Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Jesus Christ "Jesus was a liberal." — Bumper sticker
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Racism "Let the unskilled jobs, let the kinds of jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do – let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work." — Rush "I need a fix" Limbaugh
Thought for the day: "No man's religion ever survives his morals."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
vdB 152: Reflection Nebula in Cepheus

Credit & Copyright: Giovanni Benintende
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 1381 - King Richard II of England meets the leaders of Peasants' Revolt. The Peasant’s Revolt, led by Wat Tyler, climaxed when rebels marched on London. They plundered, burned and captured the Tower of London and killed the Archbishop of Canterbury. The revolt was in response to a statute intended to hold down wages during a labor shortage.
● 1623 - 1st breach-of-promise lawsuit: Rev Gerville Pooley, VA files against Cicely Jordan. He loses
● 1642 - 1st compulsory education law in America passed by Massachusetts
● 1645 - English Civil War: Battle of Naseby – 12,000 Royalist forces are beaten by 15,000 Parliamentarian soldiers.
● 1648 - Margaret Jones is hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts colony.
● 1715 - Robert Norden became licensed pastor of the Baptist congregation in Prince George County -- the first Baptist church organized within the American colony of Virginia.
● 1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. On June 15, George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief.
● 1777 - Stars and Stripes adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States replacing Grand Union flag.
● 1789 - Mutiny on the Bounty: HMS Bounty mutiny survivors including Captain William Bligh and 18 others reach Timor after a nearly 7,400 km (4,000-mile) journey in an open boat.
● 1789 - Whisky distilled from maize is first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig. It is named Bourbon because Rev Craig lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky.
● 1800 - French Army of First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte defeats the Austrians at the Battle of Marengo in Northern Italy and re-conquers Italy.
● 1801 - Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary War general, dies, London.
● 1807 - Emperor Napoleon I's French Grande Armee defeats the Russian Army at the Battle of Friedland in Poland, modern Russian Kaliningrad Oblast, ending the War of the Fourth Coalition.
● 1811 - Birth of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Printed in 1851, it is a landmark book depicting slavery. {Upon meeting her Abraham Lincoln remarked, "How could one small lady cause such a large war (the Civil War)?}
● 1816 - Society for Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace founded, London.
● 1822 - Charles Babbage proposes a difference engine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables."
● 1834 - Cyrus Hall McCormick received a patent for his reaping machine.
● 1834 - Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard Norcross, Dixfield, Maine
● 1834 - Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr., Springfield, Vermont
● 1841 - 1st Canadian parliament opens in Kingston, Ontario
● 1846 - Bear Flag Revolt begins - Anglo settlers in Sonoma, California, start a rebellion against Mexico and proclaim the California Republic.
● 1847 - Bunson invents a gas burner. Lab teachers celebrate worldwide
● 1850 - Fire destroys part of SF
● 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Second Winchester – A Union garrison is defeated by the Army of Northern Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley town of Winchester, Virginia.
● 1864 - Alois Alzheimer was born. He was a psychiatrist/pathologist, and in 1907, he wrote an article describing the disease that is named for him.
● 1864 - Battle of Pine Mt, Gen Leonidas Polk killed in action
● 1872 - Trade unions are legalized in Canada.
● 1876 - California Street Cable Car Railroad Co gets its franchise
● 1881 - Player piano patented by John McTammany, Jr., Cambridge, Massachusetts
● 1893 - Philadelphia observed the first Flag Day.
● 1900 - Hawaiian Republic becomes the US Territory of Hawaii
● 1900 - The Reichstag approves a second law that allows the expansion of the German navy.
● 1903 - The “New York World” newspaper reports that Theodore Roosevelt’s White House has drawn up detailed plans to have the province of Panama secede, with U.S. support, from the nation of Colombia, and then hand over control of a proposed trans-isthmus canal to the U.S. Five months later, the plan unfolded exactly as reported.
● 1905 - Battleship Potemkin mutiny, Odessa. Part of the 1905 Russian Revolution in which thousands participated, and the soviet (councilist) form first appeared.
● 1906 - J H Metcalf discovers asteroid #600 Musa
● 1907 - Norway adopts female suffrage.
● 1908 - Fourth German Navy Bill is passed authorising the financing the building of another four major warships.
