Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Individuality "No man should part with his individuality to become another. No process is so fatal as that which would cast all men into one mould." — William Ellery Channing
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Hate & Intolerance "I think Mohammed was a terrorist" — Jerry Falwell
Thought for the day: "The laborer is worthy of his hire, if his labor is."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
IC 4603: Reflection Nebula in Ophiuchius

Credit & Copyright: Takayuki Yoshida
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 780 –B.C.E.- 1st total solar eclipse reliably recorded by Chinese
● 1039 - Henry III becomes Holy Roman Emperor.
● 1070 - Roquefort cheese created in a cave near Roquefort, France
● 1584 - Sir Walter Raleigh establishes first English colony on Roanoke Island, old Virginia (now North Carolina).
● 1615 - Forces under the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan.
● 1639 - New Haven, Connecticut's government by Plantation Covenant ends.
● 1647 - British army seizes King Charles I as a prisoner
● 1674 - Horse racing was prohibited in Massachusetts.
● 1717 - The Freemasons were founded in London.
● 1745 - Prussians defeat Austrians at Hohenfriedeberg
● 1760 - Great Upheaval: New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia Canada taken from the Acadians.
● 1769 - A transit of Venus is followed five hours later by a total solar eclipse, the shortest such interval in the historical past.
● 1783 - The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (unmanned hot air balloon).
● 1784 - Marie Thible became the first woman to fly in a hot-air balloon. The flight was 45 minutes long and reached a height of 8,500 feet.
● 1789 - U.S. constitution goes into effect.
● 1792 - Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for Great Britain.
● 1794 - British troops capture Port-au-Prince in Haiti.
● 1805 - Tripoli forced to conclude peace with US after war over tribute
● 1812 - Following Louisiana's admittance as a U.S. state, the Louisiana Territory was renamed the Missouri Territory.
● 1816 - The Washington was launched at Wheeling, WV. It was the first stately, double-decker steamboat.
● 1820 - Birth of Elvina M. Hall, American Methodist poet who authored the hymn, 'Jesus Paid It All' (a.k.a. 'I Hear the Savior Say').
● 1825 - Unseasonable hurricane hits NYC
● 1832 - 3rd national black convention meets (Philadelphia)
● 1841 - Capture of Seminole chief Coacoochee (Wildcat) during peace talks.
● 1859 - Italian Independence wars: in the Battle of Magenta, the French army, under Louis-Napoleon, defeats an Austrian army.
● 1862 - American Civil War: Confederate troops evacuate Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River, leaving the way clear for Union troops to take Memphis, Tennessee.
● 1864 - The legendarily alcoholic Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's military tactics during his first month in command of the Union Armies result in the deaths of 60,000 Union soldiers--more Americans than killed in the entire Vietnam War. He is later rewarded with the Presidency.
● 1873 - Birth of Charles F. Parham, American charismatic church pioneer. In 1898 he founded a Bible training school in Topeka, Kansas, where the modern Pentecostal movement began in 1901.
● 1876 - An express train called the Transcontinental Express arrives in San Francisco, California, via the First Transcontinental Railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after having left New York City.
● 1878 - Cyprus Convention: The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title.
● 1878 - Birth of Frank N. Buchman, American exponent of the social gospel. He founded the First Century Christian Movement (1921), the Oxford Group (1929) and the Moral Re-Armament Movement (1938).
● 1889 - Beno Gutenberg, the American scientist who made important discoveries about the earth's interior, was born.
● 1892 - The Sierra Club was incorporated in San Francisco.
● 1896 - Henry Ford made a successful test drive of his new car in Detroit, MI. The vehicle was called a quadricycle.
● 1900 - M Wolf & A Schwassmann discovers asteroid #456 Abnoba
● 1900 - Birth of Nelson Glueck, American Jewish archaeologist. Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem between 1932 and 1947, he explored and dated over 1,000 ancient sites in Palestine and the Near East.
● 1911 - Gold was discovered in Alaska's Indian Creek.
