Rays from an Unexpected Aurora

Credit & Copyright: Lyndon Anderson (Prairie Journal)
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A Galaxy is not a Comet

Credit & Copyright: Emiel Kempen
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Geminids in 2007

Credit & Copyright: Erno Berko
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The Milky Way at 5000 Meters

Credit & Copyright: Serge Brunier
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M51: Cosmic Whirlpool

Credit: S. Beckwith (STScI) Hubble Heritage Team, (STScI/AURA), ESA, NASA
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Jupiter's Rings Revealed

Credit: (NOAO), J. Burns (Cornell) et al., Galileo Project, JPL, NASA
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Quadrantid Meteors and Aurora from the Air

Credit: Jeremie Vaubaillon et al., Caltech, NASA
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A Jupiter-Io Montage from New Horizons

Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins U. APL, SWRI
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Hidden Galaxy IC 342 from Kitt Peak

Credit & Copyright: T. Rector (U. Alaska Anchorage), H. Schweiker, WIYN, NOAO, AURA, NSF
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Active Galaxy Centaurus A

Credit: X-ray - NASA, CXC, R.Kraft (CfA), et al.; Radio - NSF, VLA, M.Hardcastle (U Hertfordshire) et al.; Optical - ESO, M.Rejkuba (ESO-Garching) et al.
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Polaris Dust Nebula

Image Credit & Copyright: Steve Mandel (Hidden Valley Observatory) Research Collaboration: Adolf Witt (University of Toledo) et al.
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Mercury Chases the Sunset

Image Credit & Copyright: Doug Zubenel
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Hurricane Ivan from the Space Station

Credit: Expedition 9 Crew, International Space Station, NASA
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The Cocoon Nebula from CFHT

Credit & Copyright: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT), Hawaiian Starlight, CFHT
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Double Supernova Remnants DEM L316

Credit & Copyright: Gemini Observatory, GMOS-South, NSF
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MESSENGER Passes Mercury

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Thor's Emerald Helmet

Credit & Copyright: Robert Gendler
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Supernova Factory NGC 2770

Credit: A. de Ugarte Postigo (ESO) et al., Dark Cosmology Centre (NBI, KU), Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC), University of Hertfordshire
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Starry Night Castle

Credit & Copyright: P-M Hedén
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Comet McNaught Over Chile

Credit & Copyright: Stéphane Guisard
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Mercury's Horizon from MESSENGER

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Shelf Cloud Over Saskatchewan

Credit: Jeff Kerr
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Orbiting Astronaut Reflects Earth

Credit: Clayton C. Anderson, Expedition 15 Crew, NASA
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Andromeda Island Universe

Credit & Copyright: Tony Hallas
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Winter Night at Pic du Midi

Credit & Copyright: Alain Sallez (picdumidi.org), David Romeuf (Université Lyon 1)
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Crescent Mercury in Color

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Mercury on the Horizon

Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado
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A Solar Eclipse Painting from the 1700s

Painting Credit: Cosmas Damian Asam; Digital Image Copyright: Jay Pasachoff
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West Valley Panorama from the Spirit Rover on Mars

Credit: Mars Exploration Rover Mission, Cornell, JPL, NASA
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Asteroid 2007 TU24 Passes the Earth

Credit: Green Bank Radio Telescope, Arecibo Radio Telescope
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Young Star Cluster Westerlund 2

Credit: X-ray; Y.Nazé, G.Rauw, J.Manfroid (Université de Liège), CXC, NASA—Infrared; E.Churchwell (University of Wisconsin), JPL, Caltech, NASA
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