Day of the week in surrounding years:
1978,1984,1989,1995,. . . .—MON—2006
1979,. . . .,1990,1996,2001—TUE—2007
1980,1985,1991,. . . .,2002—WED—2008
. . . .,1986,1992,1997,2003—THU—. . . .
1981,1987,. . . .,1998,2004—FRI—2009
1982,1988,1993,1999,. . . .—SAT—2010
1983,. . . .,1994,2000,2005—SUN—2011
Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Terrorism "Perhaps the biggest success in the War on Terror has been its ability to distract the nation from the Corporate War on us." — Michael Moore
Stupidest and/or Scariest Quote from the Right for the Day: On "Corrections Day" or Damn the Public, Full Speed Ahead "As far as I am concerned, the shutdown of non-essential Federal agencies would constitute the fulfillment of my mission as a Member of Congress. However, in the past, the Government has, in fact, shut down temporarily as Congress and the President fought over the details of the funding of the Federal agencies. I suspect that, outside the Capital Beltway, no one noticed when it was shut down." — Rep. Philip M. Crane (R-IL) defending the actions of his party which resulted in a partial shut-down of the government. Congressional Record, E1973, 10-18-95.
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day: From the world of Sports "Think! How the hell are you gonna think and hit at the same time?" — Few sports figures—and indeed, few figures of any endeavor—have achieved the verbal notoriety of Lawrence "Yogi" Berra, former catcher of the New York Yankees. This is one of the indescribable utterances of Hall of Shame member #6.
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}

Berkeley, California—Times are Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Jan 2, 2008 2:00 AM Name: Waning Crescent Percent of Full: 31% Age: 81% Rise: 2:21 AM Set: 12:39 PM
Surprise, Arizona—Times are Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Jan 2, 2008 2:00 AM Name: Waning Crescent Percent of Full: 31% Age: 81% Rise: 2:31 AM Set: 1:08 PM
Iowa City, Iowa—Times are Central Standard Time (CST)
Jan 2, 2008 2:00 AM Name: Waning Crescent Percent of Full: 31% Age: 81% Rise: 2:22 AM Set: 12:24 PM
Cambridge, Massachusetts—Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Jan 2, 2008 2:00 AM Name: Waning Crescent Percent of Full: 32% Age: 81% Rise: 1:58 AM Set: 11:59 AM
A Galaxy is not a Comet

Credit & Copyright: Emiel Kempen
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 366 - The Alamanni cross the frozen Rhine River in large numbers, invading the Roman Empire.
● 533 - Mercurius becomes Pope John II, the first pope to adopt a new name upon elevation to the papacy.
● 725 - 18-Rabbit, high Mayan king of Copan, installs Cauac-Sky as ruler of Quirigua.
● 1492 - Reconquista: Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, surrenders.
● 1757 - The United Kingdom captures Calcutta, India.
● 1788 - Birth of Etienne Cabet, French utopian socialist and influence on Robert Owen. Utopian colonies based on his ideas will be founded in Illinois, Iowa and Texas.
● 1788 - Georgia becomes the fourth state to ratify the United States Constitution.
● 1791 - Big Bottom massacre in the Ohio Country, marking the beginning of the Northwest Indian War.
● 1793 - Russia and Prussia partition Poland.
● 1800 - Free black community of Philadelphia petitions Congress to abolish slavery.
● 1818 - The British Institution of Civil Engineers is founded.
● 1860 - The discovery of the planet Vulcan is announced at a meeting of the Académie des Sciences in Paris.
● 1871 - Amadeus I becomes King of Spain.
● 1872 - Brigham Young is arrested on charges of bigamy for having 25 wives.
● 1875 - Harriot Kezia Hunt dies in Boston. The most famous female "irregular" medical practitioner who couldn't or wouldn't get a medical degree, Hunt urged women into the profession as the surest way to preserve the modesty of female patients. Finally admitted to Harvard's medical school after years of applying, she was forced to withdraw when male students rioted in protest. Hunt fought to abolish slavery, advocated higher education for women, and supported payment for house work and child-rearing. For 20 years, she registered a formal "taxation without representation" protest when she paid her taxes. Her clinical work rejected the established practice of heavily dosing patients with medications, and instead stressed proper diet, exercise and hygiene.
● 1882 - John D. Rockefeller unites his oil holdings into the Standard Oil trust.
● 1890 - Alice Sanger becomes the first female staffer for the White House.
● 1893 - Sybil Morrison, pacifist feminist, born, Britain.
● 1893 - Webb C. Ball of the General Railroad Timepiece Standards in North America introduces railroad chronometers.