● 1917 - Gen Pershing & his HQ staff arrived in Paris during WW I
● 1919 - The first non-stop trans-Atlantic flight began. Captain John Alcot and Lt. Arthur Brown flew from Newfoundland to Ireland.
● 1919 - Russia - Trotsky, chief of the Red Army, drafts an order banning the Makhnovist Congress, accusing them of opposing Soviet power in the Ukraine. Trotsky calls for the arrest of the delegates.
● 1919 - John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown depart St. John's, Newfoundland on the first nonstop transatlantic flight.
● 1923 - Warren G. Harding became the first U.S. president to be heard on radio. The event was the dedication of the Francis Scott Key memorial at Fort McHenry, Baltimore.
● 1924 - San Pedro, Calif. IWW hall raided, children scalded, hall demolished; seven are tarred and feathered.
● 1927 - Nicaraguan President Adolfo Diaz signed a treaty with the U.S. allowing American intervention in his country.
● 1928 - Republican National Convention, met in Kansas City, nominated Herbert Hoover
● 1928 - Ernesto "Che" Guevara born, Rosario, Argentina.
● 1931 - French "St. Philbert" overturned off St. Nazaire France, drowns 450
● 1932 - U.S. Representative Edward Eslick died on the floor of the House of Representatives while pleading for the passage of the bonus bill.
● 1935 - Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay ends.
● 1936 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #1490 Limpopo
● 1937 - Pennsylvania becomes the first (and only) state of the United States to celebrate Flag Day officially as a state holiday.
● 1937 - U. S. House of Representatives passes the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.
● 1938 - Chlorophyll patented by Benjamin Grushkin
● 1940 - World War II: Paris falls under German occupation, German troops march into Paris, meeting practically no resistance as French and allied forces retreat.
● 1940 - Spanish invade Tangier international zone.
● 1940 - World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Naval Expansion Act into law which aims to increase the United States Navy's tonnage by 11%.
● 1940 - A group of 728 Polish political prisoners from Tarnów become the first residents of the Auschwitz concentration camp, opening the camp, three million will be killed there before the war ends.
● 1941 - Soviet mass deportations and murder of Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians, the June deportation, began.
● 1942 - Anne Frank begins to keep a diary.
● 1942 - 1st bazooka rocket gun produced Bridgeport Ct
● 1943 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that schoolchildren could not be made to salute the U.S. flag if doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs.
● 1944 - Sixty U.S. B-29 Superfortress' attacked an iron and steel works factory on Honshu Island. It was the first U.S. raid against one of the main islands of Japan.
● 1945 - Burma was liberated by Britain.
● 1946 - Canadian Library Association established
● 1949 - State of Vietnam formed
● 1951 - "Univac I" was unveiled. It was a computer designed for the U.S. Census Bureau and billed as the world's first commercial computer.
● 1951 - Senator Joe McCarthy attacks General George Marshall, author of the Marshall Plan, for "always and invariably serving the world policy of the Kremlin." Equally to blame, according to McCarthy, "in a conspiracy so immense as to dwarf any such previous venture in the history of man," was Marshall's "fast-rising protégé," Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower (elected President the following year).
● 1951 - UNIVAC I is dedicated by U.S. Census Bureau the first commercial computer.
● 1952 - The keel is laid for first nuclear powered submarine, USS Nautilus.
● 1954 - President Eisenhower signed a congressional resolution which added the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance. The last phrase now reads: ' nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'
● 1954 - Americans took part in the first nation-wide civil defense test against atomic attack.
● 1955 - Chile becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
● 1959 - A group of Dominican exiles with leftist tendencies which departed from Cuba landed in the Dominican Republic with the intent of deposing Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina's dicatorial regime. Save for four of them, all were killed and/or executed by Trujillo's army. This feat would be the inspiration for a clandestine group that would seek to continue undermining Trujillo's power and would be called "Movimiento Catorce de Junio" (14th of June Movement).
● 1961 - 106°F, hottest temperature in San Francisco
● 1962 - Anna Slesers becomes the first victim of Albert DeSalvo, better known as the Boston Strangler.
● 1962 - The European Space Research Organisation is established in Paris – later becoming the European Space Agency.
