Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Fear "If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." — Albert Einstein
Stupidest and/or Scariest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Cracks in the Melting Pot "Just as ethnic identity, militancy and loyalty are tearing Quebec from Canada and Scotland from England, so ethnic militancy among blacks and Hispanics in is tearing at the fabric of national union." — Patrick J. Buchanan, "Roiling on the Right," New York Post, 5-7-97.
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day: From Politics "In the words of George Bernard Shaw, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by." — Indiana governor Evan Bayh, misquoting and misidentifying Robert Frost, in a speech calling for educational excellence given at a meeting of the Indiana Educational Committee
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603

Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/ Hubble Collaboration
Acknowledgment: J. Maiz Apellaniz (Inst. Astrofisica Andalucia) et al., & Davide de Martin (
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 869 - The Fourth Council of Constantinople is convened to decide about what to do about Patriarch Photius of Constantinople.
● 1143 - The king Alfonso VII of Leon recognizes Portugal as a Kingdom.
● 1550 - Foundation of Concepción, city in Chile.
● 1582 - Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar this day does not exist in this year in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
● 1665 - The University of Kiel is founded.
● 1789 - French Revolution: Women of Paris march to Versailles in the March on Versailles to confront Louis XVI about his refusal to promulgate the decrees on the abolition of feudalism, demand bread, and have the King and his court moved to Paris. Declaration of the Rights of Man.
● 1793 - French Revolution: Christianity is disestablished in France.
● 1813 - Native American chief Tecumseh killed by U.S. military. Thames River, Ontario, Canada.
● 1839 - Birth of Eugene Varlin, near Paris. Bookbinder, working militant, internationalist, anarchist. Forced into exile, returns with the fall of the empire, and during the Paris Commune of 1871, elected a member of the commune. Shot during the last week.
● 1857 - The City of Anaheim was founded. {Yes Virginia, there was an Anaheim with no Mickey Mouse.}
● 1864 - The Indian city of Calcutta is almost totally destroyed by a cyclone; 60,000 die.
● 1869 - A strong hurricane devastates the Bay of Fundy region of Maritime Canada. The storm had been predicted over a year before by a British naval officer.
● 1877 - At Eagle Creek in Bear Paw Mountains, Montana, Nez Perce leader Chief Joseph surrenders his rifle after months in which his starving band eluded pursuing federal troops - "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." Earlier in the year, the U.S. government broke a land treaty with the Nez Perce Indians, forcing the group out of their homeland in Wallowa Valley in the Northwest for relocation in Idaho. In the midst of their journey, Chief Joseph learned three young Nez Perce warriors, enraged at the loss of their homeland, had massacred a band of white settlers. Fearing retaliation by the Army, he began one of the greatest retreats in American military history. For over three months, Chief Joseph led less than 300 Nez Perce Indians toward the Canadian border, covering a distance of over 1,000 miles as the Nez Perce outmaneuvered and battled over 2,000 pursuing U.S. soldiers. Finally, only 40 miles short of his Canadian goal, they were cornered, and forcibly relocated.
● 1878 - George B. Vashion dies of yellow fever in Rodney, Miss. Poet and first African-American lawyer in New York.
● 1895 - The first individual time trial for racing cyclists is held on a 50-mile course north of London.
● 1903 - Birth of Germinal Esgleas, Barcelona. Spanish anarchist militant, Secretary-General of the CNT. Active in exile (in France), he was sentenced to prison by the Vichy government.
● 1903 - Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and Richard O'Connor are appointed as foundation justices.
● 1905 - Wilbur Wright pilots Wright Flyer III in a flight of 24 miles in 39 minutes, a world record that stood until 1908.
● 1909 - Thirty-two die in Extension Mine, Ladysmith, British Columbia.
● 1910 - Portugal overthrows its monarchy and declares itself a republic.
● 1914 - World War I first aerial combat resulting in a kill.
● 1915 - Bulgaria enters World War I as one of the Central Powers.
● 1929 - Nicaraguan National Guard garrison mutinied, murdering its U.S. Marine commander.
● 1930 - British Airship R101 crashed in France en-route to India on its maiden voyage.
● 1931 - Two thousand invade Cleveland City Hall in unemployment demonstration.
● 1934 - French surrealist/anarchist filmmaker Jean Vigo dies. Son of the anarchist Eugene Vigo.
● 1934 - Forty thousand miners and iron workers strike, seizing towns around Gijon, Spain. Three thousand killed.