● 1900 - John Hay announces the Open Door Policy to promote trade with China.
● 1903 - Pres. Theodore Roosevelt shuts down post office in Indianola, Mississippi, for refusing to accept its appointed postmistress because she was black. {He continued the Republican tradition of supporting equal rights for blacks something latter-day Republicans would reject in an effort to secure the bigot vote.}
● 1905 - Birth of Michael Tippett, pacifist composer, England.
● 1905 - Conference of Industrial Unionists in Chicago forms the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), fondly known as The Wobblies.
● 1905 - Russo-Japanese War: The Russian garrison surrenders at Port Arthur, China.
● 1917 - The Royal Bank of Canada takes over Quebec Bank.
● 1920 - Attorney General Palmer orders the arrest of and illegal detention of 10,000 Americans, including suspected anarchists, communists, unionists, and other radicals.
● 1920 - Birth of science and science fiction author Isaac Asimov ("Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."), Petrovichi, Russia.
● 1923 - As evidence of his illegal behavior in the Teapot Dome Affair mounted, Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall resigns. Republican President Harding responds by offering Fall an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
● 1924 - Felipe Carrillo Puerto, socialist governor of Yucatan state (Mexico), assassinated.
● 1929 - Canada and the United States agree on a plan to preserve Niagara Falls.
● 1932 - Young gang shoot dead six police in Springfield, Missouri.
● 1935 - Bruno Hauptmann goes on trial for the murder of Charles Lindbergh, Jr., infant son of aviator Charles Lindbergh.
● 1941 - World War II: German bombing severely damages the Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, Wales.
● 1941 - World War II: The U.S. government announces its Liberty ship program to build freighters in support of the war effort.
● 1942 - The United States Navy opens a blimp base at Lakehurst, New Jersey.
● 1942 - World War II: Manila is captured by Japanese forces.
● 1945 - Japanese Americans released from internment camps.
● 1946 - Unable to resume rule after World War II, King Zog of Albania abdicates but retains his claim to the throne.
● 1949 - Luis Muñoz Marín becomes the first democratically elected Governor of Puerto Rico.
● 1952 - In protest against German remilitarization, dock workers refuse to unload munitions from freighter. Hamburg, West Germany.
● 1955 - Panamanian president Jose Antonio Remon is assassinated.
● 1959 - Soviets launch moon probe Luna I. It misses the moon, becoming the first artificial satellite to orbit the moon.
● 1965 - Bomb explodes in Naples, Italy at the Spanish Consulate. The attack is claimed by the Spanish anarchists of the CNT, FAI, and FIJL, which declare - "As long as the Iberian people continue to be oppressed by the fascist dictatorship, dynamite will recall that the voice of freedom cannot be choked. Long live anarchy."
● 1967 - Sixty-nine armed men, plus three CBS cameramen, arrested in Florida Keys as they complete preparations for an invasion of Haiti. It is later revealed that CBS had paid the prospective invaders for exclusive rights to film the landing.
● 1969 - Luis Ferré becomes the first statehooder Governor of Puerto Rico.
● 1969 - Operation Barrier Reef begins in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
● 1970 - U.S. Supreme Court rules unconstitutional General Lewis Hershey's 1967 directive during the Vietnam War that local draft boards reclassify to 1-A (eligible for active duty) anti-draft demonstrators.
● 1971 - The second Ibrox disaster kills 66 fans at a Rangers-Celtic football match.
● 1972 - John Gacy picks up an unidentified teenage boy at the Chicago Greyhound terminal; the boy is the first of his 33 victims, and the only one stabbed instead of strangled.
● 1974 - Belgium - Jean de Boe dies. Anarchist militant, trade unionist, and cooperatist.
● 1974 - Richard Nixon signs a bill lowering the maximum US speed limit to 55 MPH in order to conserve gasoline during an OPEC embargo.
● 1975 - Court rules John Lennon and his lawyers get access to Department of Immigration files regarding his deportation case, to determine if the government case is based on his 1968 British drug conviction or his anti-establishment comments during the Nixon administration years.
● 1978 - Devil's Lake Lakota win settlement of $8.5 million for 1,500 square miles taken illegally from Fort Totten reservation in 1880s.
● 1979 - Trial of ex-Sex Pistol Sid Vicious for the October 1978 murder of girlfriend Nancy Spungen, New York City. Sid never hears the verdict, dying from {suicide} a heroin overdose.
● 1984 - Riot in Tunis kills over 100.
