Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Iraq War "Today I weep for my country . . . Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned." — Robert Byrd
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Obtuseness "I want to be sure that he is a ruthless son of a bitch, that he will do what he is told, that every income tax return I want to see, I see. That he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends. Now it's as simple as that. If he isn't, he doesn't get the job." — Richard Nixon, on the kind of person he wanted to head the Internal Revenue Service
Thought for the day: "To reform a man, begin with his grandmother."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Warped Sky: Star Trails Panorama

Credit & Copyright: Peter Ward
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 1373 - Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) signed
● 1381 - Wat Tyler revolt - Jack Straw and 30,000 peasants and poor city folk rebel, march on London.
● 1415 - Henry the Navigator, the prince of Portugal, embarked on an expedition to Africa.
● 1525 - German Reformer Martin Luther, 42, married former nun Katherine von Bora, 26. Their 21-year marriage bore six children. Kate outlived her husband (who died in 1546) by six years. {Despite the marriage and children, Luther believes that sex is still evil and only for procreation never enjoyment.}
● 1611 - John Fabricius dedicates earliest sunspot publication
● 1742 - English founder of Methodism John Wesley wrote in his journal: 'Oh, let none think his labor is lost because the fruit does not immediately appear.'
● 1774 - Rhode Island becomes the first of Britain's North American colonies to ban the importation of slaves.
● 1777 - American Revolutionary War: Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, South Carolina, in order to help the Continental Congress to train its army.
● 1789 - Ice cream was served to General George Washington by Mrs. Alexander Hamilton.
● 1798 - Mission San Luis Rey de Francia founded in California
● 1805 - Lewis and Clark Expedition: Scouting ahead of the expedition, Meriwether Lewis and four companions sight the Great Falls of the Missouri River.
● 1816 - Birth of Edward F. Rimbault, the English church organist who composed the hymn tune to which is sung 'O Happy Day, That Fixed My Choice.'
● 1825 - Walter Hunt patented the safety pin. Hunt then the sold the rights for $400.
● 1837 - 1st Mormon missionaries to the British Isles leave Kirtland, Ohio
● 1865 - William Butler Yeats, the Irish Nobel Prize-winning writer and poet was born.
● 1866 - The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the U.S. Congress. It was ratified on July 9, 1868. The amendment was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of recently freed slaves. It did this by prohibiting states from denying or abridging the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, depriving any person of his life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or denying to any person within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
● 1868 - Ex-slave Oscar Dunn becomes Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana.
● 1868 - Steamship Pennsylvania blows up on the Mississippi River, near Memphis, Tennessee, killing 160.
● 1871 - In Labrador, a hurricane kills 300 people.
● 1873 - J C Watson discovers asteroid #132 Aethra
● 1876 - The Presbyterian Church in England merged with the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, in creating a more uniform representation of the Reformed faith in the British Isles.
● 1879 - A Borrelly discovers asteroid #198 Ampella
● 1881 - The USS Jeannette is crushed in an Arctic Ocean ice pack.
● 1886 - Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings in Vancouver, BC.
● 1886 - King Ludwig II of Bavaria drowned in Lake Starnberg.
● 1888 - Congress creates the Department of Labor
● 1889 - 2' of snow accumulates in Rawlins Wyoming, not unusual except that it is June.
● 1893 - Grover Cleveland undergoes secret, successful surgery to remove large, cancerous portion of his jaw; operation not revealed to US public until 1917, nine years after the president's death.
● 1897 - Birth of Reuben Larson, missionary pioneer who in 1931 (along with Clarence W. Jones) co-founded the World Radio Missionary Fellowship. Since 1969, WRMF has been headquartered in Opa Locka, Florida.
● 1898 - Yukon Territory is formed, with Dawson chosen as its capital.
● 1900 - China's Boxer Rebellion against foreigners and Chinese Christians erupted into violence.
● 1907 - Lowest temp ever in 48 US states for June, 2° F in Tamarack Calif
● 1908 - Ten thousand suffragettes demonstrate in London.
