Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Inner Life "The outward freedom we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within." — Mahatma Gandhi
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Hypocrisy "I'm a uniter, not a divider." — George W. Bush, made this a central campaign theme in 2000
Thought for the day: "A husband is the medicine that cures all the ills of girlhood."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Dust Sculptures in the Rosette Nebula

Credit & Copyright: Ignacio de la Cueva Torregrosa
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 1508 - Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, is defeated in Friulia by Venetian forces; he is forced to sign a three-year truce and cede several territories to Venice
● 1513 - Italian Wars: Battle of Novara. Swiss troops defeat the French under Louis de la Tremoille, forcing the French to abandon Milan. Duke Massimiliano Sforza is restored.
● 1523 - Gustav Vasa is elected King of Sweden, marking the end of the Kalmar Union. Considered Swedish National Day.
● 1622 - Gregory XV published the bull 'Inscrutabili Divinae,' which reminded the Church of its mission to the newly discovered native populations in the recently discovered Americas. {For many of the already extinct or near extinct native peoples of America, this is 130 years too late.}
● 1638 - Under guise of a soccer game, English anti-enclosure rioters destroy landlords’ ditches.
● 1639 - Massachusetts grants 500 acres of land to erect a gunpowder mill
● 1654 - Charles X succeeds his abdicated cousin Queen Christina to the Swedish throne.
● 1674 - Sivaji crowned himself King of India.
● 1683 - The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world's first university museum.
● 1752 - A devastating fire destroys one-third of Moscow, including 18,000 homes.
● 1778 - Debtors prisons abolished in U.S.; at some later point, going into overwhelming debt shifted from being a mark of moral failure to being Americans' patriotic duty.
● 1780 - Rebellious hordes storm and set fire to Newgate Prison in London.
● 1799 - American orator Patrick Henry died in Charlotte County, Va.
● 1799 - Birth of Alexis F. Lvov, Russian church musician who composed the tune to the hymn, 'God, the Almighty One! Wisely Ordaining.'
● 1808 - Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte is crowned King of Spain.
● 1809 - Sweden promulgates a new Constitution, which restores political power to the Riksdag of the Estates after 20 years of Enlightened absolutism.
● 1813 - War of 1812: Battle of Stoney Creek - A British force of 700 under John Vincent defeat an American force three times its size under William Winder and John Chandler ending US invasion of Canada.
● 1815 - London Peace Society formed.
● 1816 - 10" snowfall in New England, the "year without a summer" Caused by the Krakatoa eruption.
● 1831 - 2nd national black convention (Philadelphia)
● 1832 - The barricades fall and the Paris student uprisings of 1832 end.
● 1833 - U.S. President Andrew Jackson becomes the first President to ride a train. It was a B & O passenger train.
● 1844 - The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in London.
● 1859 - Australia: Queensland is established as a separate colony from New South Wales (Queensland Day).
● 1862 - American Civil War: Battle of Memphis - Union forces capture Memphis, Tennessee, from the Confederates.
● 1865 - Confederate raider William Quantrill died from shot in the back that he received while escaping from a Union patrol near Taylorsville, KY.
● 1872 - Susan B. Anthony and other women arrested for voting in Rochester, N.Y.
● 1875 - Thomas Mann, the Nobel Prize-winning German author, was born.
● 1882 - More than 100,000 inhabitants of Bombay are killed as a cyclone in the Arabian Sea pushes huge waves into the harbour.
● 1882 - The Shewan forces of Menelik defeat the Gojjame army in the Battle of Embabo. The Shewans capture Negus Tekle Haymanot of Gojjam, and their victory leads to a Shewan hegemony over the territories south of the Abay River.
● 1882 - Blind Scottish Presbyterian clergyman George Matheson penned the words to the hymn, 'O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go.'
● 1882 - Electric iron patented by Henry W. Seely, NYC
● 1889 - Great Fire in Seattle destroys 25 downtown blocks.
● 1894 - Governor Davis H. Waite orders the Colorado state militia to protect and support the miners engaged in the Cripple Creek miners' strike.
● 1896 - George Samuelson leaves NY harbor to row across the Atlantic
● 1906 - Paris Métro Line 5 is inaugurated with a first section from Place d'Italie to the Gare d'Orléans (today known as Gare d'Austerlitz).