● 1912 - Cone of Mount Katmai (Alaska) collapses
● 1912 - Massachusetts becomes the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage.
● 1913 - Emily Davison, a suffragette, runs out in front of the king's horse, Anmer, at the Epsom Derby. She is trampled and dies a few days later, never having regained consciousness.
● 1918 - French and American troops halted Germany's offensive at Chateau-Thierry, France.
● 1918 - M Wolf discovers asteroid #894 Erda
● 1919 - U.S. marines invade Costa Rica.
● 1919 - Women's rights: The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guaranteed suffrage to women, and sends it to the U.S. states for ratification.
● 1920 - Hungary loses 71% of its territory and 63% of its population when the Treaty of Trianon is signed in Paris.
● 1923 - One hundred thousand miners strike in Germany.
● 1924 - An eternal light was dedicated at Madison Square in New York City in memory of all New York soldiers who died in World War I.
● 1928 - Fifty thousand seamen strike for higher wages in Kobe, Japan.
● 1928 - President of the Republic of China Zhang Zuolin assassinated by Japanese agents.
● 1929 - George Eastman demonstrates 1st technicolor movie (Rochester NY)
● 1931 - The first rocket-glider flight was made by William Swan in Atlantic City, NJ.
● 1934 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #2066 Palala
● 1935 - "Invisible" glass was patented by Gerald Brown and Edward Pollard.
● 1936 - Léon Blum becomes Prime Minister of France.
● 1939 - Holocaust: The SS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 Jewish refugees, is denied permission to land in Florida, United States, after already having been turned away from Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, most of its passengers later died in Nazi concentration camps.
● 1939 - The first shopping cart was introduced by Sylvan Goldman in Oklahoma City, OK. It was actually a folding chair that had been mounted on wheels.
● 1940 - Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk ends. British and French troops were trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk in France after the surrender of Belgium's King Leopold II. A massive naval evacuation was promptly improvised in which 338,000 were saved from death or capture by the Nazis. All available boats, including small fishing vessels, were pressed into service. Churchill was defiant, as the last Allied soldier left Dunkirk, the British Prime Minister vowed his forces "shall never surrender". Meanwhile, the U.S. was still trying to decide which side to support.
● 1940 - German forces enter Paris
● 1942 - World War II: Reinhard Heydrich dies in Prague due to the assassination of Czechoslovak paratroopers (Operation Anthropoid).
● 1942 - World War II: Battle of Midway begins. Japanese Admiral Chuichi Nagumo orders a strike on Midway Island with much of the Imperial Japanese navy. It was the first major victory for America over Japan during World War II. The battle ended on June 6 and ended Japanese expansion in the Pacific.
● 1943 - In Argentina, Juan Peron took part in the military coup that overthrew Ramon S. Castillo.
● 1944 - World War II: A hunter-killer group of the United States Navy capture the German submarine U-505, marking the first time a U.S. Navy vessel captured an enemy vessel at sea since the 19th century.
● 1944 - World War II: Rome falls to the Allies, the first Axis capital to fall.
● 1946 - Largest solar prominence (300,000 mi/500,000 km) observed
● 1946 - Juan Peron was installed as Argentina's president.
● 1947 - The House of Representatives approved the Taft-Hartley Act. The legislation allowed the President of the United States to intervene in labor disputes.
● 1951 - U.S. Supreme Court upholds conviction of 11 leaders of the U.S. Communist Party on charges of conspiring to advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.
● 1954 - French Premier Joseph Laniel and Vietnamese Premier Buu Loc initialed treaties in Paris giving "complete independence" to Vietnam.
● 1954 - Arthur Murray flies X-1A rocket plane to record 27,000 m
● 1956 - Speech by Khrushchev blasting Stalin made public
● 1957 - 1st commercial coal pipeline placed in operation
● 1960 - Lake Bodom murders. 3 Die, one survives with severe injuries
● 1960 - The Taiwan island of Quemoy was hit by 500 artillery shells fired from the coast of Communist China.
