Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Freedom "He alone is worthy of life and freedom, who each day does battle for them anew." — Johann von Goethe {This is the 200th of these liberal quotes I have used. I have received correspondence from the compiler, Bill Martin, expressing his satisfaction and approval for quoting them here. I thank him for his kindness. I have previously completely exhausted the list of Shocking and Stupid from the Right included in his book.}
Stupidest and/or Scariest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Their Cold Dead Hands "As long as I am Speaker of this House, no gun control legislation is going to move in committee or on the floor of the House." — House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), in a letter dated 1-29-95 to Tanya Metaksa of the National Rifle Association. "Gingrich Note Reveals His Vow to NRA," Chicago Tribune, 8-2-95.
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day: From Politics "Democracy used to be a good thing, but now it has gotten into the wrong hands." — Jesse "I never met a black I liked" Helms, senator from North Carolina
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Aurora, Stars, Meteor, Lake, Alaska

Credit & Copyright: Bud Kuenzli
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 768 - Carloman I and Charlemagne are crowned Kings of France.
● 1000 - Leif Erikson reaches Vinland (perhaps New England).
● 1238 - James I of Aragon conquers Valencia and founds the Kingdom of Valencia.
● 1446 - The Hangul alphabet is published in Korea.
● 1514 - Marriage of Louis XII of France and Mary Tudor.
● 1558 - Mérida is founded in Venezuela.
● 1582 - Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar this day does not exist in this year in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
● 1595 - The Spanish army captures Cambrai.
● 1604 - Supernova 1604, the most recent supernova to be observed in the Milky Way.
● 1635 - Roger Williams, a member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and outspoken critic of ill-treatment of Native Americans, is banished from Massachusetts for "religious heresy."
● 1701 - The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
● 1760 - 7 Year's War: Russian forces occupy Berlin.
● 1771 - The Dutch merchant ship Vrouw Maria sinks near the coast of Finland.
● 1776 - Father Francisco Palou founds Mission San Francisco de Asis in what is now San Francisco, California.
● 1799 - Sinking of HMS Lutine, with the loss of 240 men and a cargo worth £1,200,000.
● 1804 - Hobart, capital of Tasmania, is founded.
● 1806 - Prussia declares war on France.
● 1812 - War of 1812: In a naval engagement on Lake Erie, American forces capture two British ships: HMS Detroit and HMS Caledonia.
● 1820 - Guayaquil declares independence from Spain.
● 1823 - Birth of Mary Ann Shadd, Wilmington, Delaware. Publisher of Canada's first anti-slavery newspaper, "The Provincial Freeman," and the first woman in North America to publish and edit a newspaper.
● 1824 - Slavery is abolished in Costa Rica.
● 1831 - Capo d'Istria is assassinated.
● 1835 - Royal College, Colombo established with the name Hillstreet Academy in Sri Lanka.
● 1837 - Meeting at the U.S. Naval Academy establishes the U.S. Naval Institute.
● 1845 - The eminent and controversial Anglican, John Henry Newman, is received into the Roman Catholic Church. {His name is given to Catholic Student centers on college and university campuses all over the world.}
● 1854 - Beginning of the siege of Sebastopol.
● 1861 - American Civil War: Battle of Santa Rosa Island - Union troops repel Confederate attempt to capture Fort Pickens.
● 1864 - American Civil War: Battle of Tom's Brook - Union cavalrymen in the Shenandoah Valley defeat Confederate forces at Tom's Brook, Virginia.
● 1871 - The Great Chicago Fire is brought under control.
● 1874 - General Postal Union is created as a result of the Treaty of Berne.
● 1880 - The last congress of the Jurassic Federation, Chaux-de-Fonds, reaffirms its commitment to anarchist communist goals, "consequence necessaire et inevitable de la revolution sociale."
● 1886 - Haymarket anarchists sentenced to death.
● 1888 - The Washington Monument officially opens to the general public.
● 1906 - Birth of Leopold Senghor, poet and co-founder of the Negritude movement in African art and literature, Senegal, French West Africa. Spent two years in Nazi concentrations camps where he wrote some of his best poetry. Inducted in the Academie Francaise in 1984, the first black member.