● 1907 - Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, a graduate school for biblical and rabbinical studies, was chartered in Philadelphia.
● 1911 - Nicaragua signs treaty turning over customs to US (not ratified)
● 1912 - Eruption of Novarupta in Alaska begins. Second largest volcanic eruption in historic time.
● 1914 - 1st air flight out of the sight of land (Scotland to Norway)
● 1916 - Founding of National Women's Party.
● 1918 - After four years of European war, first battle between German and American troops occurs at the battle of Belleau Wood.
● 1924 - The German Reichtag accepted the Dawes Plan. It was an American plan to help Germany pay off its war debts.
● 1924 - S Belyavskij discovers asteroid #1031 Arctica
● 1931 - G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1210 Morosovia
● 1932 - The Revenue Act of 1932 is enacted, creating the first gas tax in the United States, at a rate of 1 cent per US gallon (1/4 ¢/L) sold.
● 1933 - US Employment Service created
● 1933 - The first drive-in theater opens, in Camden, New Jersey, United States.
● 1934 - New Deal: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Securities Act of 1933 into law, establishing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
● 1936 - The first helicopter was tested in a building in Berlin, Germany.
● 1936 - Three hundred thousand strike in France as People's Front government takes office.
● 1936 - First issue of Peace News published in England.
● 1936 - Aviation gasoline 1st produced commercially Paulsboro NJ
● 1939 - German dictator Adolf Hitler gives a public address to returning German volunteers who fought as Legion Kondor during the Spanish Civil War.
● 1941 - 1st navy vessel constructed as mine layer Terror launched
● 1941 - The U.S. government authorized the seizure of foreign ships in U.S. ports.
● 1942 - 1st nylon parachute jump (Hartford Ct-Adeline Gray)
● 1942 - Japanese forces retreat, ending Battle of Midway. The battle had begun on June 4.
● 1942 - Nazis burn village of Lidice Bohemia, as reprisal of killing Heydrich.
● 1944 - World War II: Battle of Normandy begins. D-Day, code named Operation Overlord, commences with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France. The allied soldiers quickly break through the Atlantic Wall and push inland in the largest amphibious military operation in history.
● 1944 - Theodore Roosevelt Jr. receives congressional medal of honor
● 1950 - Turkey: The Adhan in Arabic is legalized.
● 1953 - J Churms discovers asteroid #2025
● 1956 - David Marshall, Singapore's first Chief Minister, resigns.
● 1964 - Under a temporary order, the rocket launches at Cuxhaven, Germany, are terminated, though they never resume.
● 1966 - James Meredith, first black student at the Univ. of Mississippi, is shot and wounded by a sniper while working on a voter registration drive.
● 1968 - U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy died at 1:44 AM in Los Angeles after being shot by Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was was shot the evening before while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination.
● 1968 - Comedian Dick Gregory begins hunger strike in Olympia, Wash. jail after his arrest in support of Nisqually tribal fishing rights.
● 1969 - The first Internet connection was created when network control protocol packets were sent from the data port of one IMP to another
● 1970 - Officials gather at Charleston Air Force Base to celebrate the arrival of the first operational C-5A. As it touched down, the tire on one wheel blew-out, and a second wheel fell off the landing gear and bounced down the runway by itself.
● 1971 - Forty Native Americans camp at sacred Black Hills site atop Mount Rushmore; 20 are arrested.
● 1971 - Soyuz program: Soyuz 11 takes 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 1 space station.
● 1971 - A midair collision between a Hughes Airwest Douglas DC-9 jetliner and a U.S. Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II jet fighter near Duarte, California claims 50 lives.
● 1972 - Explosion at world's largest coal mine kills 427 (Wankie Rhodesia)
● 1972 - Gold hits record $60 an ounce in London
● 1974 - A new Instrument of Government is promulgated making Sweden a parliamentary monarchy.
● 1975 - England - Bill Hetherington jailed for two weeks for talking to a sailor about leafletting soldiers.
● 1975 - UK embraces Europe in referendum; British voters back the UK's continued membership of the EEC by two-to-one in a nationwide referendum.
● 1975 - Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam established
● 1977 - Joseph Lason was installed as Bishop of Biloxi, Mississippi, becoming the first African- American Roman Catholic bishop consecrated since the 19th century.