● 1910 - Pilot Charles Hamilton makes 1st 1-day round-trip from NY to Philadelphia
● 1910 - William D Crum, a SC physician, appointed minister to Liberia
● 1912 - Captain Albert Berry made the first successful parachute jump from an airplane in Jefferson, Mississippi.
● 1913 - Ralph Edwards, the host of "This is Your Life" and "Truth or Consequences" was born. Ronald Reagan was the only person to ever substitute for him.
● 1913 - Great Gorge and International Railway trolley passes under garbage chute in Niagara Falls, New York when it breaks, covering the passenger-loaded car in garbage.
● 1920 - The United States Postal Service rules that children may not be sent via parcel post.
● 1922 - Charlie Osborne started the longest attack on hiccups. He hiccuped over 435 million times before stopping. He died in 1991, 11 months after his hiccups ended.
● 1923 - The French set a trade barrier between the occupied Ruhr and the rest of Germany.
● 1925 - Canada - Angry miners burn three company stores in Nova Scotia.
● 1927 - A ticker-tape parade is held for aviator Charles Lindbergh down 5th Avenue in New York City.
● 1927 - For the first time an American Flag was displayed from the right hand of the Statue of Liberty.
● 1930 - 22 people killed by hailstones in Siatista Greece
● 1933 - 1st sodium vapor lamps installed (Schenectady NY)
● 1933 - Federal Home Owners Loan Corporation authorized
● 1934 - Adolf Hitler and Mussolini meet in Venice, Italy; Mussolini later describes the German dictator as "a silly little monkey".
● 1934 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #1349 Bechuana
● 1940 - Paris evacuated before the German advance
● 1942 - 1st V-2 rocket launch, Peenemunde, Germany; reached 1.3 km
● 1942 - The United States opens its Office of War Information.
● 1943 - German spies landed on Long Island, New York. They were soon captured.
● 1944 - World War II: Germany launches a counter attack on Carentan.
● 1944 - Germany launched 10 of its new V1 rockets against Britain from a position near the Channel coast. Of the 10 rockets only 5 landed in Britain and only one managed to kill (6 people in London).
● 1944 - Marvin Camras patented the wire recorder.
● 1946 - 1st transcontinental round-trip flight in 1-day, California-Maryland
● 1949 - Bao Dai entered Saigon to rule Vietnam. He had been installed by the French.
● 1951 - U.N. troops seized Pyongyang, North Korea.
● 1952 - Catalina affair, a Swedish Douglas DC-3 was shot down by a Soviet MiG-15 fighter.
● 1953 - Hungarian Prime Minister Mátyás Rákosi is replaced by Imre Nagy
● 1955 - Mir Mine, the first diamond mine of the USSR, is discovered.
● 1961 - Twenty-seven people deported after swimming ashore in protest of ban of San Francisco-to-Moscow disarmament march. Le Havre, France.
● 1966 - Provo riots in Amsterdam.
● 1966 - The landmark "Miranda vs. Arizona" decision was issued by the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision ruled that criminal suspects had to be informed of their constitutional rights before being questioned by police.
● 1967 - Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall was nominated by President Lyndon B. Johnson to become the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
● 1968 - Friendly Fire - Crew of a U.S. helicopter, "misunderstanding" radio instructions of a Vietnamese Ranger officer, fires a rocket and a blast of machine gun fire at a South Vietnamese command post in Saigon, killing, among others, the Saigon Chief of Police.
● 1968 - Hull of the ship World Glory fails off South Africa, resulting in a 13,524,000 gallon oil spill.
● 1969 - T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2111 Tselina
● 1971 - The New York Times began publishing the "Pentagon Papers". The articles were a secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam.
● 1971 - Perth Observatory discovers asteroids #1806 Derice & #1978 Patrice
● 1972 - T Smirnova discovers asteroid #2604
● 1975 - Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroid #2219 Mannucci
● 1977 - Two hundred indigenous peoples from Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Siberia convene the first Inuit Circumpolar Conference in Barrow, Alaska, urging the ban of all weapons testing and disposal in the Arctic.
