Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Integrity "Nothing so completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity himself, than straightforward and simple integrity in another." — Charles Caleb Colton
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Iraq War "There are some who fell like that conditions [in Iraq] are such that they can attack us there. My answer is to bring them on." — George W. Bush, revealing an amazingly cavalier reaction to human lives at risk {and of course well over 3400 no longer at risk but gone forever}
Thought for the day: "Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Globular Star Cluster M3

Credit & Copyright: Karel Teuwen
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 68 - Roman Emperor Nero commits suicide, imploring his secretary Epaphroditus to slit his throat to evade a Senate-imposed death by flogging. {This seems like one of the first recorded cases of assisted suicide.}
● 597 - Death of St. Columba (born 521), pioneer missionary to Scotland. From the Isle of Iona, Columba evangelized the mainland of Scotland and Northumbria.
● 1064 - Coimbra, Portugal fell to Ferdinand, the King of Castile.
● 1310 - Duccio's Maestà Altarpiece, a seminal artwork of the early Italian Renaissance, is unveiled and installed in the Siena Cathedral in Siena, Italy.
● 1456 - 23rd recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
● 1534 - Jacques Cartier is the first European to discover the St. Lawrence River.
● 1549 - In England, Parliament established a uniformity of religious services and the first Book of Common Prayer, as Anglicanism became the newly established national faith.
● 1623 - English negotiate treaty with Potomac River tribes; after a toast symbolizing eternal friendship, Chiskiack chief and 200 followers drop dead from poisoned wine.
● 1628 - First deportation from what is now U.S. - Thomas Morton from Massachusetts.
● 1650 - The Harvard Corporation, the more powerful of the two administrative boards of Harvard, is established. It was the first legal corporation in the Americas.
● 1732 - Englishman James Oglethorpe received a royal charter to form the American colony of Georgia. It was to be a place of refuge for sectarian Protestant believers, persecuted in England. {Instead it has ended up as refuge for bigots of all types.}
● 1772 - 1st Protestant church west of Penn (in Ohio) holds communion
● 1772 - British vessel Gaspee is burned off of Rhode Island.
● 1784 - In the first step toward formal organization of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S., Father John Carroll was appointed superior of the American missions by Pius VI.
● 1789 - Spanish capture British schooner Northwest America near Vancouver I
● 1790 - Philadelphia Spelling Book by John Barry becomes the first book to be copyrighted in the United States under the new Constitution.
● 1790 - Civil war broke out in Martinique.
● 1815 - End of the Congress of Vienna: new European political situation is set.
● 1822 - Charles Graham receives 1st patent for false teeth
● 1834 - English Baptist missionary pioneer William Carey died at 73. Having translated portions of Scripture into as many as 25 languages, he is known by some today as the 'father of modern missions.'
● 1851 - San Francisco Committee of Vigilance forms (1st time)
● 1855 - Cayuse tribe signs treaty with U.S. to settle on Umatilla (Oregon) reservation.
● 1855 - The Ochechote, a small Shahapatin tribe, were included in a Yakama treaty at Camp Stevens, Wash.
● 1856 - 500 Mormons leave Iowa City, Iowa and head west for Salt Lake City, Utah carrying all their possessions in two-wheeled handcarts.
● 1860 - The book, "Malaeska, the Indian Wife of the White Hunter" by Mrs. Ann Stevens, was offered for sale for a dime. It was the first published "dime novel."
● 1861 - Mary Ann "Mother" Bickerdyke began working in Union hospitals.
● 1862 - Battle of Port Republic, last of 5 battles in Jacksons Valley camp
● 1863 - Nez Perce reservation in Idaho reduced to one tenth its original size to accommodate white settlers and railroads.
● 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia.
● 1868 - 1st meeting of the Board of Regents, University of California
● 1870 - Author Charles Dickens died at age 58.
● 1874 - Great Apache chieftain Cochise dies.
● 1883 - 1st commercial electric railway line begins operation (Chicago El)
● 1891 - Composer Cole Porter was born in Peru, Ind.
● 1893 - Ford's Theatre in Washington DC, historic site of the Lincoln assassination, collapses, killing 22.
● 1898 - China leases Hong Kong's new territories to Britain for 99 years
● 1902 - Washnigton state passes anti-anarchist law passed; it's still on the books.