● 1988 - Drinking water supply for thousands is threatened after an Ashland Oil Company storage tank collapsed and spills 860,000 gallons of Diesel fuel into the Monongahela River north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Towns along the Ohio River below Pittsburgh were forced to act as a slick, 20 miles long from bank to bank, moved down river.
● 1991 - Salvadoran rebels shoot down U.S. helicopter and shoot two U.S. military "advisors."
● 1991 - Sharon Pratt Dixon is sworn in as mayor of Washington, DC, becoming the first African American woman to lead a US city of that size and importance.
● 1993 - Leaders of the three warring factions in Bosnia meet to discuss peace plans.
● 1996 - An estimated 100,000 Bangladeshi women travelled from the countryside to attend a rally in Dacca, the capital, to protest Islamic clerics' attacks on women's education and employment.
● 1999 - A brutal snowstorm smashes into the Midwestern United States, causing 14 inches (359 mm) of snow in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and 19 inches (487 mm) in Chicago, where temperatures plunge to -13°F (-25°C); 68 deaths are reported.
● 2001 - Sila Calderón becomes the first female Governor of Puerto Rico.
● 2002 - Eduardo Duhalde is appointed interim President of Argentina by the Legislative Assembly.
● 2004 - Stardust successfully flies past Comet Wild 2, collecting samples that it will return to Earth two years later.
● 1642 - Mehmed IV, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1693)
● 1647 - Nathaniel Bacon, English-born American colonist (d. 1676)
● 1713 - Marie Dumesnil, French actress (d. 1803)
● 1719 - Jacques-Alexandre Laffon de Ladebat, French shipbuilder (d. 1797)
● 1727 - James Wolfe, British general (d. 1759)
● 1777 - Christian Daniel Rauch, German sculptor (d. 1857)
● 1822 - Rudolf Clausius, German physicist (d. 1888)
● 1827 - Peter Semenov of Tian Shan, Russian explorer (d. 1914)
● 1833 - Frederick A. Johnson, American politician (d. 1893)
● 1836 - Mendele Moykher Sforim, Jewish writer (d. 1917)
● 1837 - Mily Balakirev, Russian composer (d. 1910)
● 1870 - Ernst Barlach, German sculptor (d. 1938)
● 1873 - Thérèse de Lisieux, French Roman-Catholic nun (d. 1897)
● 1877 - Slava Raskaj, Croatian painter (d.1906)
● 1886 - Florence Lawrence, Canadian actress (d. 1938)
● 1892 - Seiichiro Kashio, Japanese tennis player (d. 1962)
● 1896 - Dziga Vertov, Russian filmmaker (d. 1954)
● 1897 - Jim Londos, wrestler (d. 1975)
● 1902 - Dan Keating, Irish republican (d. 2007)
● 1904 - Sally Rand, American fan dancer (d. 1979)
● 1905 - Lev Schnirelmann, Russian mathematician (d. 1938)
● 1905 - Michael Tippett, English composer (d. 1998)
● 1905 - Luigi Zampa, Italian film director and screenwriter (d. 1991)
● 1910 - Srirangam Srinivasarao, also known as Sri Sri, Famous Modern Telugu Poet (d. 1983)
● 1913 - Anna Lee, English actress (d. 2004)
● 1917 - Vera Zorina, German dancer (d. 2003)
● 1918 - Willi Graf, member of the White Rose (Weiße Rose) resistance group in Nazi Germany (d. 1943)
● 1920 - Isaac Asimov, Russian-born author (d. 1992)
● 1921 - Glen Harmon, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2007)
● 1925 - William J. Crowe, American admiral and ambassador (d. 2007)
● 1928 - Avie Bennett, Canadian philanthropist
● 1928 - Robert Goralski, American journalist (d. 1988)
● 1928 - Daisaku Ikeda, Japanese writer, president of SGI
● 1930 - Julius LaRosa, American singer
● 1933 - Morimura Seiichi, Japanese novelist
● 1935 - Neil Downing, Irish writer and musician
● 1936 - Roger Miller, American singer (d. 1992)
● 1938 - Ian Brady, British serial killer
● 1938 - Hans Herbjørnsrud, Norwegian author
● 1940 - Jim Bakker, American televangelist
● 1940 - S. R. S. Varadhan, Indian-American mathematician
● 1942 - Dennis Hastert, 59th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
● 1942 - Hugh Shelton, 15th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
● 1944 - Prince Norodom Ranariddh, Cambodian politician