● 1963 - James Hoffa, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and seven others indicted on charges of fraudulently obtaining $20 million in loans from a Teamsters Pension Fund.
● 1967 - Stockport Air Disaster: British Midland flight G-ALHG crashes in Hopes Carr, Stockport, killing 72 passengers and crew.
● 1968 - Dover begins bird purge; Dover residents prepare to get rid of "these horrible birds" in the drive to create a cleaner, quieter seaside resort.
● 1970 - Tonga gains independence from the United Kingdom.
● 1972 - Angela Davis is acquitted of trumped up murder and kidnapping charges.
● 1973 - Patent for the ATM granted to Don Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain.
● 1974 - The Cleveland Indians had "Ten Cent Beer Night". Due to the drunken and unruly fans the Indians forfeited to the Texas Rangers.
● 1974 - Sally Murphy became the first woman to qualify as an aviator with the U.S. Army.
● 1977 - Greece releases UK plane-spotters; Five British plane-spotters imprisoned in Greece for spying are released after 10 weeks in jail.
● 1977 - Violence during Puerto Rican Day in Chicago kills 2
● 1979 - Jerry John Rawlings takes power in Ghana after military coup in which General Acheampong is overthrown.
● 1981 - E Bowell discovers asteroids #2494 Inge, #2797 Teucer, #2870 Haupt, #3169 Ostro & #3726
● 1982 - Israel attacks targets in south Lebanon
● 1983 - Demonstration against nuclear power, Cape Town, South Africa.
● 1985 - STS 51-G vehicle moves to the launch pad
● 1985 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling striking down an Alabama law that provided for a daily minute of silence in public schools.
● 1986 - Catawba tribe of South Carolina loses Supreme Court case to reclaim aboriginal lands, due to expiration of statute of limitations.
● 1986 - Jonathan Pollard pleads guilty to espionage for selling top secret United States military intelligence to Israel. He was sentenced to life in prison.
● 1987 - New Zealand passes legislation declaring itself nuclear-free; U.S. government protests lead to breakup of the ANZU.S. defense alliance.
● 1989 - Chinese army massacres at least 2,000 unarmed student demonstrators, Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Chinese government still officially denies any deaths occurred; thousands arrested, "disappear" and remain unaccounted for.
● 1989 - Beijing cop shoots & wounds Chinese priemer Li Ping
● 1989 - Ayatalloh Ruhullah Khomeini of Iran dies of internal bleeding.
● 1989 - Ali Khamenei was elected as the new Supreme Leader of Islamic republic of Iran by the Assembly of Experts after death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
● 1989 - Solidarity's victory in the first partly free parliamentary elections in post-war Poland sparks off a succession of peaceful anti-communist revolutions in Eastern Europe and leads to creation of the so-called Contract Sejm.
● 1989 - Ufa train disaster: A natural gas explosion near Ufa, Russia, kills 575 as two trains passing each other throw sparks near a leaky pipeline.
● 1991 - The United Kingdom's Conservative government announces that some British regiments would disappear or be merged into others—the largest armed forces cuts in almost twenty years. Labor under Tony Blair would reverse this later.
● 1992 - CO2 reduction treaty signed, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
● 1997 - As culmination of marches from around the state, activists protest U.S. company Enron, building a power station in the South Maharashtra region of India. Thirty-nine arrested.
● 1998 - Terry Nichols is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing.
● 2000 - Julius "Dr. J" Erving reported his 19-year-old son, Cory, missing. His body was found on July 6, 2000.
● 2001 - Nepal's King Dipendra died. Three days earlier, he had reportedly shot and killed most members of the royal family before turning the gun on himself.
● 2003 - Martha Stewart was indicted on federal charges of using illegal privileged information and then obstructing an investigation. She resigned as chairman and chief executive officer of her company the same day.
● 2003 - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban "partial birth" abortions with a 282-139 vote.