● 1977 - Convicted Martin Luther King Jr. assassin James Earl Ray is recaptured after escaping from prison three days before.
● 1978 - Israeli Defense Forces withdraw from Lebanon.
● 1979 - U.S. Court of Claims awards Lakota Nation $122.5 million for government's illegal taking of the Black Hills 1877.
● 1980 - Guyanese historian, activist Walter Rodney assassinated, Georgetown, Guyana.
● 1980 - Rep John Jenrette Jr (D-SC) indicted in "Abscam" investigation
● 1980 - UN Security Council calls for South Africa to free Nelson Mandela
● 1981 - At the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London, a teenager, Marcus Sarjeant, fires six blank shots at Queen Elizabeth II.
● 1981 - Tom Snyder interviews Charles Manson on "Tomorrow"
● 1982 - Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when his brother King Khalid dies at 69
● 1983 - The unmanned U.S. space probe Pioneer 10 became the first spacecraft to leave the solar system. It was launched in March 1972. The first up-close images of the planet Jupiter were provided by Pioneer 10.
● 1985 - Protests in 150 cities lead to 1,756 arrests against U.S. aid for Nicaraguan Contras.
● 1986 - Clarinetist Benny Goodman died at age 77.
● 1986 - President Reagan criticizes South African state of emergency
● 1987 - Daniel Buettner, Bret Anderson, Martin Engel & Anne Knabe complete cycling journey of 15,266 mi from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Argentina
● 1988 - US Supreme Court refuses to hear Yonkers argument they aren't racist
● 1988 - Palestinian nonviolent activist Mubarek Awad deported from Israel. He later settles in Washington, D.C. and founds Nonviolence International.
● 1988 - The Ligger Group, a cigarette manufacturer, was found liable for a lung-cancer death. They were, however, found innocent by the federal jury of misrepresenting the risks of smoking.
● 1989 - U.S. President George H. W. Bush exercised his first Presidential veto on a bill dealing with minimum wage.
● 1990 - Boeing 767 sets nonstop commercial flight, Seattle to Narobi Kenya
● 1990 - Wash DC mayor Marion Barry announces he will not seek a 4th term,
● 1991 - In the first round of the U.S. Open golf tournament a spectator was killed when lightning struck.
● 1992 - Future U.S. President Bill Clinton criticized rap singer Sister Souljah for making remarks "filled with hatred" towards whites.
● 1992 - Law enforcement officials in Texas call for a ban on Ice-T's "Cop Killer" LP. Sales double on the West Coast and in Texas. {Ultimate irony is Ice-T takes role of cop in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.}
● 1993 - U.S. "peacekeeper" shoots 14 unarmed demonstrators, Mogadishu, Somalia. No big-budget Hollywood adaptation of the incident gets made (yet).
● 1994 - A jury in Anchorage, Alaska, blames recklessness by Exxon and Captain Joseph Hazelwood for the Exxon Valdez disaster, allowing victims of the oil spill to seek $15 billion in damages.
● 1994 - O. J. Simpson was questioned by Los Angeles police concerning the deaths of his ex-wife and her friend, Ronald Goldman.
● 1995 - French president Jacques Chirac announces that they would conduct eight more nuclear tests in the South Pacific in French Polynesia.
● 1996 - Four women block a convention center gate and are arrested at a protest of the SUBCON VIII arms trade exhibition in Toronto, Canada.
● 1996 - In Montana, the 81-day standoff between the Freemen and the FBI ended when the anti-government group surrendered.
● 1996 - Guernsey votes to legalize abortion; Guernsey votes to legalize abortion, overturning a ban which dates back to 1910.
● 1997 - A jury voted unanimously to give Timothy McVeigh the death penalty for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing.