● 1946 - Richard Cole, American tour manager
● 1947 - Jack Hanna, American zoologist
● 1947 - Calvin Hill, American football player
● 1949 - Christopher Durang, American playwright
● 1950 - David Shifrin, American classical clarinetist
● 1951 - Alexander Pogrebinsky, Russian-born painter
● 1954 - Henry Bonilla, American politician
● 1954 - Dawn Silva, American singer (The Brides of Funkenstein, P-Funk)
● 1955 - Tex Brashear, American voice actor
● 1957 - Joanna Pacula, Polish actress
● 1958 - Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Russian pianist
● 1960 - Naoki Urasawa, Japanese manga author
● 1961 - Gabrielle Carteris, American actress
● 1961 - Todd Haynes, American film director
● 1963 - David Cone, American baseball player
● 1963 - Edgar Martinez, American baseball player
● 1964 - Pernell Whitaker, American boxer
● 1965 - Greg Swindell, American baseball player
● 1967 - Tia Carrere, American actress
● 1967 - Jón Gnarr, Icelandic comedian
● 1968 - Cuba Gooding Jr., American actor
● 1968 - Anky van Grunsven, Dutch dressage champion
● 1968 - Evan Parke, Jamaican actor
● 1968 - Goichi Suda, CEO of Grasshopper Manufacture
● 1969 - Tommy Morrison, American boxer
● 1969 - Christy Turlington, American model
● 1969 - Karl-Heinz Grasser, Austrian politician
● 1969 - Róbert Švehla, Slovak ice hockey player
● 1969 - Patrick Huard, Quebec actor and comedian
● 1970 - Royce Clayton, American baseball player
● 1970 - Robert Fertitta, American opera singer
● 1970 - Sanda Ladoşi, Romanian singer
● 1971 - Taye Diggs, American actor
● 1971 - Lisa Harrison, American basketball player
● 1971 - Renee Elise Goldsberry, American actress and singer
● 1972 - Hristos Meletoglou, Greek triple jumper
● 1973 - Lucy Davis, British actress
● 1973 - Will Kirby, American actor
● 1975 - Reuben Thorne, New Zealand rugby union player
● 1975 - Doug Robb, American singer (Hoobastank)
● 1975 - Chris Cheney, Australian musician (The Living End)
● 1976 - Cletidus Hunt, American football player
● 1976 - Danilo Di Luca, Italian cyclist
● 1976 - Paz Vega, Spanish actress
● 1976 - Hrysopiyi Devetzi, triple jump & long jump athlete
● 1976 - Mahée Paiement, Canadian actress
● 1977 - Ales Pisa, Czech ice hockey player
● 1977 - Scott Proctor, American baseball player
● 1978 - Toyoguchi Megumi, Japanese seiyuu (voice actress)
● 1979 - Suranne Jones, British actress
● 1980 - Mac Danzig, American Mixed martial arts combatant
● 1980 - Bill Alldredge, American politician
● 1981 - Hanno Balitsch, German footballer
● 1981 - Kirk Hinrich, basketball player
● 1981 - Maxi Rodríguez, Argentine footballer
● 1981 - Ryan Garko, American baseball player
● 1982 - Athanasia Tsoumeleka, Greek race walker
● 1983 - Kate Bosworth, American actress
● 1984 - Colleen Taylor, American journalist
● 1985 - Heather O'Reilly, American soccer player
● 1987 - Loui Batley, British actress
● 1512 - Svante, Regent of Sweden (b. 1460)
● 1514 - William Smyth, English bishop and statesman (bc. 1460)
● 1557 - Pontormo, Italian painter (b. 1494)
● 1685 - Harbottle Grimston, English politician (b. 1603)
● 1694 - Henry Booth, 1st Earl of Warrington, English politician (b. 1651)
● 1726 - Domenico Zipoli, Italian composer (b. 1688)
● 1892 - George Airy, British Astronomer Royal (b. 1801)
● 1893 - John Obadiah Westwood, British entomologist (b. 1805)
● 1904 - James Longstreet, American Confederate general (b. 1821)
● 1913 - Léon Teisserenc de Bort, French meteorologist (b. 1855)
● 1917 - Edward Burnett Tylor, English anthropologist (b. 1832)
● 1920 - Paul Adam, French novelist (b. 1862)
● 1924 - Sabine Baring-Gould, English composer and novelist (b. 1834)
● 1939 - Roman Dmowski, Polish politician (b. 1864)
● 1946 - Joe Darling, Australian cricketer (b. 1870)
● 1950 - Emil Jannings, Swiss actor and the first winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor (b. 1884)
● 1959 - Chris van Abkoude, Dutch-American writer and novelist (b. 1880)
● 1960 - Fausto Coppi, Italian cyclist (b. 1919)
● 1960 - Paul Sauvé, Canadian politician (b. 1907)