● 1907 - K Lohnert discovers asteroid #635 Vundtia
● 1908 - Birth of Luis Kuhner, human rights attorney.
● 1909 - Alice Huyler Ramsey, a 22-year-old housewife and mother from Hackensack, New Jersey, became the first woman to drive across the United States. With three female companions, none of whom could drive a car, for fifty-nine days she drove a Maxwell automobile the 3,800 miles from Manhattan, New York, to San Francisco, California.
● 1915 - U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigns over a disagreement regarding the United States' handling of the RMS Lusitania sinking.
● 1922 - First ringing of the Harkness Memorial Chime at Yale University.
● 1923 - Bulgaria's military takes over the government in a coup.
● 1928 - Charles Kingsford Smith completes the first trans-Pacific flight in a Fokker Trimotor monoplane, the Southern Cross landing in Brisbane, Australia.
● 1930 - Chicago Tribune reporter Jake Lingle is killed at the Illinois Central train station during rush hour by the Leo Vincent Brothers, allegedly over a 100,000 USD gambling debt owed to Al Capone.
● 1931 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #1197 Rhodesia
● 1931 – Robert H. Goddard patents rocket-fueled aircraft design
● 1935 - Ho-Umezu Agreement: the Republic of China, under KMT administration, recognized Japanese occupations in Northeast China.
● 1940 - Norway surrenders to Germany during WW II
● 1942 - Nazi Murders of Jews in mobile gassing vans begins in Riga, Latvia.
● 1943 - The withholding tax on payrolls was authorized by the U.S. Congress. Also known as pay as you go, previously income taxes were collected as lump sum payments and employers were not unpaid tax collectors.
● 1944 - World War II: The Soviet Union invades East Karelia and the previously Finnish part of Karelia, since 1941 occupied by Finland.
● 1945 - Japanese Premier Kantaro Suzuki declared that Japan would fight to the last rather than accept unconditional surrender.
● 1946 - King Bhumibol Adulyadej ascends to the throne of Thailand. He is currently the world's longest reigning monarch.
● 1946 - 19 guests at Canfield Hotel die in fire. (Dubuque Iowa)
● 1949 – Mrs. Georgia Neese Clark of Kansas becomes 1st woman treasurer of US
● 1950 - Two of Hollywood Ten imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with House Un-American Activities Committee.
● 1953 - Flint-Worcester Tornadoes: A tornado spawned from the same storm system as the Flint tornado hits in Worcester, Massachusetts killing 94 and destroys Assumption College.
● 1954 - Army counsel Joseph N. Welch confronted Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy during the Senate-Army Hearings over McCarthy's attack on a member of Welch's law firm, Frederick G. Fisher. Said Welch: ``Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?''
● 1955 – 100 degrees F-Hottest day in Seattle Washington
● 1957 - Anthony Eden resigns as British PM
● 1957 - First ascent of Broad Peak (12th highest mountain).
● 1958 - Queen opens revamped Gatwick; The Queen has opened an extended airport at Gatwick, south of London, modernized at a cost of £7m.
● 1959 - The USS George Washington, first U.S. ballistic-missile submarine, launched at Groton, Connecticut.
● 1962 - 142 arrested out of 500 in blockade, Holy Loch, Scotland.
● 1965 - White House confirms that U.S. ground forces in South Vietnam are now authorized to enter combat in aid of South Vietnamese, but insists that the troops' primary mission, to protect American bases, remains unchanged.
● 1967 - Israel captures the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War.
● 1968 - President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a national day of mourning following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
● 1969 - Warren Burger confirmed as US Chief Justice
● 1970 - King Hussein escapes gunman's bullet; King Hussein of Jordan escapes an assassination attempt after gunmen open fire on his motorcade as it drives near his summer palace.
● 1970 - Harry A Blackmun becomes a Supreme Court Justice
● 1970 - Weather Underground takes credit for a bomb explosion at the New York City police headquarters.
● 1972 - American advisor John Paul Vann was killed in a helicopter accident in Vietnam.
● 1972 - 14" of rain in 6 hrs burst Rapid City SD dam, drowns 200
● 1975 - E Roemer discovers asteroid #1983 Bok
● 1975 - Fire in prison hospital kills 10 prisoners & 1 guard (Sanford Fla)
● 1975 - La Pena Multicultural Community Center founded in Berkeley, Calif.