● 1910 - Forest fires in Minnesota destroys six towns, killing 400 people and destroying $100 million worth of property.
● 1911 - Revolution led by Sun Yat Sen against monarchy and for democracy in China.
● 1914 - World War I: Siege of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium falls to German troops.
● 1919 - International Fellowship of Reconciliation founded, Bilthoven, Netherlands.
● 1932 - Stalin expels two of Lenin's colleagues from Politburo, extending his clampdown on rivals. Gone are Kamenev and Ninoviev from the Communist party, sent to Siberia for the second time in as many years.
● 1934 - Regicide at Marseille: The assassination of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, Foreign Minister of France.
● 1936 - Anarchist journal "Guerre de classe," founded by Camillo Berneri, appears.
● 1936 - Generators at Boulder Dam (later renamed to Hoover Dam) begin to generate electricity from the Colorado River and transmit it 266 miles to Los Angeles, California.
● 1940 - Birth of John Lennon, Liverpool, England.
● 1940 - World War II: Battle of Britain - During a nighttime air raid by the German Luftwaffe, St. Paul's Cathedral in the City of London, England is hit by a bomb.
● 1941 - A coup in Panama declares Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango the new president.
● 1942 - Statute of Westminster 1931 formalizes Australian autonomy.
● 1942 - The last day of the October Matanikau action on Guadalcanal as United States Marine Corps forces withdraw back across the Matanikau River after destroying most of the Imperial Japanese Army's 4th Infantry Regiment.
● 1944 - Birth of reggae legend Peter Tosh.
● 1945 - Parade in NYC for Fleet Admiral Nimitz and 13 USN/USMC Medal of Honor recipients
● 1962 - Uganda becomes an independent Commonwealth realm.
● 1963 - In northeast Italy, over 2,000 people are killed when a large landslide behind the Vajont Dam causes a giant wave of water to overtop it.
● 1967 - A day after being caught, Che Guevara is executed for attempting to incite a revolution in Bolivia.
● 1969 - In Chicago, the United States National Guard is called in for crowd control as demonstrations continue in connection with the trial of the "Chicago Eight" (trial started on September 24).
● 1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn turns down Nobel Prize for Literature.
● 1970 - The Khmer Republic is proclaimed in Cambodia.
● 1977 - 20,000 Japanese farmers, students, and workers demonstrate against construction of Narita airport on scarce farmland.
● 1977 - Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Amnesty International, also to Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams, militants of the Peace People movement in Northern Ireland.
● 1981 - Abolition of capital punishment in France.
● 1982 - Trade union "Solidarity" declared illegal, Poland.
● 1983 - James Watt resigns as Secretary of the Interior. Devastation of natural resources continues anyhow. {He believed we needed to rape the Earth for all its worth because the Second Coming was at hand.}
● 1983 - Rangoon bombing: attempted assassination of South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan during an official visit to Rangoon, Burma. Chun survives but the blast kills 17 of his entourage, including four cabinet ministers, and 17 others were injured. Four Burmese officials also die in the blast.
● 1989 - An official news agency in the Soviet Union reports the landing of a UFO in Voronezh.
● 1989 - In Leipzig, East Germany, 80,000 nonviolent protesters march and demand {freedom} the legalization of opposition groups and democratic reforms.
● 1991 - Ecuador becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
● 1992 - Women In Black begin regular vigils against war, Belgrade, Serbia.
● 1992 - A 13 kilogram (est.) meteorite lands in the driveway of the Knapp residence in Peekskill, New York, destroying the family's 1980 Chevrolet Malibu
● 1995 - An Amtrak Sunset Limited train is derailed by saboteurs near Palo Verde, Arizona. {Palo Verde is also the site of a triple reactor nuclear power plant.}
● 2001 - Second mailing of anthrax letters from Trenton, New Jersey in the 2001 anthrax attack.
● 2004 - {So called} Democratic elections held for the first time in Afghanistan.
● 2005 - Smoking is completely banned on the UK rail network.