● 1977 - Supreme Court tossed out automatic death penalty laws
● 1978 - A Mrkos discovers asteroids #2199 Klet & #3339
● 1978 - California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 13. Proposition 13 cuts California property taxes 57%. Another provision of Prop 13 is the requirement of a two-thirds approval of the people for any new taxes in the state.
● 1981 - A passenger train travelling between Mansi and Saharsa, India, jumps the tracks at a bridge crossing the Bagmati river. The government places the official death toll at 268 plus another 300 missing; however, it is generally believed that the actual figure is closer to 1,000 killed.
● 1982 - In "Operation Peace for Galilee," 100,000 Israel troops invade Lebanon to protect its interests; numerous atrocities and the destruction of Beirut follow.
● 1984 - The Indian Army attacks the Golden Temple in Amritsar in an effort to flush out terrorists, following an order from Indira Gandhi. Official casualties are 576 combatants killed and 335 wounded; independent observers estimate that thousands of unarmed Sikh civilians are also killed in the crossfire.
● 1985 - The grave of "Wolfgang Gerhard" is exhumed in Embu, Brazil; the remains found are later proven to be those of Josef Mengele, Auschwitz's "Angel of Death." Mengele is thought to have drowned while swimming in February 1979.
● 1985 - Soyuz T-13 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
● 1986 - Kathy Ormsby, a 21-year-old member of the NC State track team jumps off a bridge permanently paralyzing herself
● 1988 - Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush makes campaign promise to support reparations for WW II Japanese-American internees (presidential promise broken, May 1989).
● 1988 - Capsule containing deadly radioactive cesium broke open at Radiation Sterilizers, a food irradiation plant, in suburban Atlanta. Ten workers exposed, and 70,000 medical supply containers and milk cartons had to be recalled. The Department of Energy had previously declared the cesium capsules to be accident-proof.
● 1989 - Burial services were held for Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
● 1989 - Greenpeace officials announce at least 50 nuclear weapons and nine nuclear reactors, the products of U.S. and Soviet naval accidents, had been lost on the ocean floor since World War II. Using data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the group (in conjunction with the Institute for Policy Studies) found over 2,000 major peacetime naval accidents had occurred since 1945, resulting in some 2,800 deaths. Accidents ranged from loss of an entire vessel and crew to minor collisions and fires that left little damage and some injuries.
● 1991 - Dana Plato receives 6 yr suspended sentence for robbing a video store
● 1993 - Mongolia holds its first direct presidential elections.
● 1994 - Three Syracuse activists occupy local congressional offices to protest forced U.S. repatriation of Haitian refugees. Four others arrested for sit-in at U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
● 1994 - Asylum seekers flee detention centre; Six detainees held in an Oxfordshire immigration centre make their escape after a rooftop protest.
● 1996 - Javier Elorriaga and other Zapatista supporters released from Mexican jail.
● 1999 - At the Putim maximum security prison in Brazil, 345 prisoners run from the main gate in the largest jailbreak in Brazilian history, marking the 10th escape for the three-year-old facility. In the ensuing manhunt, two fugitives are killed and five innocent bystanders are accidentally jailed.
● 2001 - Democrats assumed control of the U.S. Senate when Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont left the Republican Party to become an independent.
● 2001 - U.S. District Court Judge Matsch rejected a request to delay the execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. The date was left at June 11.
● 2002 - Eastern Mediterranean Event. A near-Earth asteroid estimated at 10 metres diameter explodes over the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Libya. The resulting explosion is estimated to have a force of 26 kilotons, slightly more powerful than the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
● 2004 - Tamil was established as a Classical language by the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in a joint sitting of the two houses of the Indian Parliament.
● 2005 - The United States Supreme Court ruled that federal authorities could prosecute sick people who smoke marijuana on doctor's orders. The ruling concluded that state medical marijuana laws did not protect uses from the federal ban on the drug.
● 2007 - A Tropical Cyclone (Gonu) struck Oman. The storm reached Category 5 status before weakening at landfall.