● 2004 - Marvin Heemeyer uses a bulldozer equipped with homemade armor plating (later dubbed "Killdozer") to partially level Granby, Colorado, following a zoning dispute with the town that effectively ruined his business.
● 1489 - Antoine, Duke of Lorraine (d. 1544)
● 1665 - Zacharie Robutel de La Noue, Canadian soldier (d. 1733)
● 1694 - François Quesnay, French economist (d. 1774)
● 1704 - Benjamin Huntsman, English inventor and manufacturer (d. 1776)
● 1738 - George III of Great Britain, King (1760-1820) (d. 1820)
● 1744 - Patrick Ferguson, Scots army officer and rifle designer (d. 1780)
● 1754 - Franz Xaver, Baron Von Zach, Austrian editor and astronomer (d. 1832)
● 1787 - Constant Prévost, French geologist (d. 1856)
● 1801 - James Pennethorne, English architect (d. 1871)
● 1821 - Apollon Maykov, Russian poet (d. 1897)
● 1830 - Mary Hannah Hunt, American temperance leader (d. 1906)
● 1866 - Miina Sillanpää, Finnish politician (d. 1952)
● 1867 - Carl Gustaf E. Mannerheim, President of Finland (d. 1951)
● 1873 - Constance M. K. Applebee, English athlete (d. 1981)
● 1877 - Heinrich Wieland, German biochemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1957)
● 1879 - Alla Nazimova, Russian-born American stage and screen actress (d. 1945)
● 1880 - Clara Blandick, American actress (d. 1962)
● 1881 - Natalia Goncharova, Russian painter (d. 1962)
● 1889 - Beno Gutenberg, American seismologist and geophysicist (d. 1960)
● 1894 - Madame Bolduc, French Canadian singer (d. 1941)
● 1898 - Harry Crosby, American poet (d. 1929)
● 1899 - Hassan Fathy, Arabic architect (d. 1989)
● 1906 - Richard Whorf, American actor and director (d. 1966)
● 1907 - Rosalind Russell, American actress (d. 1976)
● 1907 - Jacques Roumain, Haitian writer (d. 1944)
● 1910 - Christopher Sydney Cockerell, British engineer and inventor (d. 1999)
● 1916 - Robert F. Furchgott, American chemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
● 1916 - Fernand Leduc, Canadian painter (The Automatistes)
● 1917 - Howard Metzenbaum, Former U.S. senator, D-Ohio
● 1917 - Charles Collingwood, American newscaster, commentator and journalist (d. 1985)
● 1919 - Robert Merrill, American baritone (d. 2004)
● 1923 - Elizabeth Jolley, Australian writer (d. 2007)
● 1924 - Dennis Weaver, American actor (d. 2006)
● 1924 - Tofilau Eti Alesana, former Prime Minister of Samoa (d. 1999)
● 1928 - Ruth Westheimer, German-born sex therapist and author
● 1929 - Karolos Papoulias, Greek politician
● 1930 - Morgana King, American actress
● 1930 - Viktor Tikhonov, Russian hockey player and coach
● 1932 - Oliver Nelson, American jazz composer and arranger (d. 1975)
● 1932 - Maurice Shadbolt, New Zealand writer
● 1932 - John Drew Barrymore, American actor (d. 2004)
● 1934 - Seamus Elliott, Irish cyclist (d. 1971)
● 1936 - Bruce Dern, American actor
● 1937 - Freddy Fender, American musician (d. 2006)
● 1937 - Robert Fulghum, American author
● 1937 - Gorilla Monsoon, American professional wrestler (d. 1999)
● 1937 - Mortimer Zuckerman, American publisher
● 1938 - Art Mahaffey, American baseball player
● 1943 - Joyce Meyer, American religious leader
● 1944 - Michelle Phillips, American singer (The Mamas & the Papas) and actress
● 1944 - Roger Ball, Rock musician
● 1945 - Gordon Waller, Scottish musician (Peter and Gordon)
● 1945 - Anthony Braxton, American composer and instrumentalist