● 1935 - Xaman Massacre - Guatemalan Army kills 11 recently returned refugees.
● 1936 - The Jarrow March sets off for London.
● 1942 - Heinrich Himmler orders all concentration camp inmates to be transported to Auschwitz or Majdanek, Poland.
● 1944 - Canadian Air Force pilots shoot down the first German jet fighter over France.
● 1945 - Hollywood Black Friday: A six month strike by Hollywood set decorators turns into a bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers' studios.
● 1947 - The first televised White House address is given by U.S. President Harry S. Truman.
● 1953 - The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held. {Attendance was NOT taken.}
● 1958 - Clinton, Tenn. high school, which was desegregated in 1956, is destroyed by three predawn dynamite explosions.
● 1966 - Sodium cooling system malfunction caused a partial core meltdown at the Enrico Fermi demonstration breeder reactor near Detroit, Michigan. Radiation was reportedly contained.
● 1968 - Cambodia allows Vietcong to seek sanctuary.
● 1968 - Police break up civil rights demonstration. Derry, Northern Ireland.
● 1968 - Seattle police kill Black Panther member Welton "Butch" Armstead during an arrest for suspicion of car theft.
● 1969 - Dianne Linkletter, daughter of TV personality Art Linkletter and an aspiring actress, leaps to her death from her West Hollywood apartment. Linkletter claims his daughter was under the influence of LSD at the time of her apparent suicide.
● 1969 - In an embarrassing breach of the United States' air defense capability, a Cuban defector enters U.S. air space undetected. Lands his Soviet-made MiG-17 at Homestead Air Force Base near Miami, Florida, where the presidential aircraft Air Force One is waiting to return Pres. Nixon to Washington.
● 1969 - Premiere of "Monty Python's Flying Circus."
● 1969 - Blacks riot in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
● 1970 - PBS became a television network.
● 1970 - Montreal, Quebec: British Trade Commissioner James Cross is kidnapped by members of the FLQ terrorist group.
● 1971 - Arctic Slope Native Association files suit against Alaska, claiming the 76,000 acre North Slope.
● 1973 - Signature of the European Patent Convention.
● 1974 - Guildford pub bombing by the IRA leaves 5 dead and 65 injured.
● 1979 - Two thousand activists demonstrate against development of uranium mines in Black Hills, South Dakota.
● 1981 - Raoul Wallenberg becomes an honorary U.S. citizen.
● 1983 - Labor militant and Solidarity founder Lech Walesa wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
● 1984 - Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger.
● 1986 - Israeli secret nuclear weapons were revealed. The British newspaper The Sunday Times ran Mordechai Vanunu's story on its front page under the headline: "Revealed — the secrets of Israel's nuclear arsenal." {Many MSM sources will for years still put Israel in the "maybe" column.}
● 1987 - U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear Leonard Peltier appeal.
● 1988 - The Chilean opposition coalition Concertación (center-left) defeat Augusto Pinochet in his re-election intentions. Next year a general election was called.
● 1990 - Seventy-five thousand Costa Rican service workers strike against government austerity measures demanded by International Monetary Fund "structural adjustment program."
● 1990 - Meir Kahane, founder of extreme right-wing Jewish Defense League, assassinated at 58.
● 1990 - Cincinnati jury acquits art gallery of obscenity for displaying photography of Robert Mappelthorpe.
● 1990 - After one hundred and fifty years The Herald broadsheet newspaper in Melbourne, Australia, is published for the last time as a separate newspaper.
● 1991 - "Stop the hatred to stop the war" demonstration, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
● 1991 - An Indonesian military transport crashes after takeoff from Jakarta killing 137.
● 1991 - The first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, is released.
● 1994 - Italy becomes 54th country to abolish the death penalty.
● 1995 - In a protest of proposed Medicare and Medicaid cuts, 31 people are arrested for occupying King County Republican Party headquarters in Seattle. Related demonstrations take place in Bellingham, Tacoma, Everett, and Yakima.
● 1999 - The Ladbroke Grove rail crash in west London kills 31 people.
● 2000 - Mass demonstrations in Belgrade lead to resignation of Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević. These demonstrations are often called the Bulldozer Revolution.