● 2000 - Julius "Dr. J." Erving issued a public appeal for help finding his 19-year-old son, Cory. Cory had been missing since May 28, 2000. His body was found July 6, 2000.
● 2000 - In Pyongyang, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il welcomed South Korea's President Kim Dae for a three-day summit. It was the first such meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea.
● 2000 - Italy pardons Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish gunman who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.
● 2004 - Former President George H.W. Bush celebrated his 80th birthday with a 13,000-foot parachute jump over his presidential library in College Station, Texas.
● 2005 - A jury in Santa Maria, Calif., acquitted Michael Jackson of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor at his Neverland ranch.
● 2007 - Al Askari Mosque bombed again.
● 823 - Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of the West Franks (d. 877)
● 1649 - Adrien Baillet, French scholar and critic (d. 1706)
● 1752 - Fanny Burney, English novelist and diarist (d. 1840)
● 1763 - José Bonifácio de Andrade e Silva, Brazilian statesman (d. 1838)
● 1773 - Thomas Young, English scientist (d. 1829)
● 1775 - Antoni Radziwiłł, Polish politician (d. 1833)
● 1786 - Winfield Scott, U.S. general (d. 1866)
● 1790 - Jose Antonio Paez, Venezuelan soldier and politician (d. 1873)
● 1831 - James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish physicist (d. 1879)
● 1864 - Rudolf Kjellén, Swedish political scientist (d. 1922)
● 1864 - Dwight B. Waldo, American educator and historian (d. 1939)
● 1863 - Lady Lucy Duff Gordon, English fashion designer (d. 1935)
● 1865 - William Butler Yeats, Irish writer, Nobel laureate (d. 1939)
● 1870 - Jules Bordet, Belgian immunologist and microbiologist, Nobel laureate (d. 1961)
● 1876 - William Sealey Gosset, English chemist (d. 1937)
● 1879 - Robert Wood, American business executive (d. 1969)
● 1884 - Gerald Gardner, British occultist (d. 1964)
● 1884 - Etienne Gilson, French philosopher (d. 1978)
● 1885 - Elizabeth Schumann, German-born American soprano (d. 1952)
● 1887 - Bruno Frank, German author (d. 1945)
● 1888 - Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese poet (d. 1935)
● 1892 - Basil Rathbone, English actor (d. 1967)
● 1893 - Dorothy L. Sayers, English author (d. 1957)
● 1894 - Mark Van Doren, American poet, writer and teacher (d. 1972)
● 1894 - Dr. Leo Kanner, Austrian-American physician (d. 1981)
● 1897 - Paavo Nurmi, Finnish runner (d. 1973)
● 1899 - Carlos Chávez, Mexican composer (d. 1978)
● 1901 - Tage Erlander, Prime Minister of Sweden (1946-69) (d. 1985)
● 1903 - Harold 'Red' Grange, American football player (d. 1991)
● 1906 - Bruno de Finetti, Italian mathematician (d. 1985)
● 1910 - Mary Whitehouse, British campaigner (d. 2001)
● 1910 - Mary Wickes, American actress (d. 1995)
● 1911 - Luis Alvarez, American physicist, Nobel laureate (d. 1988)
● 1911 - Erwin Müller, German-born physicist (d. 1977)
● 1912 - Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau, French Canadian poet (d. 1943)
● 1915 - Don Budge, American tennis player (d. 2000)
● 1918 - Ben Johnson, American actor (d. 1996)
● 1926 - Paul Lynde, American actor (d. 1982)
● 1928 - John Forbes Nash, American mathematician, Nobel laureate
● 1929 - Alan Civil, English French horn player (d. 1989)
● 1933 - Tom King, British politician
● 1935 - Christo, Bulgarian artist
● 1935 - Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebonnt, French artist
● 1939 - Siegfried, Magician (Siegfried & Roy)
● 1940 - Bobby Freeman, American soul singer
● 1941 - Esther Ofarim, Israeli singer
● 1941 - Marcel Lachemann, American baseball player
● 1943 - Malcolm McDowell, English actor
● 1944 - Ban Ki-moon, the current U.N. Secretary General
● 1945 - Whitley Strieber, American author
● 1947 - Jerrold Nadler, U.S. representative, D-N.Y.