● 1947 - Viktor Klima, Chancellor of Austria
● 1949 - Gabriel Arcand, French Canadian actor
● 1950 - George Noory, American radio personality
● 1951 - Danny Brown, Rock musician (The Fixx)
● 1952 - Parker Stevenson, American actor and director
● 1953 - Linda Lingle, Governor of Hawaii
● 1953 - Paul Samson, British guitarist (Samson) (d. 2002)
● 1953 - Susumu Ojima, Japanese entrepreneur (Huser)
● 1956 - Martin Adams, English darts player
● 1956 - Keith David, American actor
● 1956 - John Hockenberry, American journalist
● 1956 - Terry Kennedy, American baseball player
● 1957 - John Treacy, Irish athlete
● 1958 - Julie Gholson, Actress
● 1958 - Eddie Velez, Actor
● 1960 - Bradley Walsh, British actor
● 1961 - El DeBarge, American singer (DeBarge)
● 1961 - Julie White, Actress
● 1961 - Andrea Jaeger, American tennis player
● 1962 - Zenon Jaskuła, Polish cyclist
● 1962 - John P. Kee, American Gospel singer
● 1964 - Eva Fampas, Greek guitarist
● 1965 - Mick Doohan, Australian motorcycle racer
● 1966 - Cecilia Bartoli, Italian mezzo-soprano
● 1966 - Vladimir Voevodsky, Russian mathematician
● 1968 - Scott Wolf, Actor ("Party of Five")
● 1969 - Horatio Sanz, Chilean-born comedian
● 1970 - Richie Hawtin, Canadian musician
● 1970 - David Pybus, British musician
● 1971 - Joseph Kabila, Congoian politician
● 1971 - Noah Wyle, American actor ("ER")
● 1972 - Nikka Costa, American singer
● 1972 - Derian Hatcher, American hockey player
● 1972 - Rob Huebel, American comedian
● 1974 - Andrew Gwynne, British politician
● 1974 - Darin Erstad, Baseball player
● 1974 - Stefan Lessard, American musician (The Dave Matthews Band)
● 1975 - Angelina Jolie, American actress
● 1975 - Russell Brand, British comedian and television personality
● 1975 - Cynthia Loebe, American actress and photographer
● 1977 - Quinten Hann, Australian snooker player
● 1977 - Dionisis Chiotis, Greek footballer
● 1977 - Berglind Icey, Icelandic actor
● 1979 - Naohiro Takahara, Japanese footballer
● 1979 - Daniel Vickerman, Australian rugby union player
● 1980 - JoJo Garza, Rock musician (Los Lonely Boys)
● 1980 - Alicja Janosz, Polish singer
● 1980 - François Beauchemin, French Canadian ice hockey player
● 1981 - Yourkas Seitaridis, Greek footballer
● 1982 - Jin Au-Yeung, Chinese-American rapper
● 1983 - Emmanuel Eboué, Ivorian footballer
● 1984 - Ian White, Canadian hockey player
● 1985 - Lukas Podolski, Polish-born footballer
● 1985 - Bar Refaeli, Israeli model
● 1985 - Evan Lysacek, American figure skater
● 1985 - Ana Carolina Reston, Brazilian fashion model (d. 2006)
● 1986 - Shane Kippel, Canadian actor
● 1991 - Jordan Hinson, American actress
● 1992 - Dino Jelusić, Croatian singer
● 1993 - Christian Mowatt, British noble
● 1039 - Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor
● 1135 - Emperor Huizong of China (b. 1082)
● 1206 - Adèle of Champagne, wife of Louis VII of France
● 1257 - Duke Przemysl I of Poland
● 1394 - Mary de Bohun, wife of Henry IV of England
● 1463 - Flavio Biondo, Italian humanist (b. 1392)
● 1585 - Muretus, French humanist (b. 1526)
● 1663 - William Juxon, Archbishop of Canterbury (b. 1582)
● 1798 - Giacomo Casanova, Italian womanizer and writer (b. 1725)
● 1801 - Frederick Muhlenberg, American statesman (b. 1750)
● 1830 - Antonio José de Sucre, Great Marshall of Ayacucho (b. 1795)