● 2012 - Transit of Venus (between Earth & Sun) occurs
● 1236 - Wen Tianxiang, Chinese prime minister (d. 1283)
● 1436 - Regiomontanus, German mathematician (d. 1476)
● 1502 - King John III of Portugal (d. 1557)
● 1519 - Andrea Cesalpino, Italian philosopher, physician, and botanist (d. 1603)
● 1542 - Richard Grenville, English soldier and explorer (d. 1591)
● 1576 - Giovanni Diodati, Swiss Protestant clergyman (d. 1649)
● 1580 - Godefroy Wendelin, Flemish astronomer (d. 1667)
● 1599 - Diego Velázquez, Spanish painter (d. 1660)
● 1606 - Pierre Corneille, French dramatist (d. 1684)
● 1622 - Claude-Jean Allouez, French Jesuit missionary and explorer (d.1857)
● 1714 - King Joseph I of Portugal (d. 1777)
● 1755 - Nathan Hale, American writer and patriot (d. 1776)
● 1756 - John Trumbull, American painter (d. 1843)
● 1799 - Alexander Pushkin, Russian poet (d. 1837)
● 1810 - Friedrich Wilhelm Schneidewin, German classical scholar (d. 1856)
● 1829 - Shusaku Honinbo, Japanese Go player (d. 1862)
● 1841 - Eliza Orzeszkowa, Polish novelist (d.1910)
● 1842 - Steele MacKaye, American playwright, actor and inventor (d. 1894)
● 1844 - Konstantin Savitsky, Russian painter (d. 1905)
● 1850 - Karl Ferdinand Braun, German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1918)
● 1857 - Aleksandr Lyapunov, Russian mathematician (d. 1918)
● 1862 - Henry John Newbolt, English author (d. 1938)
● 1867 - David Abercrombie, Abercrombie & Fitch founder (d. 1931)
● 1868 - Robert Falcon Scott, English explorer (d. 1912)
● 1872 - Tsarina Alexandra of Russia (d. 1918)
● 1875 - Thomas Mann, German writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1955)
● 1879 - Sir Patrick Abercrombie, English architect and town planner (d. 1957)
● 1880 - William Cosgrave, Irish statesman and first president (d. 1965)
● 1890 - Ted Lewis, American bandleader (d. 1971)
● 1892 - Donald F. Duncan Sr., American entrepreneur, founder of Duncan Yo-Yos (d. 1971)
● 1896 - R. C. Sherriff, English playwright and screenwriter (d. 1975)
● 1896 - Henry Allingham, English pilot and founding member of the Royal Air Force
● 1898 - Ninette de Valois, Irish dancer (d. 2001)
● 1898 - Walter Abel, American actor (d. 1987)
● 1900 - Manfred Sakel, Polish psychiatrist (d. 1957)
● 1901 - Sukarno, first President of Indonesia (1949-67) (d. 1970)
● 1902 - Jimmie Lunceford, American bandleader (d. 1947)
● 1903 - Aram Khachaturian, Armenian composer (d. 1978)
● 1906 - Max August Zorn, German-born mathematician (d. 1993)
● 1907 - Bill Dickey, baseball player, coach, manager, and scout (d. 1993)
● 1913 - Carlo L. Golino, American scholar (d. 1991)
● 1915 - Vincent Persichetti, American composer, teacher, and pianist (d. 1987)
● 1916 - Henriette Roosenburg, Dutch journalist (d. 1972)
● 1917 - Kirk Kerkorian, American businessman
● 1918 - Edwin G. Krebs, American biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
● 1923 - V.C. Andrews, American author (d. 1986)
● 1924 - Jinyong, Chinese novelist
● 1926 - Klaus Tennstedt, German conductor (d. 1998)
● 1929 - Sunil Dutt, Indian actor and politician (d. 2005)
● 1932 - Billie Whitelaw, Actress
● 1932 - David Scott, American astronaut
● 1933 - Heinrich Rohrer, Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
● 1934 - King Albert II of Belgium
● 1934 - Roy Innis, American civil rights activist
● 1936 - Levi Stubbs, American musician (The Four Tops)
● 1936 - A. Venkatesh Naik, Indian politician
● 1939 - Louis Andriessen, Dutch composer
● 1939 - Gary U.S. Bonds, American musician
● 1939 - Ed Giacomin, hockey player
● 1940 - Larry Lujack, American disc jockey
● 1943 - Joe Stampley, Country singer
● 1943 - Richard Smalley, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