● 1948 - Garnet Bailey, Canadian ice hockey player and executive (d. 2001)
● 1949 - Dennis Locorriere, American singer and guitarist (Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show)
● 1950 - Michael Stark, Australian actor
● 1951 - Richard Thomas, American actor (John-boy on "The Waltons")
● 1951 - Stellan Skarsgard, Swedish actor
● 1951 - Jonathan Hogan, Actor
● 1952 - Tony Bruno, American talkshow host
● 1953 - Tim Allen, American comedian and actor ("Home Improvement")
● 1954 - Andrzej Lepper, Polish politician
● 1955 - Alan Hansen, Scottish football pundit
● 1959 - Steve Georganas, Australian politician
● 1961 - Anders Järryd, Swedish tennis player
● 1962 - Ally Sheedy, American actress
● 1962 - Hannah Storm, TV host ("The Early Show")
● 1962 - Glenn Michibata, Canadian professional tennis player
● 1963 - Bettina Bunge, German tennis player
● 1963 - Paul De Lisle, American musician (Smash Mouth)
● 1964 - Kathy Burke, English actress
● 1965 - Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca
● 1966 - Grigori Perelman, Russian mathematician
● 1968 - David Gray, British musician
● 1968 - Denise Pearson, British singer (Five Star)
● 1969 - Soren Rasted, Rock musician (Aqua)
● 1969 - Jamie Walters, Actor
● 1970 - Chris Cairns, New Zealand cricketer
● 1970 - Rivers Cuomo, American musician (Weezer)
● 1970 - Mikael Ljungberg, Swedish wrestler (d. 2004)
● 1972 - Susan Haynes, Country singer
● 1972 - Natalie MacMaster, Canadian musician
● 1973 - Sam Adams, American football player
● 1973 - Ville Laihiala, Finnish musician (Sentenced, Poisonblack)
● 1974 - Selma Björnsdóttir, Icelandic singer
● 1974 - Steve-O, American television personality ("Jackass")
● 1974 - Brande Roderick, American actress
● 1974 - Takahiro Sakurai, Japanese voice actor
● 1974 - Valeri Bure, Russian ice hockey player
● 1975 - Ante Covic, Australian footballer
● 1976 - Kym Marsh, English singer, actress, & T.V. presenter
● 1978 - Ethan Embry, American actor
● 1978 - Mathis Künzler, Swiss actor
● 1978 - Jason Michael Carroll, Country musician
● 1979 - Nila Håkedal, Norwegian beach volleyball player
● 1980 - Darius Vassell, English footballer
● 1981 - Chris Evans, American actor
● 1981 - Shanna Ferrigno, American reality television star
● 1982 - Kenenisa Bekele, Ethiopian athlete
● 1983 - Sarah Schaub, Actress
● 1983 - Matt Allison, British racing driver
● 1984 - Nery Castillo, Mexican-Uruguayan footballer
● 1985 - Raz-B, American singer (B2K)
● 1985 - Danny Syvret, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1986 - Kat Dennings, American actress
● 1986 - Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, American actresses
● 1036 - Ali az-Zahir, caliph (b. 1005)
● 1231 - Anthony of Padua, Portuguese saint (b. 1195)
● 1256 – Tankei, Japanese sculptor (b. 1173)
● 1636 - George Gordon, 1st Marquess of Huntly, Scottish politician (b. 1562)
● 1645 - Miyamoto Musashi, Japanese swordsman
● 1665 - Egbert Bartholomeusz Kortenaer, Dutch admiral (b. 1604)
● 1760 - Antoine Court, French Huguenot minister (b. 1696)
● 1784 - Henry Middleton, American president of the Continental Congress (b. 1717)
● 1881 - Josef Skoda, Czech physician (b. 1805)
● 1886 - King Ludwig II of Bavaria (b. 1845)
● 1898 - Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau, French Canadian lawyer and politician (b. 1840)