● 1962 - New Mexico Supreme Court in the case of Montoya v. Bolack, 70 N.M. 196, prohibited state and local governments from denying Indians the right to vote because they lived on a reservation.
● 1963 - Valery Bykovsky in Vostok 5 orbits earth 81 times in 5 days
● 1964 - Women Against the Bomb delegation calls for complete nuclear disarmament during visit to Moscow, U.S.S.R.
● 1965 - A military triumvirate took control in Saigon, South Vietnam.
● 1966 - The Vatican announced that its 'Index of Prohibited Books' (created by Pope Paul IV in 1557) had been abolished.
● 1967 - Mariner 5 was launched from Cape Kennedy, FL. The space probe's flight took it past Venus.
● 1967 - USSR launches Kosmos 166 for observation of Sun from Earth orbit
● 1968 - Child-care expert Dr. Benjamin Spock and three others convicted of conspiring to counsel draft evasion.
● 1971 - Fifty activists, including future American Indian Movement leader John Trudell, occupy deserted missile site near Richmond, Calif.
● 1972 - Pilots threaten worldwide strike; Hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers face flight delays and cancellations as pilots threaten to strike over hijack fears.
● 1972 - EPA bans DDT. The toxic, ever-lasting herbicide is still in wide usage by U.S.-based corporations in Third World countries.
● 1975 - USSR launches Venera 10 for Venus landing
● 1976 - The trial begins at Oxford Crown Court of Donald Neilson, the killer known as the Black Panther.
● 1980 - E Bowell discovers asteroid #2937 Gibbs, #2938 Hopi & #3160 Angerhofer
● 1982 - 1,653 arrested at U.S., U.S.S.R., French and Chinese Missions to United Nations, New York City, in "Blockade the Bombmakers" nuclear disarmament sit-ins two days after an enormous anti-nuclear rally in Central Park.
● 1982 - Falklands War ends: Argentine forces in the capital Stanley unconditionally surrender to British forces.
● 1983 - Five people were killed in a wing of a Ramada Inn in Fort Worth, TX. The fire began in stacked rolls of carpet and padding, the fumes that ensued were toxic.
● 1984 - The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution opposing the ordination of women for ministry in the Baptist Church.
● 1985 - The 17-day hijacking of TWA flight 847 began. The hijackers were Lebanese Shiite Muslim extremists.
● 1988 - American-Soviet peace walk to San Francisco leaves Washington, D.C.
● 1989 - Former U.S. President Reagan received an honorary knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II.
● 1990 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld police checkpoints that are used to examine drivers for signs of intoxication.
● 1991 - Space Shuttle STS 40 (Columbia 12) lands
● 1991 - Marshall Ledbetter occupies the Florida State Capitol.
● 1991 - Iraqi Kurds fear US troop withdrawal; More than a thousand Kurds besiege a US military base near the northern Iraqi city of Dohuk, pleading with American troops not to withdraw.
● 1993 - A weeklong product tampering scare, later proven to be a hoax, occurs as customers throughout the USA discover syringes in unopened cans of Diet Pepsi Cola.
● 1995 - Chechen rebels took 2,000 people hostage in a hospital in Russia.
● 1996 - The FBI released that the White House had done bureau background reports on at least 408 people without justification.
● 1999 - Thabo Mbeki is inaugurated as the President of South Africa.
● 2001 - China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan form the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
● 2002 - Actor Kirk Douglas received the UCLA Medal. The award is presented to people for cultural, political and humanitarian achievements.
● 2002 - Twelve are killed and 50 injured by a car bomb explosion in front of the U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan.
● 2002 - American Roman Catholic bishops meeting adopts a policy to bar sexually abusive clergy from face-to-face contact with parishioners but keep them in the priesthood.
● 2004 - The Workers Party of Bangladesh is split, as Khandaker Ali Abbas leaves to form a new party.