● 2001 - Robert Stevens becomes the first victim in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
● 2001 - Tom Ridge resigns as Governor of Pennsylvania to become President Bush's Homeland Security Advisor. {also Color Coordinator and Head Fear Monger}
● 1520 - Alessandro Cardinal Farnese, Italian cardinal (d. 1589)
● 1641 - Françoise-Athénaïs, marquise de Montespan, French mistress of King Louis XIV of France (d. 1707)
● 1658 - Mary of Modena, queen of James II of England (d. 1718)
● 1695 - John Glas, Scottish minister (d. 1773)
● 1703 - Jonathan Edwards, American minister (d. 1758)
● 1712 - Francesco Guardi, Italian painter (d. 1793)
● 1713 - Denis Diderot, French philosopher and encylopedist (d. 1784)
● 1715 - Victor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau, French economist (d. 1789)
● 1717 - Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle duchess de Châteauroux, French mistress of King Louis XV of France (d. 1744)
● 1781 - Bernard Bolzano, Czech mathematician and philosopher (d. 1848)
● 1792 - Joseph Crosfield, English soap and alkali manufacturer (d. 1844)
● 1795 - Alexander Keith, Scottish-born Canadian brewer (d. 1873)
● 1820 - David Wilber, American politician (d. 1890)
● 1824 - Henry Chadwick, English-born American baseball writer and statistician (d. 1908)
● 1829 - Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States (d.1886)
● 1848 - Guido von List, German writer (d. 1919)
● 1850 - Sergey Muromtsev, Russian lawyer and politician, and President of the First Imperial Duma (d. 1910)
● 1864 - Louis Lumière, French film pioneer (d. 1948)
● 1878 - Louise Dresser, American actress (d. 1965)
● 1879 - Francis Peyton Rous, American pathologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1970)
● 1882 - Robert Goddard, American rocket scientist (d. 1945)
● 1887 - René Cassin, French judge, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (d. 1976)
● 1889 - Teresa de la Parra, Venezuelan writer (d. 1936)
● 1892 - Remington Kellogg, American naturalist (d. 1969)
● 1894 - Bevil Rudd, South African athlete (d. 1948)
● 1901 - John Alton, American cinematographer (d. 1996)
● 1902 - Larry Fine, American actor and comedian (d. 1975)
● 1902 - Ray Kroc, American fast food entrepreneur (d. 1984)
● 1903 - M. King Hubbert, American geophysicist (d. 1989)
● 1904 - John Hoyt, American film and television actor (d. 1991)
● 1905 - Harriet E. MacGibbon, American actress (d. 1987)
● 1907 - Mrs. Miller, American singer (d. 1997)
● 1908 - Joshua Logan, American film director and writer (d. 1988)
● 1911 - Flann O'Brien, Irish humorist (d. 1966)
● 1912 - Fritz Fischer (medical doctor), Nazi war criminal
● 1913 - Eugene Bennett Fluckey American Navy Submariner (d. 2007)
● 1917 - Allen Ludden, American television game show host (d. 1981)
● 1919 - Donald Pleasence, English actor (d. 1995)
● 1921 - Bill Willis, American football player
● 1922 - José Froilán González, Argentine race car driver
● 1922 - Bil Keane, American cartoonist
● 1922 - Jock Stein, Scottish footballer and manager (d. 1985)
● 1923 - Albert Guðmundsson, Icelandic footballer (d. 1994)
● 1923 - Glynis Johns, British actress
● 1923 - Bill Wirtz, longtime Chicago Blackhawks owner (d. 2007)
● 1924 - Bill Dana, American actor
● 1924 - Barbara Kelly, Canadian-born actress (d. 2007)
● 1924 - José Donoso, Chilean writer (d. 1996)
● 1925 - Gail Davis, American actress (d. 1997)
● 1925 - Bob Thaves, American cartoonist (d. 2006)
● 1926 - Willi Unsoeld, American climber (d. 1979)
● 1928 - Louise Fitzhugh, American author (d. 1974)
● 1929 - Richard F. Gordon, Jr., American astronaut
● 1930 - Anne Haddy, Australian actress (d. 1999)
● 1930 - Pavel Popovich, Soviet cosmonaut
● 1930 - Reinhard Selten, German economist, Nobel laureate
● 1932 - Michael John Rogers, English ornithologist (d. 2006)
● 1933 - Diane Cilento, Australian actress
● 1934 - Angelo Buono, Jr., American serial killer (d. 2002)
● 1935 - Arlene Saunders, American soprano
● 1936 - Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic
● 1937 - Barry Switzer, American football coach
● 1938 - Teresa Heinz Kerry, American philanthropist
● 1939 - Marie Laforêt, French singer and actress
● 1939 - Marie-Claire Blais, French Canadian author and playwright
● 1941 - Eduardo Duhalde, President of Argentina
● 1942 - Richard Street, American singer (The Temptations)
● 1943 - Steve Miller, American musician (Steve Miller Band)
● 1945 - Brian Connolly, Scottish singer (Sweet) (d. 1997)
● 1945 - Geoff Leigh, English jazz and progressive rock musician
● 1946 - Zahida Hina, Pakistani columnist
● 1946 - Jean Perron, Canadian ice hockey coach
● 1947 - Brian Johnson, English singer (AC/DC)
● 1948 - Tawl Ross, American musician (P Funk)
● 1948 - Zoran Živković, Serbian writer
● 1949 - Ralph Goodale, Canadian politician
● 1949 - Bill James, American baseball writer
● 1949 - B. W. Stevenson, American singer (d. 1988)
● 1950 - 'Fast' Eddie Clarke, English guitarist (Motörhead, Fastway)
● 1950 - Jeff Conaway, American actor
● 1950 - Edward P. Jones, American writer
● 1951 - Karen Allen, American actress
● 1951 - Bob Geldof, Irish singer (The Boomtown Rats) and activist
● 1952 - Clive Barker, English writer
● 1952 - Duncan Regehr, Canadian actor
● 1952 - Gigi Sabani, Italian TV host (d. 2007)
● 1953 - Russell Mael, American pop singer (Sparks)
● 1955 - Ángela Molina, Spanish actress
● 1957 - Mark Geragos, American attorney
● 1957 - Bernie Mac, American comedian
● 1958 - André Kuipers, Dutch astronaut
● 1960 - Daniel Baldwin, American actor
● 1960 - Careca, Brazilian footballer
● 1961 - Matthew Kauffman, American journalist and George Polk Award winner
● 1961 - David Kirk, New Zealand rugby union footballer
● 1962 - Michael Andretti, American race car driver
● 1963 - Caron Keating, Irish television personality (d. 2004)
● 1964 - Keiji Fujiwara, Japanese voice actor
● 1964 - Malik Saidullaev Chechen businessman
● 1964 - Warren E. Miller, Maryland politician
● 1965 - Mario Lemieux, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1965 - Patrick Roy, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1966 - Jan Verhaas, Dutch snooker referee
● 1967 - Guy Pearce, Anglo-Australian actor
● 1970 - Agnes Barley, American artist
● 1970 - Josie Bissett, American actress
● 1970 - South Park Mexican, American rapper
● 1972 - Grant Hill, American basketball player
● 1972 - Thomas Roberts, American news anchor
● 1974 - Heather Headley, Trinidadian singer
● 1974 - Colin Meloy, American singer (The Decemberists)
● 1975 - Bobo Baldé, Guinean footballer
● 1975 - Parminder Nagra, English actress
● 1975 - Kate Winslet, English actress
● 1976 - Song Seung-hun, South Korean actor
● 1976 - Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechen President
● 1976 - J. J. Yeley, American race car driver
● 1978 - Shane Ryan, Irish Gaelic footballer
● 1978 - Morgan Webb, Canadian-born television presenter
● 1978 - James Valentine, American musician (Maroon 5)
● 1979 - Curtis Sanford, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1979 - Vincenzo Grella, Australian soccer player
● 1980 - Paul Thomas, American bassist (Good Charlotte)
● 1981 - Kelvin Tan Wei Lian, Singaporean singer
● 1983 - Nicky Hilton, American heiress
● 1984 - Kenwyne Jones, Trinidadian footballer
● 1985 - Nicola Roberts, English singer (Girls Aloud)
● 1987 - Javier Villa, Spanish racing driver
● 1988 - Bobby Edner, American actor
● 1990 - Myles Jeffrey, American actor
● 578 - Justin II, Byzantine Emperor
● 1056 - Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1017)
● 1112 - Sigebert of Gembloux, French chronicler
● 1214 - King Alfonso VIII of Castile (b. 1155)
● 1285 - King Philip III of France (b. 1245)
● 1528 - Richard Foxe, English churchman
● 1540 - Helius Eobanus Hessus, German poet (b. 1488)
● 1564 - Pierre de Manchicourt, Flemish composer
● 1565 - Lodovico Ferrari, Italian mathematician (b. 1522)
● 1606 - Philippe Desportes, French poet (b. 1546)
● 1714 - Kaibara Ekiken, Japanese philosopher (b. 1630)