● 1978 - Gutenberg Bible (1 of 21) sells for $2.4 million, London
● 1978 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens the priesthood to "all worthy men", ending a 148-year-old policy excluding black men.
● 1980 - Soyuz T-2 returns to Earth
● 1982 - Israel wipes out Syrian SAM missiles in Bekaa Valley
● 1983 - Margaret Thatcher wins a second term by a landslide in the British General Election with a majority of 144 for her Conservative Party. Tony Blair is elected for the first time to Parliament.
● 1984 - 150,000 march in London, England for nuclear disarmament.
● 1984 - NASA launches Intelsat V, it failed
● 1985 - USSR's Vega 1 deposits lander on surface of Venus
● 1985 - Thomas Sutherland is kidnapped in Lebanon (he was not released until 1991).
● 1986 - The Rogers Commission releases its report on the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and scapegoats Morton Thiokol, explaining that the spacecraft blew up as a result of a failure in a solid rocket booster joint. {The ultimate culprit was the drastic budget cuts that compromised the previous safety at any cost policy at NASA.}
● 1988 - Attorney General Meese orders Joseph Doherty deported to the UK
● 1989 - Rare tornado in Philadelphia kills 1
● 1991 - The congress of the Italian party Proletarian Democracy decides to merge with the Communist Refoundation Party.
● 1993 - Police ban vigil of Women in Black, Belgrade, Serbia.
● 1995 - First man jailed for male rape; Andrew Richards is imprisoned for life for the attempted rape of another man in the first case of its kind in Britain.
● 1995 - Two days of anti-police riots in Bradford, England.
● 1997 - British lease on New Territories in Hong Kong expires
● 1998 - In Jasper, TX, three white men were charged in the dragging death of African-American James Byrd Jr.
● 1999 - Kosovo War: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization sign a peace treaty.
● 2000 - The U.S. Justice Department announced that it had not uncovered reliable evidence of conspiracy behind 1968 assissination of Martin Luther King Jr. {Yeah a hick like James Earl Ray just happen to have had enough cash lying around to escape to Europe.}
● 2000 - Canada and the United States signed a border security agreement. The agreement called for the establishment of a border-enforcement team.
● 2000 - The U.S. House of Representatives voted to repeal gift and estate taxes. The bill called for the taxes to be phased out over 10 years.
● 1508 - Primož Trubar, Slovenian Protestant reformer (d. 1586)
● 1580 - Daniel Heinsius, Flemish scholar (d. 1655)
● 1588 - Johann Andreas Herbst, German composer (d. 1666)
● 1595 - King Wladislaus IV of Poland (d. 1648)
● 1640 - Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1705)
● 1661 - Tsar Feodor III of Russia (d. 1682)
● 1672 - Tsar Peter I (the Great) of Russia (d. 1725)
● 1686 - Andrei Osterman, Russian statesman (d. 1747)
● 1768 - Samuel Slater, American industrialist (d. 1835)
● 1810 - Otto Nicolai, German composer (d. 1849)
● 1812 - Johann Gottfried Galle, German astronomer (d. 1910)
● 1843 - Bertha von Suttner, Austrian novelist and pacifist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (d. 1914)
● 1845 - Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto (d. 1914)
● 1849 - Michael Peter Ancher, Danish painter (d. 1927)
● 1850 - James Stillman, American financier and banker (d. 1918)
● 1851 - Charles Joseph Bonaparte, French-born American politician; U.S. attorney general (1906-09) (d. 1921)
● 1865 - Albéric Magnard, French composer (d. 1914)
● 1865 - Carl Nielsen, Danish composer (d. 1931)
● 1875 - Henry Hallett Dale, English scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1968)
● 1882 - Bobby Kerr, Canadian sprinter (d. 1963)
● 1890 - Leslie Banks, British actor (d. 1952)
● 1891 - Cole Porter, American composer and lyricist (d. 1964)