● 1444 (O.S.) - Nilakantha Somayaji, Indian mathematician (d. 1544)
● 1479 (O.S.) - Giglio Gregorio Giraldi, Italian poet (d. 1552)
● 1529 (O.S.) - Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria (d. 1595)
● 1726 - James Hutton, Scottish geologist (d. 1797)
● 1736 - Charles Augustin de Coulomb, French physicist (d. 1806)
● 1796 - Nikolai Brashman, Russian mathematician (d. 1866)
● 1801 - Heber C. Kimball, American religious leader (d. 1868)
● 1811 - Harriet Beecher Stowe, American author; wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (d. 1896)
● 1812 - Fernando Wood, New York City mayor (d. 1881)
● 1820 - John Bartlett, American editor of "Familiar Quotations" (d. 1905)
● 1821 - Vasile Alecsandri, Romanian lyric poet and dramatist (d. 1890)
● 1832 - Nikolaus Otto, German engineer (d. 1891)
● 1855 - Robert La Follette, American politician; Wisconsin governor (1901-06), U.S. Senator (1906-25) (d. 1925)
● 1856 - Andrey Markov, Russian mathematician (d. 1922)
● 1864 - Alois Alzheimer, German physician (d. 1915)
● 1868 - Karl Landsteiner, Austrian biologist and physician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1943)
● 1870 - Sophia of Prussia, consort of Constantine I of Greece (d. 1932)
● 1871 - Jacob Ellehammer, Danish inventor (d. 1946)
● 1874 - Edward Bowes, American radio personality (d. 1946)
● 1877 - Jane Bathori, French mezzo-soprano (d. 1970)
● 1884 - John McCormack, Irish tenor (d. 1945)
● 1890 - May Allison, American actress (d. 1989)
● 1893 - Siggie Nordstrom, Swedish singer (The Nordstrom Sisters) (d. 1980)
● 1894 - Marie-Adélaïde, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (d. 1924)
● 1895 - Jack Adams, Canadian ice hockey player, coach and general manager (d. 1968)
● 1899 - Yasunari Kawabata, Japanese writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1972)
● 1903 - Alonzo Church, American mathematican and logician (d. 1995)
● 1904 - Margaret Bourke-White, American photojournalist (d. 1971)
● 1905 - Steve Broidy, American motion picture executive (d. 1991)
● 1906 - Margaret Bourke-White, American photojournalist (d. 1971)
● 1907 - Nicolas Bentley, British writer and illustrator (d. 1978)
● 1909 - Burl Ives, American musician (d. 1995)
● 1910 - Rudolf Kempe, German conductor (d. 1976)
● 1913 - Joe Morris, C.C., LL.D., Canadian trade unionist (d.1996)
● 1916 - Dorothy McGuire, American actress (d. 2001)
● 1917 - Atle Selberg, Norwegian mathematician
● 1919 - Sam Wanamaker, American actor (d. 1993)
● 1921(19? NYT) - Gene Barry, American actor
● 1922 - Kevin Roche, Irish architect
● 1925 - Pierre Salinger, John F. Kennedy's Press Secretary (d. 2004)
● 1926 - Hermann Kant, German author
● 1926 - Don Newcombe, baseball player
● 1928 - Che Guevara, Argentine-born communist tactician of guerrilla warfare (d. 1967)
● 1929 - Cy Coleman, American composer (d. 2004)
● 1931 - Junior Walker, Saxophonist and singer (Jr. Walker & the All Stars)
● 1931 - Marla Gibbs, American actress
● 1932 - Joe Arpaio, sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona {Camera hog and general all around schmuck}
● 1933 - Jerzy Kosinski, Polish author (d. 1999)
● 1933 - Vladislav Rastorotsky, Soviet gymnastics coach
● 1936 - Renaldo "Obie" Benson, singer (The Four Tops) (d. 2005)
● 1936 - Irmelin Sandman Lilius, Finnish actor
● 1937 - Jørgen Leth, Danish film director
● 1939 - John F. MacArthur, American evangelist
● 1939 - Peter Mayle, Author
● 1939 - Steny Hoyer, U.S. Congressman (D-MD)
● 1940 - Jack Bannon, Actor
● 1944 - Laurie Colwin, American author (d. 1992)
● 1945 - Rod Argent, English musician (The Zombies)
● 1946 - Donald Trump, American businessman
● 1947 - Barry Melton, American guitarist (Country Joe and the Fish)
● 1949 - Jimmy Lea, British musician (Slade)
● 1949 - Harry Turtledove, American author