● 1872 - Johan Rudolf Thorbecke, Dutch politician (b. 1798)
● 1875 - Eduard Mörike, German poet (b. 1804)
● 1922 - William Halse Rivers Rivers, English doctor (b. 1864)
● 1926 - Fred Spofforth, Australian cricketer (b. 1853)
● 1928 - Chang Tso-lin, Chinese warlord (b. 1873)
● 1929 - Harry Frazee, Boston Red Sox owner from 1916-1923 (b. 1881)
● 1939 - Tommy Ladnier, American musician (b. 1900)
● 1941 - Wilhelm II of Germany, German emperor (b. 1859)
● 1942 - Reinhard Heydrich, Nazi official (b. 1904)
● 1951 - Serge Koussevitsky, Russian conductor (b. 1874)
● 1956 - Katherine MacDonald, American actress (b. 1881)
● 1962 - Clem McCarthy, American sportscaster (b. 1882)
● 1964 - Samuil Marshak, Russian poet (b. 1887)
● 1968 - Dorothy Gish, American actress (b. 1898)
● 1970 - Sonny Tufts, American actor (b. 1911)
● 1971 - Georg Lukács, Hungarian philosopher (b. 1885)
● 1973 - Maurice René Fréchet, French mathematician (b. 1878)
● 1973 - Murry Wilson, father of Brian Wilson, Dennis Wilson and Carl Wilson (b. 1917)
● 1989 - Dik Browne, American cartoonist (b. 1917)
● 1994 - Derek Leckenby, British guitarist (Herman's Hermits) (b. 1943)
● 1994 - Massimo Troisi, Italian actor (b. 1953)
● 1997 - Ronnie Lane, British bass player (b. 1946)
● 2001 - Ali Hassan Kuban, Egyptian musician (b. 1933)
● 2001 - Dipendra of Nepal (b. 1971)
● 2001 - John Hartford, American musician (b. 1937)
● 2002 - Fernando Belaúnde Terry, Peruvian politician (b. 1912)
● 2004 - Steve Lacy, American saxophonist (b. 1934)
● 2004 - Nino Manfredi, Italian actor (b. 1921)
● 2007 - Bill France Jr., NASCAR pioneer (b. 1933)
● 2007 - Jay Macpherson, Canadian poet who translated old Greek myths (b. 1931)
● 2007 - U.S Senator Craig L. Thomas (b.1933)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Alexander
● St. Aretius
● St. Breaca
● St. Buriana
● St. Clateus
● St. Cornelius
● St. Croidan
● St. Elsiar
● St. Francis Caracciolo (died 608)
● St. Krista
● St. Lucensia
● St. Metrophanes
● St. Nennoc
● St. Optatus of Milevis
● St. Petrock of Cornwall
● St. Quirinus (died 308)
● St. Rutilius and Companions
● St. Saturnina
● St. Walter
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for May 21 (Civil Date: June 4)
● Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen.
● St. Constantine and his children Saints Michael and Theodore, wonderworkers of Murom.
● St. Cassian the Greek, monk of Uglich.
● St. Agapitus, abbot of Markushev (Vologda).
● New-Martyr Pachomius of Patmos (Mt. Athos. .
● St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan.
● St. Hospicius of Trier (Gaul).
● The Meeting of the "Vladimir" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
● Repose of Elder Isaac of Dionisiou Monastery (Mt. Athos. (1932).
● Finland - National flag day of the Finnish Defence Forces (on Mannerheim's birthday).
● Hong Kong - Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 memorial day.
● Botswana : Commonwealth Day
● International : Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
● Tonga : Independence Day
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : Teachers' Day - ( Sunday )
● Ireland : Bank Day - ( Monday )
● Bahamas : Labour Day - ( Friday )
● New Zealand : Queen's Birthday - ( Monday )
● Western Australia : Foundation Day (1838) - ( Monday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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