● 1893 - S. N. Behrman, American short-story writer and playwright (d. 1973)
● 1893 - Irish Meusel, American baseball player (d. 1963)
● 1898 - Luigi Fagioli, Italian race car driver (d. 1952)
● 1900 - Fred Waring, American bandleader (d. 1984)
● 1911 - George Webb, British actor (d. 1998)
● 1912 - Ingolf Dahl, American composer (d. 1970)
● 1913 - Patrick Steptoe, English physician and medical researcher (d. 1988)
● 1915 - Les Paul, American guitarist
● 1916 - Robert S. McNamara, United States former Secretary of Defense and former president of the World Bank
● 1921 - Arthur Hertzberg, American Jewish scholar (d. 2006)
● 1922 - John Gillespie Magee, Jr., American poet and aviator (d. 1941)
● 1922 - Fernand Seguin, French Canadian biochemist - Radio and TV animator (d. 1988)
● 1922 - George Axelrod, American screenwriter, producer, playwright and film director (d. 2003)
● 1925 - Keith Laumer, science fiction writer (d. 1993)
● 1929 - Johnny Ace, American singer (d. 1954)
● 1930 - Marvin Kalb, Broadcast journalist
● 1930 - Barbara, French singer (d. 1997)
● 1931 - Jackie Mason, American comedian
● 1931 - Joe Santos, American actor
● 1931 - Bill Virdon, American baseball player and manager
● 1934 - Jackie Wilson, American singer (d. 1984)
● 1936 - Mick O'Dwyer, Gaelic footballer and manager
● 1937 - Harald Rosenthal, German biologist
● 1938 - Charles Wuorinen, American composer
● 1939 - Ileana Cotrubaş, Romanian soprano
● 1939 - Dick Vitale, American sportscaster
● 1939 - Charles Webb, author
● 1940 - Shirley Muldowney, Racecar Driver
● 1941 - Jon Lord, organist in Deep Purple
● 1943 - Joe Haldeman, science fiction writer
● 1945 - Luis Ocaña, Spanish cyclist (d. 1994)
● 1945 - Nike Wagner, German woman of the theater
● 1947 - Kiran Bedi, The First Lady Indian Police Service (IPS) Officer
● 1948 - Gudrun Schyman, Swedish politician
● 1951 - Dave Parker, American baseball player
● 1951 - James Newton Howard, film composer
● 1952 - Uzi Hitman, Israeli singer
● 1954 - George Pérez, American comic book artist
● 1954 - Gregory Maguire, American fantasy writer
● 1956 - Patricia Cornwell, American author
● 1961 - Michael J. Fox, Canadian-born actor
● 1961 - Aaron Sorkin, American writer-producer ("The West Wing")
● 1963 - Johnny Depp, American actor ("Pirates of the Caribbean" movies)
● 1963 - Gilad Atzmon, Israeli jazz musician and author
● 1964 - Wayman Tisdale, Jazz bassist
● 1964 - Gloria Reuben, Canadian actress
● 1967 - Dean Felber, American Guitarist (Hootie & the Blowfish)
● 1967 - Dean Dinning, Rock musician
● 1968 - Niki Bakoyianni, Greek high jumper
● 1970 - Ed Simons, Rock musician (Chemical Brothers)
● 1971 - Rick Renstrom, American Guitarist
● 1972 - Tomoe Hanba, Japanese voice actress
● 1973 - Tedy Bruschi, American football player
● 1973 - Frederic Choffat, Swiss film director
● 1974 - Tim Shaw, British radio personality
● 1974 - Randy Winn, Major League Baseball outfielder
● 1975 - Andrew Symonds, Australian cricketer
● 1975 - Otto Addo, Ghanaian footballer
● 1975 - Jeff Saturday, American football player
● 1977 - Roopa Mishra, Indian civil servant
● 1978 - Shandi Finnessey, game hostess
● 1978 - Matthew Bellamy, British musician (Muse)
● 1978 - Miroslav Klose, German footballer
● 1980 - Mike Fontenot, American baseball player
● 1980 - Lehlohonolo Seema, Lesotho footballer
● 1981 - Natalie Portman, Israeli-born actress ("Star Wars" movies & "V for Vendetta")
● 1982 - Christina Stürmer, Austrian singer
● 1983 - Alektra Blue, American porn star
● 1983 - Sean Taylor, American football player
● 1984 - Yulieski Gourriel, Cuban baseball player
● 1984 - Kaleth Morales, Colombian singer and songwriter (d. 2005)
● 1984 - Wesley Sneijder, Dutch footballer
● 1984 - Masoud Shojaei, Iranian footballer
● 1986 - Adamo Ruggiero, Canadian actor
● 1986 - Kary Ng, Hong Kong singer and actress
● 1988 - Mae Whitman, Actress