● 1949 - Alan White, British drummer (Yes)
● 1950 - Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury
● 1951 - Paul Boateng, British politician
● 1952 - Eddie Mekka, Actor ("Laverne and Shirley")
● 1952 - Pat Summitt, American basketball coach
● 1953 - Janet Mackey, New Zealand politician
● 1954 - Will Patton, American actor
● 1955 - Paul O'Grady, British comedian and television presenter
● 1956 - King Diamond, Danish singer (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate)
● 1958 - Eric Heiden, American speed skater
● 1960 - Mike Laga, American baseball player
● 1961 - Boy George, British singer (Culture Club)
● 1961 - Sam Perkins, American basketball player
● 1963 - Chris DeGarmo, Rock musician (Queensryche)
● 1964 - Stacy Burke, American adult actress and model
● 1966 - Traylor Howard, American actress
● 1967 - Kelly Nash, American radio personality
● 1968 - Yasmine Bleeth, American actress
● 1969 - Steffi Graf, German tennis player and Hall of Fame member
● 1969 - Éric Desjardins, French-Canadian hockey player
● 1969 - Kyle Hebert, American voice actor
● 1969 - MC Ren, American rapper
● 1969 - Michael Gerber, American parody author
● 1971 - Traylor Howard, Actress ("Monk," "Two Guys and a Girl")
● 1972 - Matthias Ettrich, German computer scientist (KDE)
● 1972 - Shaun Keaveny, British radio DJ
● 1973 - Ceca Raznatovic, Serbian singer
● 1975 - Chris Onstad, American cartoonist
● 1976 - Alan Carr, British Stand-up comedian, Television presenter
● 1977 - Chris McAlister, American football player
● 1978 - Steve Bégin, French-Canadian hockey player
● 1978 - Annia Hatch, Cuban-American gymnast
● 1981 - Chauncey Leopardi, American actor
● 1981 - Lonneke Engel, Dutch model
● 1982 - Lang Lang, Chinese pianist
● 1982 - Jamie Green, British racing driver
● 1983 - Siobhán Donaghy, British singer (ex-Sugababes)
● 1983 - John Stocco, American football player
● 1983 - Louis Garrel, French actor
● 1984 - Lorenzo Booker, American football player
● 1985 - Andrew Bonner, Scotish football player
● 1986 - Haley Hudson, American actress
● 1989 - Courtney Halverson, American actress
● 1992 - Daryl Sabara, Actor ("Spy Kids" movies)
● 775 - Saint Ciarán of Disert-Kieran, Irish saint and writer
● 1161 - Emperor Qinzong of China (b. 1100)
● 1381 - Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury
● 1497 - Giovanni Borgia, Duke of Borgia (assassinated)
● 1544 - Antoine, Duke of Lorraine (b. 1489)
● 1548 - Carpentras, French composer
● 1594 - Orlande de Lassus, Flemish composer
● 1662 - Henry Vane the Younger, British Governor of Massachusetts (b. 1613)
● 1674 - Marin le Roy de Gomberville, French writer (b. 1600)
● 1703 - Jean Herauld Gourville, French adventurer (b. 1625)
● 1794 - Francis Seymour-Conway, 1st Marquess of Hertford, Viceroy of Ireland (b. 1718)
● 1800 - Louis Charles Antoine Desaix, French military leader (killed in battle) (b. August 17, 1768)
● 1800 - Jean-Baptiste Kleber, French general (assassinated) (b. 1753)
● 1801 - Benedict Arnold, American general (b. 1741)
● 1825 - Pierre Charles L'Enfant, French architect (b. 1754)
● 1837 - Giacomo Leopardi, Italian writer (b. 1798)
● 1883 - Edward FitzGerald, English poet (b. 1809)
● 1886 - Alexandr Ostrovsky, Russian dramatist (b. 1823)
● 1908 - Frederick Arthur Stanley, Governor general of Canada (b. 1841)
● 1916 - João Simões Lopes Neto, Brazilian writer (b. 1865)
● 1920 - Max Weber, German sociologist (b. 1864)
● 1926 - Mary Cassatt, American artist (b. 1843)
● 1927 - Ottavio Bottecchia, Italian cyclist (b. 1894)
● 1927 - Jerome K. Jerome, British author (b. 1859)
● 1928 - Emmeline Pankhurst, British feminist (b. 1857)
● 1932 - Dorimène Roy Desjardins, Canadian business pioneer
● 1936 - G. K. Chesterton, English author (b. 1874)
● 1936 - Hans Poelzig, German architect (b. 1869)