● 2006 - North Korea allegedly tests its first nuclear device.
● 1201 - Robert de Sorbon, French theologian and founder of the Sorbonne (d. 1274)
● 1221 - Salimbene di Adam, Italian chronicler
● 1261 - King Dinis of Portugal (d. 1325)
● 1328 - King Peter I of Cyprus (d. 1369)
● 1581 - Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac, French mathematician (d. 1638)
● 1585 - Heinrich Schütz, German composer (d. 1672)
● 1586 - Archduke Leopold V of Austria (d. 1632)
● 1704 - Ján Andrej Segner, Slovak and German mathematician, physicist, and physician (d. 1777)
● 1757 - King Charles X of France (d. 1836)
● 1796 - Joseph Bonomi the Younger, English Egyptologist (d. 1878)
● 1835 - Camille Saint-Saëns, French composer (d. 1921)
● 1840 - Simeon Solomon, British artist (d. 1905)
● 1852 - Hermann Emil Fischer, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1919)
● 1859 - Alfred Dreyfus, French military officer (d. 1935)
● 1871 - George Gauthier, Bishop of Montreal and rector of the Université de Montréal (d. 1940)
● 1873 - Karl Schwarzschild, German physicist and astronomer (d. 1916)
● 1873 - Charles Walgreen, American entrepreneur (d. 1939)
● 1873 - Carl Flesch, Hungarian violinist (d. 1944)
● 1874 - Nicholas Roerich, Russian painter (d. 1947)
● 1879 - Max von Laue, German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1960)
● 1886 - Rube Marquard, American baseball player (d. 1980)
● 1888 - Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, Russian politician (d. 1938)
● 1890 - Aimee Semple McPherson, American evangelist (d. 1944)
● 1892 - Ivo Andrić, Serbo-Croatian writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1975)
● 1892 - Marina Tsvetaeva, Russian poet (d. 1941)
● 1893 - Mário de Andrade, Brazilian writer and photographer (d. 1945)
● 1900 - Alastair Sim, Scottish actor (d. 1976)
● 1902 - Freddie Young, British cinematographer (d. 1998)
● 1903 - Walter O'Malley, American baseball executive (d. 1979)
● 1906 - Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegalese poet and politician (d. 2001)
● 1907 - Quintin Hogg, British politician (d. 2001)
● 1907 - Jacques Tati, French filmmaker (d. 1982)
● 1908 - Harry Hooton, Australian poet (d. 1961)
● 1909 - Donald Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 2000)
● 1911 - Joe Rosenthal, American photographer (d. 2006)
● 1915 - Clifford M. Hardin, United States Secretary of Agriculture
● 1917 - Thelonious Monk, American jazz musician (d. 1982)
● 1918 - E. Howard Hunt, American Watergate figure (d. 2007)
● 1918 - Lila Kedrova, Russian-born actress (d. 2000)
● 1920 - Jens Bjørneboe, Norwegian author (d. 1976)
● 1921 - Michel Boisrond, French film director (d. 2002)
● 1922 - Léon Dion, Quebec political scientist (d. 1997)
● 1923 - Fyvush Finkel, American actor
● 1925 - Johnny Stompanato, American organized crime figure (d. 1958)
● 1926 - Danièle Delorme, French actress
● 1928 - Einojuhani Rautavaara, Finnish composer
● 1931 - Tony Booth, British actor and father of Cherie Blair
● 1933 - Peter Mansfield, British physicist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate
● 1934 - Jill Ker Conway, Australian-American author
● 1935 - Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, member of the British Royal Family
● 1936 - Brian Blessed, English actor
● 1938 - Heinz Fischer, Austrian politician
● 1940 - John Lennon, British musician and songwriter (The Beatles) (d. 1980)
● 1940 - Joe Pepitone, American baseball player
● 1941 - Trent Lott, American politician
● 1941 - Brian Lamb, Founder of c-span
● 1941 - Chucho Valdés, Cuban musician
● 1944 - John Entwistle, British musician (The Who) (d. 2002)
● 1944 - Nona Hendryx, American singer (LaBelle)
● 1945 - Taiguara, Brazilian musician (d. 1996)
● 1946 - Tansu Çiller, Prime Minister of Turkey
● 1947 - France Gall, French singer
● 1947 - William E. McAnulty, Jr., American lawyer (d. 2007)
● 1947 - Tony Zappone, American broadcaster, journalist, author, photographer