● 1944 - David Penhaligon, British politician
● 1944 - Phillip Allen Sharp, American scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
● 1945 - David E. Bonior, American politician
● 1945 - David Dukes, American actor (d. 2000)
● 1947 - David Blunkett, English politician
● 1947 - Ada Kok, Dutch swimmer
● 1948 - Tony Levin, American bassist
● 1949 - Robert Englund, American actor
● 1949 - Holly Near, Folk singer
● 1951 - Dwight Twilley, Singer
● 1952 - Yukihiro Takahashi, Japanese musician and singer (Yellow Magic Orchestra)
● 1952(54? NYT) - Harvey Fierstein, American actor
● 1952 - Jean Hamel, French Canadian ice hockey player
● 1954 - Cynthia Rylant, American author
● 1955 - Sandra Bernhard, American actress and comedian
● 1956 - Björn Borg, Swedish tennis player and Hall of Fame member
● 1956 - Bubbi Morthens, Icelandic singer and songwriter
● 1959 - Amanda Pays, Actress
● 1959 - Jimmy Jam, American record producer
● 1959 - Colin Quinn, American comedian ("Saturday Night Live")
● 1959 - David Schultz, American wrestler (d. 1996)
● 1960 - Gary Graham, American actor
● 1960 - Steve Vai, American musician
● 1961 - Tom Araya, Chilean musician (Slayer)
● 1961 - Aldo Costa, Italian engineer
● 1963 - Wolfgang Drechsler, German social scientist
● 1963 - Jason Isaacs, English actor
● 1965 - Cam Neely, Canadian hockey player
● 1966 - Sean Yseult, American musician (White Zombie)
● 1966 - Murdoc Niccals, English musician (Gorillaz)
● 1966 - Tony Yeboah, Ghanaian footballer
● 1967 - Max Casella, Actor
● 1967 - Paul Giamatti, American actor ("Sideways")
● 1968 - Damion Hall, R&B singer (Guy)
● 1968 - François Avard, Canadian writer and scenarist
● 1969 - Bardi Martin, Rock musician
● 1970 - Eugeni Berzin, Russian cyclist
● 1970 - Anthony Norris, American professional wrestler
● 1970 - James "Munky" Shaffer, American musician (Korn)
● 1972 - Natalie Morales, Broadcast journalist
● 1972 - Cristina Scabbia, Italian singer (Lacuna Coil)
● 1973 - Lisa Brokop, Country singer
● 1974 - Uncle Kracker, Rapper, rocker
● 1975 - Staci Keanan, American actress
● 1975 - Niklas Sundström, hockey player
● 1975 - Cheer Chen, Taiwanese singer, guitarist, and pianist
● 1976 - Geoff Rowley, British skateboarder
● 1976 - aKido, a.k.a Kim Gaboury, Canadian musician
● 1976 - Ross Noble, British comedian
● 1978 - Carl Barât, English singer and guitarist (The Libertines and Dirty Pretty Things)
● 1978 - Judith Barsi, American actress (d. 1988)
● 1978 - Mariana Popova, Bulgarian singer
● 1980 - Martin Devaney, English footballer
● 1980 - Matt Belisle, baseball player
● 1393 - Emperor Go-En'yu of Japan (b. 1359)
● 1480 - Vecchietta, Italian artist and architect
● 1548 - Juan de Castro, Portuguese explorer (b. 1500)
● 1563 - Ikeda Nagamasa, Japanese samurai commander (b. 1519)
● 1583 - Nakagawa Kiyohide, Japanese warlord (b. 1556)
● 1730 - Alain Emmanuel de Coëtlogon, Marshal of France (b. 1646)
● 1740 - Alexander Spotswood, British governor of Virginia Colony
● 1784 - Joan van der Capellen tot den Pol, Dutch politician (b. 1741)
● 1799 - Patrick Henry, American revolutionary (b. 1736)
● 1813 - Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart, French architect
● 1832 - Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher (b. 1748)
● 1840 - Marcellin Champagnat, French priest (b. 1789)
● 1843 - Friedrich Hölderlin, German poet and dramatist (b. 1770)
● 1861 - Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Prime Minister of Italy (b. 1810)
● 1865 - William Quantrill, American Confederate raider (b. 1837)
● 1878 - Robert Stirling, Scottish inventor (b. 1790)
● 1881 - Henri Vieuxtemps, Belgian composer (b. 1820)