● 1946 - John Logie Baird, Scottish television pioneer (b. 1888)
● 1967 - Eddie Eagan, American sportsman (b. 1897)
● 1968 - Salvatore Quasimodo, Italian writer, Nobel Laureate (b. 1901)
● 1977 - Robert Middleton, American actor (b. 1911)
● 1986 - Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer (b. 1899)
● 1986 - Alan Jay Lerner, American composer (b. 1918)
● 1991 - Dame Peggy Ashcroft, British actress (b. 1907)
● 1994 - Henry Mancini, American composer (b. 1924)
● 1995 - Rory Gallagher, Irish musician and composer (b. 1949)
● 1995 - Roger Zelazny, American author (b. 1937)
● 1997 - Richard Jaeckel, American actor (b. 1926)
● 1999 - Bernie Faloney, professional football player (b. 1932)
● 2002 - June Jordan, American writer and teacher (b. 1936)
● 2004 - Ulrich Inderbinen, Swiss mountain guide (b. 1900)
● 2004 - Eamonn McGirr, Irish-born singer and entertainer
● 2005 - Mimi Parent, Canadian painter (b. 1924)
● 2005 - Carlo Maria Giulini, Italian conductor (b. 1914)
● 2006 - Jean Roba, Belgian comics author (b. 1930)
● 2007 - Kurt Waldheim, Austrian United Nations Secretary-General and Federal President of Austria (b. 1918)
● 2007 - Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham (b. 1920)
● 2007 - Brigadier General Robin Olds, American fighter pilot (b. 1922)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Pope Anastasius XVII
● St. Ciarán of Disert-Kieran
● St. Digna
● St. Dogmael
● St. Elgar
● St. Eliseus
● St. Etherius
● St. Hartwig
● St. Joseph the Hymnographer
● St. Lotharius
● St. Marcian of Syracuse
● St. Mark of Lucera
● St. Methodius I
● St. Nennus
● St. Quintian
● Sts. Valère and Rufin of Soissons
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for May 31 (Civil Date: June 14)
● Apostle Hermes of the Seventy.
● Martyr Hermias at Comana.
● Martyr Philosophus at Alexandria.
● Martyr Marus the magician who was converted on witnessing the martyrdom of Hermias.
● New-Martyrs Hierotheus, Bishop of Nikolsk (1928), and his friend Schema-hieromonk Seraphim (1923).
● Greek Calendar:
● Five Martyrs of Ascalon.
● Martyrs Eusebius and Charalampus.
● Repose of Philotheus, Metropolitan of Tobolsk (1727)
● Repose of Archimandrite Macarius of Peshnosha Monastery, disciple of Blessed Theodore of Sanaxar (1811).
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for June 1 (Civil Date: June 14)
● Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those with him at Rome: Martyrs Justin, Chariton and his wife Charita, Euelpistus, Hierax, Peon, Valerian and Justus.
● St. Dionysius, abbot of Glushetsk (Vologda).
● St. Agapitus, unmercenary physician of the Kiev Caves.
● St. Metrius the Farmer.
● Greek Calendar:
● Martyr Neon.
● Hieromartyr Pyrrhus the virgin.
● Martyr Firmus of Magus.
● Martyr Thespesius of Cappadocia.
● Anglican:
● St. Basil the Great, bishop, doctor
● Lutheran:
● St. Basil the Great, bishop, doctor
● St. Gregory of Nazianzus, bishop
● St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop
● Roman Empire – eighth day of the Vestalia in honor of Vesta
● Liberation Day (Falkland Islands)
● Flag Day (United States) (1777)
● Mother's Day (Afghanistan)
● Estonia, June 14 - A National Day of Commemoration
● World Blood Donor Day – Celebration of blood donation on the birthdate of Karl Landsteiner, who discovered ABO blood groups
● International Weblogger's Day – Celebration of the work of webloggers around the world
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : Children's Day - ( Sunday )
● Paraguay : Chaco Peace Day (1935) - ( Sunday )
● Shelby, MI : National Asparagus Festival - ( Thursday )
● Great Britain : Queen's official birthday (National Day) - ( Saturday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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