M74: The Perfect Spiral

Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA)- ESA / Hubble Collaboration Acknowledgment: R. Chandar (Univ. Toledo) and J. Miller (Univ. Michigan)
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Gibbous Europa

Credit: Galileo Project, JPL, NASA; reprocessed by Ted Stryk
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A Complete Solar Cycle from SOHO

Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
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Movie: Analemma Over New Jersey

Credit & Copyright: Tom Matheson (Guidescope.net)
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Comet Holmes Over Hungary

Credit & Copyright: Tamas Ladanyi
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Mars in View

Credit & Copyright: Jean-Luc Dauvergne, Francois Colas
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Double Cluster in Perseus

Credit & Copyright: Volker Wendel, Josef Popsel, Stefan Binnewies
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Star Trails at Dawn

Credit & Copyright: Koen van Gorp
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The Fairy of Eagle Nebula

Credit: The Hubble Heritage Team, (STScI/AURA), ESA, NASA
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A Jet from the Sun

Credit & Copyright: Hinode, JAXA, NASA
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The Universe Nearby

Credit & Copyright: 2MASS, T. H. Jarrett, J. Carpenter, & R. Hurt
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Mars Rover Races to Survive

Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, USGS, UNM, HiRise
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T Tauri and Hind's Variable Nebula

Credit & Copyright: Don Goldman
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Apollo 17: Shorty Crater Panorama

Credit: Apollo 17 Crew, NASA; Panorama Assembly: Mike Constantine
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Mountains of Creation

Credit: Lori Allen (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) et al., JPL-Caltech, NASA
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The Holographic Principle

Image Credit & Copyright: E. Winfree, K. Fleischer, A. Barr et al. (Caltech)
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Saturn's Ancient Rings

Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
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Unusual Silica Rich Soil Discovered on Mars

Credit: Mars Exploration Rover Mission, Cornell, JPL, NASA
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Stars and Dust through Baade's Window

Credit & Copyright: Stephane Guisard
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Reflections on the 1970s

Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh
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Horizon to Horizon

Credit & Copyright: Laurent Laveder (PixHeaven.net)
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Tyrrhenian Sea and Solstice Sky

Credit & Copyright: Danilo Pivato
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Moon and Mars Tonight

Credit & Copyright: John Harms
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Emission Nebula IC 1396

Credit & Copyright: Kent Wood
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Mars and Orion Over Monument Valley

Credit & Copyright: Wally Pacholka (Astropics.com)
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Trifid Pillars and Jets

Credit: J. Hester (Arizona St. U) et al., WFPC2, HST, NASA
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Earth at Twilight

Credit: ISS Crew, Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, JSC, NASA
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A Beautiful Boomerang Nebula

Credit: Hubble Heritage Team, J. Biretta (STScI) et al., (STScI/AURA), ESA, NASA
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Saturn's Infrared Glow

Credit: VIMS Team, U. Arizona, ESA, NASA
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Mammatus Clouds Over Mexico

Credit & Copyright: Raymundo Aguirre
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A Year of Spectacular Comets

Credit & Copyright: Bob Nanz (San Diego Astronomy Association)
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