● 1963 - Dick Powell, American actor (b. 1904)
● 1963 - Jack Carson, American actor (b. 1910)
● 1971 - Willard Maas, American educator and experimental filmmaker (b. 1906)
● 1974 - Tex Ritter, American actor (b. 1905)
● 1977 - Errol Garner, American musician (b. 1921)
● 1986 - Una Merkel, American actress (b. 1903)
● 1986 - Bill Veeck, baseball executive (b. 1914)
● 1986 - Dick James, English music publisher (Northern Songs) (b. 1920)
● 1990 - Alan Hale Jr., American actor (b. 1918)
● 1994 - Dixy Lee Ray, American politician (b. 1914)
● 1995 - Siad Barre, President of Somalia (b. 1919)
● 1995 - Nancy Kelly, American actress (b. 1921)
● 1996 - Karl Targownik, Hungarian psychiatrist (b. 1915)
● 1997 - Randy California, American guitarist & songwriter (Spirit) (b. 1951)
● 1999 - Sebastian Haffner, German journalist and author (b. 1907)
● 2000 - Nat Adderley, American musician and composer (b. 1931)
● 2000 - Patrick O'Brian, British novelist (b. 1914)
● 2000 - Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., U.S. admiral (b. 1920)
● 2001 - Teri Diver, American actress (b. 1971)
● 2002 - Armi Aavikko, Finnish singer (b. 1958)
● 2004 - Lynn Cartwright, American actress (b. 1927)
● 2004 - Jess Collins, American artist (b. 1923)
● 2005 - Cyril Fletcher, British comedian (b. 1913)
● 2005 - Frank Kelly Freas, American artist (b. 1922)
● 2005 - Ronald 'Bo' Ginn, American politician (b. 1934)
● 2005 - Maclyn McCarty, American geneticist (b. 1911)
● 2005 - Edo Murtić, Croatian painter (b. 1921)
● 2007 - Teddy Kollek, Austrian-born mayor of Jerusalem (b. 1911)
● 2007 - Robert C. Solomon, American scholar of continental philosophy (b. 1942)
● 2007 - Dan Shaver, NASCAR driver and ARCA race car driver/owner (b. 1950)
● 2007 - David Perkins, Stanford University geneticist (b. 1919)
● 2007 - Paek Nam-sun, North Korean Foreign Affairs minister (b. 1929)
● 2007 - Richard Newton, Australian-born technology pioneer and professor (b. 1951)
● 2007 - Don Massengale, American PGA Tour golf player (b. 1937)
● 2007 - Mauno Jokipii, Finnish professor and World War II researcher (b. 1924)
● 2007 - Sergio Jiménez, Mexican actor (b. 1937)
● 2007 - Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, American historian (b. 1941)
● 2007 - Garry Betty, American CEO of Earthlink (b. 1957)
● 2008 - Thailand's Her Royal Princess Galyani Vadhana, Princess of Narathiwat (b. 1923)
● Roman Catholic
● St. Adelard
● St. Argeus
● St. Artaxus
● St. Aspasius
● St. Basil the Great
● St. Blidulf
● St. Caspar del Bufalo
● St. Gaspar
● St. Gregory of Nazianzus
● St. Macarius the Younger
● St. Martinian
● St. Munchin
● St. Seraphim of Sarov
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for December 20 (Civil Date: January 2)
● Nativity Fast.
● Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ.
● Repose of Righteous John of Kronstadt
● Hieromartyr Ignatius the God bearer, Bishop of Antioch
● St. Philogonius, Bishop of Antioch.
● St. Daniel II, Archbishop of Serbia.
● St. Ignatius, archimandrite of the Kiev Caves.
● New Martyr John of the Isle of Thasos.
● Repose of Anthony, Archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk (1846)
● Repose of Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev (Theodosius in schmea) (1857).
● Haiti - Ancestry Day
● Japan - Second day of New Year
● New Zealand - Second day of New Year
● Scotland - Second day of the Hogmanay Bank Holiday
● Slovenia - Second day of New Year
● Switzerland - St. Berchtold's Day
● Ukraine - Second day of New Year
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Liberal Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
Quotes from the Right of the Day taken from Take Them at Their Words: Startling, Amusing and Baffling Quotations from the GOP and Their Friends, 1994-2004 Compiled by Bruce J. Miller with Diana Maio ©2004
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day taken from 1001 Dumbest Things Ever Said Edited by Steven D. Price ©2004
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