● 1891 - John A. Macdonald, 1st Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1815)
● 1916 - Yuan Shikai, Chinese military officer and politician (b. 1859)
● 1922 - Lillian Russell, American actress (b. 1860)
● 1934 - Julije Kempf, Croatian historian and writer (b. 1864)
● 1935 - Julian Byng, British army officer (b. 1862)
● 1941 - Louis Chevrolet, American automotive pioneer (b. 1878)
● 1946 - Gerhart Hauptmann, German dramatist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1862)
● 1948 - Louis Lumière, French movie pioneer (b. 1864)
● 1955 - Max Meldrum, Scottish-born Australian painter (b. 1875)
● 1961 - Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist (b. 1875)
● 1962 - Yves Klein, French artist (b. 1928)
● 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy, United States Attorney General and Senator (b. 1925)
● 1968 - Randolph Churchill, son of Winston Churchill (b. 1911)
● 1975 - Larry Blyden, American actor (b. 1925)
● 1976 - J. Paul Getty, American industrialist (b. 1892)
● 1976 - Victor Varconi, Hungarian actor (b. 1891)
● 1979 - Jack Haley, American actor (b. 1898)
● 1981 - Carleton S. Coon, American anthropologist (b. 1904)
● 1982 - Kenneth Rexroth, American poet (b. 1905)
● 1984 - A. Bertram Chandler, Australian author (b. 1912)
● 1991 - Stan Getz, American musician (b. 1927)
● 1991 - Mike Diamond, wrestler (b. 1950)
● 1992 - Larry Riley, American actor (b. 1952)
● 1994 - Mark McManus, Scottish actor (Taggart) (b. 1935)
● 1994 - Barry Sullivan, American actor (b. 1912)
● 1996 - George Davis Snell, American geneticist, Nobel laureate (b. 1903)
● 1999 - Anne Haddy, Australian actress (b. 1930)
● 2000 - Frédéric Dard, French writer (b. 1921)
● 2002 - Robbin Crosby, American guitarist (Ratt) (b. 1959)
● 2003 - Ken Grimwood, American writer (b. 1944)
● 2003 - Dave Rowberry, British musician (The Animals) (b. 1940)
● 2005 - Anne Bancroft, American actress (b. 1931)
● 2005 - Dana Elcar, American actor (b. 1927)
● 2006 - Billy Preston, American musician (b. 1946)
● 2006 - Hilton Ruiz, Puerto Rican-American jazz pianist (b. 1952)
● 2006 - Arnold Newman, American photographer (b. 1918)
● Roman Catholic:
● Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Body & Blood of Christ)
● St. Agobard
● St. Alexander
● St. Amantius
● St. Bertrand
● St. Ceratius
● St. Candida
● St. Claudius (died 699)
● St. Cocca
● St. Emory
● St. Eustorgius II
● St. Gilbert
● St. Gudwal
● St. Jarlath
● St. John of Verona
● St. Marcellin Champagnat (died 840)
● St. Nilammon
● St. Norbert of Gennep, archbishop
● St. Philip the Deacon
● St. Vincent of Bevagna
● Martyrs of Tarsus
● Bl. John Davy
● Bl. Robert Salt
● Bl. Walter Pierson
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for May 23 (Civil Date: June 6)
● St. Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Synnada.
● Opening of the Relics of St. Leontius, Bishop and wonderworker of Rostov.
● Martyr Michael "the black-robed" of St. Sabbas' Monastery.
● Virgin Euphrosyne, princess of Polotsk.
● St. Paisius, abbot of Galich.
● Holy Myrrh-bearer, wife of Cleopas.
● Greek Calendar:
● Martyr Salonas the Roman.
● Martyr Seleucus.
● Hieromonk Damascene of Valaam (1825).
● Engineering Day in Argentina
● Malaysia : King's Birthday
● South Korea : Memorial Day
● Sweden : Constitution Day/Flag Day/National Day (1523, 1809)
● Queensland Day.
● D-Day landings - Europe.
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : Teachers' Day - ( Sunday )
● Ireland : Bank Day - ( Monday )
● Bahamas : Labour Day - ( Friday )
● New Zealand : Queen's Birthday - ( Monday )
● Western Australia : Foundation Day (1838) - ( Monday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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