● 1948 - Jackson Browne, American musician
● 1950 - Jody Williams, American teacher and aid worker, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
● 1950 - Brian Downing, former baseball player
● 1952 - Sharon Osbourne, English music manager and wife of Ozzy Osbourne
● 1953 - Tony Shalhoub, American actor
● 1954 - Scott Bakula, American actor
● 1954 - Anne-Marie Goumba, African politician
● 1954 - John O'Hurley, American actor and game show host
● 1957 - Don Garber, American sports commissioner
● 1958 - Michael Pare, American actor
● 1958 - Al Jourgensen, American musician (Ministry)
● 1960 - Kenny Garrett, American jazz saxophonist
● 1961 - Julian Bailey, British racing driver
● 1962 - Jorge Burruchaga, Argentinian footballer
● 1964 - Bobby Flay, American celebrity chef and restaurateur
● 1964 - Guillermo del Toro, Mexican film director
● 1966 - Christopher Östlund, Swedish Publisher and entrepreneur
● 1966 - David Cameron, British politician
● 1967 - Eddie Guerrero, American professional wrestler (d. 2005)
● 1969 - P.J. Harvey, English musician
● 1970 - Kenny Anderson, American basketball player
● 1970 - Park Sang-min, South Korean actor
● 1970 - Savannah, American pornographic actress (d. 1994)
● 1970 - Annika Sörenstam, Swedish golfer
● 1971 - Simon Atlee, British photographer (d. 2004)
● 1971 - Michael Manna, American professional wrestler
● 1972 - Sarah Vandenbergh, Australian actor
● 1973 - Terry Balsamo, American guitarist
● 1973 - Steven Burns, American actor and musician
● 1973 - Erin Daniels, American actress
● 1973 - Fabio Lione, Italian musician (Rhapsody)
● 1973 - Carlos Pavón, Honduran footballer
● 1975 - Sean Lennon, American musician & son of ex-beatle John Lennon
● 1975 - Mark Viduka, Australian footballer
● 1976 - Nick Swardson American Actor
● 1977 - Brian Roberts, American baseball player
● 1978 - Nicky Byrne, Irish musician (Westlife)
● 1978 - Juan Dixon, American basketball player
● 1979 - Gonzalo Sorondo, Uruguayan footballer
● 1979 - Brandon Routh, American actor
● 1979 - Todd Kelly, Australian racing driver
● 1980 - Henrik Zetterberg, Swedish ice hockey player
● 1981 - Peter Hill, British Music Photographer
● 1981 - Zachery Ty Bryan, American actor
● 1981 - Darius Miles, American basketball player
● 1982 - António Mendonça, Angolan footballer
● 1982 - Shi Jun, Chinese footballer
● 1983 - Andreas Zuber, Austrian racing driver
● 1983 - Stephen Gionta, American ice hockey player
● 1986 - Laure Manaudou, French swimmer
● 1992 - Tyler James Williams, American actor
● 1994 - Jodelle Ferland, Canadian actress
● 1047 - Pope Clement II (b. 1005)
● 1253 - Robert Grosseteste, English statesman and bishop
● 1273 - Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Germany
● 1390 - King John I of Castile (b. 1358)
● 1555 - Justus Jonas, German Protestant reformer (b. 1493)
● 1562 - Gabriele Falloppio, Italian anatomist and early advocate for the use of condoms. (b. 1523)
● 1569 - Vladimir of Staritsa, Russian prince (b. 1533)
● 1597 - Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Japanese shogun (b. 1537)
● 1691 - William Sacheverell, English statesman (b. 1638)
● 1709 - Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland, English mistress of Charles II of England (b. 1640)
● 1729 - Richard Blackmore, English physician and writer (b. 1654)
● 1793 - Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, French missionary (b. 1718)
● 1797 - Vilna Gaon, Lithuanian rabbi (b. 1720)
● 1806 - Benjamin Banneker, American astronomer (b. 1731)
● 1831 - John Capodistria, Governor of Greece (b. 1776)
● 1873 - George Ormerod, English historian and antiquarian (b. 1785)
● 1924 - Valery Bryusov, Russian writer and critic (b. 1873)
● 1934 - King Alexander I of Yugoslavia (assassinated) (b. 1888)
● 1934 - Louis Barthou, Prime Minister of France (assassinated) (b. 1862)
● 1940 - Wilfred Grenfell, medical missionary to Newfoundland and Labrador (b. 1865).