● 1993 - Danielle Chuchran, American actress
● 62 - Claudia Octavia, wife of Nero (b. 40)
● 68 - Nero, Roman Emperor (b. 37)
● 373 - Ephrem the Syrian, Christian hymnodist
● 597 - St. Columba, Christian missionary (b. 521)
● 630 - King Shahrbaraz of Persia
● 1361 - Philippe de Vitry, French composer (b. 1291)
● 1563 - William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, English statesman (b. 1506)
● 1572 - Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre (b. 1528)
● 1583 - Thomas Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
● 1656 - Thomas Tomkins, Welsh composer (b. 1572)
● 1716 - Banda Bahadur, Sikh military commander (executed)
● 1717 - Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon, French mystic (b. 1648)
● 1834 - William Carey, one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society (b. 1761)
● 1870 - Charles Dickens, English author (b. 1812)
● 1875 - Gérard Paul Deshayes, French geologist (b. 1795)
● 1892 - William Grant Stairs, Canadian explorer (b. 1863)
● 1912 - Ion Luca Caragiale, Romanian writter (b. 1852)
● 1946 - Ananda Mahidol, Rama VIII, king of Thailand (b. 1925)
● 1952 - Adolf Busch, German composer (b. 1891)
● 1958 - Robert Donat, English actor (b. 1905)
● 1959 - Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, German chemist, Nobel laureate (b. 1876)
● 1961 - Camille Guérin, French scientist (b. 1872)
● 1964 - Max Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Canadian-born business tycoon and politician (b. 1879)
● 1974 - Miguel Ángel Asturias, Guatemalan writer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1899)
● 1979 - Cyclone Taylor, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1884)
● 1981 - Allen Ludden, TV game show host (b. 1917)
● 1989 - George Wells Beadle, American geneticist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1903)
● 1989 - Rashid Behbudov, Azerbaijani singer and actor (b. 1915)
● 1991 - Claudio Arrau, Chilean-born pianist (b. 1903)
● 1993 - Alexis Smith, Canadian actress (b. 1921)
● 1994 - Jan Tinbergen, Dutch economist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
● 1997 - Stanley Knowles, Canadian politician (b. 1908)
● 2000 - Jacob Lawrence, American painter (b. 1917)
● 2004 - Rosey Brown, American football player (b. 1932)
● 2006 - Drafi Deutscher, German Schlager singer (b. 1946)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Alexander, martyr
● St. Baithin
● St. Columba (called St. Columcille and St. Colm, pronounced as KUHL-uhm) in Ireland, where he is honoured as one of the island's three patron Sts.
● St. Cummian
● St. Diomedes
● St. Edmund, bishop of Canterbury, confessor
● St. Efrem=St. Ephraim, deacon, Doctor of the Church
● St. Julian
● St. Liborius, bishop (of LeMans), confessor
● St. Maximian of Syracuse
● St. Pelagia of Antioch, virgin, martyr
● Sts. Primus and Felicianus, martyrs
● St. Richard of Andria
● St. Vincent of Agen, deacon, martyr
● Bl. Anne Mary Taigi
● Bl. Diana d'Andalo
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for May 26 (Civil Date: June 9)
● Apostles Carpus and Alphaeus of the Seventy.
● Martyrs Abercius and Helen, children of Apostle Alphaeus.
● Great-Martyr George the New at Sofia.
● St. John Psichaita the Confessor of Constantinople.
● Opening of the Relics of St. Macarius, abbot of Kolyazin.
● New-Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica, who suffered at Smyrna.
● Lutheran:
● Aidan of Lindisfarne
● Bede, confessor
● Roman Empire paganism - third day of the Vestalia in honor of the goddess Vesta
● Oklahoma : Senior Citizens Day
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : Children's Day - ( Sunday )
● Shelby, MI : National Asparagus Festival - ( Thursday )
● Great Britain : Queen's official birthday (National Day) - ( Saturday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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