Michel Blavet, French flutist (b. 1700)
● 1792 - Paul Möhring, German physician and scientist (b. 1710)
● 1792 - John Smeaton, English civil engineer (b. 1724)
● 1800 - Artemas Ward, American politician and soldier (b. 1727)
● 1806 - Charlotte Turner Smith, English poet and novelist (b. 1749)
● 1818 - Abigail Adams, First Lady of the United States (b. 1744)
● 1841 - Johan August Arfwedson, Swedish chemist (b. 1792)
● 1857 - Louis Eugène Cavaignac, French soldier and politician (b. 1802)
● 1877 - Robert Swinhoe, British naturalist (b. 1835)
● 1879 - Marie Roch Louis Reybaud, French writer (b. 1799)
● 1897 - Hercules Robinson, British colonial administrator (b. 1824)
● 1899 - Ottmar Mergenthaler, German-born inventor (tuberculosis) (b. 1854)
● 1900 - Max Müller, German-born orientalist (b. 1823)
● 1916 - Cleveland Abbe, American meteorologist (b. 1838)
● 1916 - Oswald Boelcke, German pilot (b. 1891)
● 1917 - Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (b. 1831)
● 1918 - Ulisse Dini, Italian mathematician (b. 1845)
● 1929 - Bernhard von Bülow, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1849)
● 1939 - Alice Brady, Academy Award-winning American actress (b. 1892)
● 1952 - Billy Hughes, seventh Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1862)
● 1957 - Ernst Gräfenberg, German physician and scientist (b. 1881)
● 1959 - Camilo Cienfuegos, Cuban revolutionary (b. 1932)
● 1965 - Earl Bostic, American saxophonist (b. 1913)
● 1969 - Constance Dowling, American actress (b. 1920)
● 1973 - Taha Hussein, Egyptian writer (b. 1889)
● 1973 - Sergio Tofano, Italian actor (b. 1883)
● 1975 - Georges Carpentier, French boxer (b. 1894)
● 1975 - Oliver Nelson, American jazz composer and arranger (b. 1932)
● 1986 - John Braine, English novelist (b. 1922)
● 1987 - André Masson, French artist (b. 1896)
● 1998 - Ted Hughes, English poet (b. 1930)
● 2000 - Lída Baarová, Czech actress (b. 1914)
● 2000 - Carlos Guastavino, Argentine composer (b. 1912)
● 2001 - Gerard Hengeveld, Dutch composer (b. 1910)
● 2002 - Margaret Booth, American film editor (b. 1898)
● 2002 - Erling Persson, Swedish entrepreneur (b. 1917)
● 2004 - Jimmy McLarnin, Northern Irish-born boxer (b. 1907)
● 2005 - Eugene K. Bird, German prison director (b. 1926)
● 2005 - Bob Broeg, American sports writer (b. 1918)
● 2005 - Raymond Hains, French artist (b. 1926)
● 2005 - Tony Jackson, American basketball player (b. 1942)
● 2005 - Fernando Quejas, Cape Verdean singer and musician (b. 1922)
● 2005 - Richard Smalley, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1943)
● 2005 - Ljuba Tadić, Serbian actor (b. 1929)
● 2006 - Red Auerbach, American basketball coach and executive (b. 1917)
● 2006 - Trevor Berbick, Jamaican boxer (b. 1955)
● 2006 - Marijohn Wilkin, American songwriter (b. 1920)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Abdias of Babylon
● St. Abgar V of Edessa
● St. Eadsin
● St. Fidelis of Como
● St. Godwin
● St. Job of Pochayiv
● St. Jude (a.k.a St. Thaddaeus or "of James")
● St. Simon the Zealot (erroneously a.k.a. "the Canaanite")
● Czechoslovakia - granted its independence from Austria-Hungary (1918); This is a holiday in the Czech Republic and Remembrance Day in Slovakia.
● Greece - Oxi (No) Day marking the beginning of the invasion of Greece by Italy via Albania (1940)
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Liberal Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
Quotes from the Right of the Day taken from Take Them at Their Words: Startling, Amusing and Baffling Quotations from the GOP and Their Friends, 1994-2004 Compiled by Bruce J. Miller with Diana Maio ©2004
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day taken from 1001 Dumbest Things Ever Said Edited by Steven D. Price ©2004
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