● 1740 - Johann Philipp Baratier, German scholar (b. 1721)
● 1777 - Ján Andrej Segner, Slovak and German mathematician, physicist, and physician (b. 1704)
● 1791 - Grigori Potemkin, Russian statesman (b. 1739)
● 1805 - Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis, British general (b. 1738)
● 1813 - Tecumseh, Shawnee leader
● 1837 - Hortense de Beauharnais, French-born queen of Holland and mother of the Emperor Napoleon III of France (b. 1783)
● 1848 - Joseph Hormayr Freiherr zu Hortenburg, Austrian politician (b. 1781)
● 1861 - Antoni Melchior Fijałkowski, Polish bishop (b. 1778)
● 1880 - Jacques Offenbach, German-born composer (b. 1819)
● 1913 - Hans von Bartels, German painter (b. 1856)
● 1918 - Roland Garros, French pilot (shot down) (b. 1888)
● 1930 - Christopher Birdwood Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson, British military officer (b. 1875)
● 1933 - Renée Adorée, French actress (b. 1898)
● 1933 - Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich, Russian general (b. 1862)
● 1936 - J. Slauerhoff, Dutch poet and novelist (tuberculosis) (b. 1898)
● 1938 - Saint Faustina, Polish saint (b. 1905)
● 1940 - Ballington Booth, Salvation Army Officer and co-founder of Volunteers of America (b. 1857)
● 1940 - Lincoln Loy McCandless, American cattle rancher (b. 1859)
● 1940 - Silvestre Revueltas, Mexican musician (b. 1889)
● 1941 - Louis Dembitz Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (b. 1856)
● 1943 - Leon Roppolo, American musician (b. 1902)
● 1950 - Frederic Lewy, German neurologist (b. 1885)
● 1952 - Joe Jagersberger, Austrian racing driver (b. 1884 or 1885)
● 1976 - Lars Onsager, Norwegian chemist, Nobel laureate (b. 1903)
● 1976 - Barbara Nichols, American actress (b. 1929)
● 1981 - Gloria Grahame, American actress (b. 1923)
● 1983 - Earl Tupper, American inventor (b. 1907)
● 1983 - Humberto Mauro, Brazilian film director and screenwriter (b. 1897)
● 1986 - Hal B. Wallis, American film producer (b. 1898)
● 1986 - James H. Wilkinson, English mathematician (b. 1919)
● 1986 - Mike Burgmann, Australian racing driver (b. 1947)
● 1992 - Eddie Kendricks, American singer (The Temptations) (b. 1939)
● 1995 - Linda Gary, American voice actress (b. 1944)
● 1996 - Seymour Cray, American computer pioneer (b. 1925)
● 1997 - Brian Pillman, American professional wrestler (b. 1962)
● 2000 - Cătălin Hîldan, Romanian footballer (b. 1976)
● 2001 - Mike Mansfield, American politician (b. 1903)
● 2002 - Chuck Rayner, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1920)
● 2003 - Denis Quilley, English actor (b. 1927)
● 2003 - Dan Snyder, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1978)
● 2003 - Timothy Treadwell, American bear enthusiast featured in Grizzly Man (b. 1957)
● 2004 - Rodney Dangerfield, American comedian (b. 1921)
● 2004 - Maurice Wilkins, New Zealand-born physicist, Nobel laureate (b. 1916)
● 2004 - William H. Dobelle, American biomedical engineer, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine nominee (b. 1941)
● 2006 - Jennifer Moss, English Actress (b. 1945)
● 2006 - Antonio Peña, Mexican founder of lucha libre promotion AAA (b. 1953)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Faustina Kowalska
● Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
● Roman calendar - Mundus patet: a harvest feast involving the dead.
● French Republican Calendar - Réséda (Mignonette) Day, fourteenth day in the Month of Vendémiaire
● Portugal - Republic Day, celebrates overthrow of the Monarchy in 1910
● International World Teachers' Day
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Liberal Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
Quotes from the Right of the Day taken from Take Them at Their Words: Startling, Amusing and Baffling Quotations from the GOP and Their Friends, 1994-2004 Compiled by Bruce J. Miller with Diana Maio ©2004
Dumbest Thing Said for the Day taken from 1001 Dumbest Things Ever Said Edited by Steven D. Price ©2004
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