● 1918 - Tsar Mikhail Alexandrovitch Romanov (b. 1878)
● 1931 - Shibasaburo Kitasato, Japanese physician (b. 1851)
● 1943 - Kočo Racin, Macedonian poet (b. 1908)
● 1951 - Ben Chifley, Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1885)
● 1958 - Edwin Keppel Bennett, British writer (b. 1887)
● 1965 - Martin Buber, Austrian philosopher (b. 1878)
● 1965 - David Drummond, Australian politician (b. 1890)
● 1972 - Clyde McPhatter, American musician (b. 1932)
● 1972 - Georg von Békésy, Hungarian biophysicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1899)
● 1972 - Stephanie von Hohenlohe, Austrian-born German World War II spy (b. 1891)
● 1972 - Dündar Taşer, Turkish nationalist (b. 1925)
● 1977 - Matthew Garber, British child actor (Mary Poppins) (b. 1956)
● 1979 - Darla Hood, American actress (b. 1931)
● 1980 - Walter Rodney, Guyanese historian and political figure (b. 1942)
● 1982 - King Khalid of Saudi Arabia (b. 1912)
● 1982 - Peter Maivia, wrestler (b. 1935)
● 1982 - Riccardo Paletti, Formula One driver (b. 1958)
● 1986 - Benny Goodman, American musician (b. 1909)
● 1987 - Geraldine Page, American actress (b. 1924)
● 1989 - Fran Allison, American, early television personality (Kukla, Fran and Ollie) (b. 1907)
● 1993 - Deke Slayton, astronaut (b. 1924)
● 1993 - Gérard Côté, French Canadian runner (b. 1913)
● 1998 - Birger Ruud, Norwegian athlete (b. 1911)
● 2002 - John Hope, American meteorologist (b. 1919)
● 2004 - Dick Durrance, American skier (b. 1914)
● 2004 - Ralph Wiley, American journalist and writer (b. 1952)
● 2005 - Jonathan Adams, English actor (b. 1931)
● 2005 - Álvaro Cunhal, Portuguese politician and writer (b. 1913)
● 2005 - David Diamond, American composer (b. 1915)
● 2005 - Lane Smith, American actor (b. 1936)
● 2006 - Charles Haughey, Taoiseach (b. 1925)
● 2007 - Walid Eido, Lebanese MP (b. 1942)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Agricius, bishop of Sens, confessor
● St. Anthony of Padua, priest, confessor, Doctor of the Church, patron saint of lovers and the poor
● St. Aquilina
● St. Augustine of Huy
● St. Damhnade, virgin
● Sts. Fortunatus & Lucian
● St. Gyavire
● St. Felicitas
● St. Felicola, virgin, martyr
● St. Landoald, bishop, confessor
● St. Leo III, pope
● St. Onuphrius, hermit, confessor
● St. Peregrinus
● St. Ragnobert, martyr
● St. Rambert
● St. Triphyllius
● St. Valerian, bishop
● St. Valericus, bishop
● Bl. Odwin
● Bl. Thomas Woodhouse, martyr
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for May 30 (Civil Date: June 13)
● St. Isaac, founder of the Dalmation Monastery at Constantinople.
● St. James, monk of Galich monastery.
● Martyr Natalius.
● Martyrs Romanus, Meletius, and Euplius.
● Martyr Barlaam of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
● Repose of Abbot Ephraim of Sarov (1778).
● Roman Empire – Quinquatrus Minusculae held in honor of Minerva
● Roman Empire – seventh day of the Vestalia in honor of Vesta
● Yemen Arab Rep : Reform Movement Day
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : Children's Day - ( Sunday )
● Paraguay : Chaco Peace Day (1935) - ( Sunday )
● Shelby, MI : National Asparagus Festival - ( Thursday )
● Great Britain : Queen's official birthday (National Day) - ( Saturday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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