● 1941 - Helen Morgan, American singer and actress (b. 1900)
● 1943 - Pieter Zeeman, Dutch physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1865)
● 1950 - George Hainsworth, National Hockey League goaltender (b. 1895)
● 1955 - Theodor Cardinal Innitzer, Austrian Catholic archbishop (b. 1875)
● 1956 - Marie Doro, American actress (b. 1882)
● 1958 - Pope Pius XII (b. 1876)
● 1962 - Milan Vidmar, Slovenian electrical engineer and chess player (b. 1885)
● 1967 - Che Guevara, Argentine revolutionary and guerilla leader (executed) (b. 1928)
● 1967 - Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, English chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1897)
● 1967 - André Maurois, French author (b. 1885)
● 1968 - Pierre Mulele, Congolese revolutionary (b. 1929)
● 1972 - Miriam Hopkins, American actress (b. 1902)
● 1974 - Oskar Schindler, German businessman (b. 1908)
● 1976 - Walter Warlimont, German General WWII (b. 1894)
● 1978 - Jacques Brel, Belgian singer and actor (b. 1929)
● 1985 - Emílio Garrastazu Médici, president of Brazil (b. 1905)
● 1987 - Guru Gopinath, Indian classical dancer (b. 1908)
● 1987 - Clare Boothe Luce, American diplomat (b. 1903)
● 1987 - William Parry Murphy, American physician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1892)
● 1989 - Penny Lernoux, American journalist and author (b. 1940)
● 1995 - Alec Douglas-Home, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1903))
● 1996 - Walter Kerr, American theater critic (b. 1913)
● 1999 - Milt Jackson, American jazz vibraphonist (b. 1923)
● 1999 - Akhtar Hameed Khan, pioneer of Microcredit in developing countries (b. 1914)
● 2000 - David Dukes, American actor (b. 1945)
● 2000 - Patrick Anthony Porteous, Scottish recipient of the Victoria Cross (b. 1918)
● 2001 - Dagmar, American television personality (b. 1921)
● 2001 - Herbert Ross, American film director and producer (b. 1927)
● 2002 - Charles Guggenheim, American film director/producer (b. 1924)
● 2005 - Louis Nye, American comedian and actor (b. 1913)
● 2006 - Paul Hunter, professional snooker player (b. 1978)
● 2006 - Raymond Noorda, co-founder and long time CEO of Novell (b. 1924)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Denis
● St. Ghislain
● St. John Leonardi
● St. Louis Bertrand, patron saint of Colombia.
● French Republican Calendar - Sarrasin (Buckwheat) Day, eighteenth day in the Month of Vendémiaire
● Ecuador - Guayaquil's Independence Day (from Spain 1820) (Dia de la independencia de Guayaquil)
● Romania - Romanian Holocaust Remembrance Day
● South Korea - Hangul Day: celebrating the invention of Hangul, the native Korean phonetic alphabet.
● Uganda - Independence Day (from Britain, 1962)
● Leif Erikson Day - in United States, Iceland and Norway: celebrating the first European landing in North America
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Liberal Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
Quotes from the Right of the Day taken from Take Them at Their Words: Startling, Amusing and Baffling Quotations from the GOP and Their Friends, 1994-2004 Compiled by Bruce J. Miller with Diana Maio ©2004
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day taken from 1001 Dumbest Things Ever Said Edited by Steven D. Price ©2004
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