Best Liberal Quote of the Day: On Kindness "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." — Aesop
Stupidest Quote from the Right for the Day: On Terrorism "Evan fanatical Muslim terrorists don't hate America like liberals do." — Ann "Adam's Apple" Coulter
Thought for the day: "Selfishness is that vice we see in others, never in ourselves."
{Disclaimer: I have attempted to give credit to the many different sources that I get entries. Any failure to do so is unintentional. Any statement enclosed by brackets like these are the opinion of the blogger, A Proud Liberal.}
Lunar Orbiter Views Crater Copernicus

Credit: NASA, U.S. Geological Survey
Click picture to go to NASA APOD site for full explanation
● 455 - Rome was sacked by the Vandal army.
● 632 - Origin of Persian [Yezdegird] Era
● 1487 - Battle of Stoke Field, the last dying breath of the Wars of the Roses.
● 1539 - German Reformer Martin Luther declared: 'Faith justifies not as a work, nor as a quality, nor as knowledge, but as assent of the will and firm confidence in the mercy of God.'
● 1567 - Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison in Scotland.
● 1586 - Mary Queen of Scots recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir.
● 1654 - Queen Christina, a convert to Roman Catholicism, abdicated her Swedish throne to devote the remainder of her life to religion and art.
● 1671 - Cossack rebel leader Stenka Razin tortured, executed in Moscow.
● 1745 - British troops take Cape Breton Island, which is now part of Nova Scotia, Canada.
● 1745 - Sir William Pepperell captures the French Fortress Louisbourg in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia during the War of the Austrian Succession.
● 1746 - War of Austrian Succession: Austria and Sardinia defeat a Franco-Spanish army at the Battle of Piacenza.
● 1752 - Death of Joseph Butler, Anglican theologian. His 1736 'Analogy of Religion' demonstrated the strong probability for the existence of a caring God over against that of a disinterested Creator Deity.
● 1755 - French and Indian War: French surrender Fort Beauséjour to the British, leading to the expulsion of the Acadians.
● 1774 - Formation of Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
● 1779 - Spain declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the siege of Gibraltar begins.
● 1804 - Anglican missionary to Persia, Henry Martyn wrote in his journal: 'My soul, alas, needs these uneasinesses in outward things, to be driven to take refuge in God.'
● 1815 – Napoleon defeated the Prussians at the battle of Ligny and Battle of Quatre Bras, two days before Waterloo.
● 1829 - Geronimo, the Apache leader and warrior, was born.
● 1832 - Battle of Kellogg's Grove, Ill
● 1833 - Anglican-turned-Catholic Cardinal John Henry Newman, while traveling on a ship from Italy to France, penned the words to the hymn, 'Lead, Kindly Light, Amid the Encircling Gloom.'
● 1836 - Formation of the London Working Men's Association begins the Chartist Movement.
● 1846 - The Papal conclave of 1846 concludes. Pope Pius IX is elected pope, beginning the longest reign in the history of the papacy (not counting St. Peter).
● 1857 - Corrupt New York Municipal Police Force stages a pitched battle with the N.Y. Metropolitan Police Force, sent by the State Legislature to replace it, on the steps of City Hall. The result - a bloody victory for the Municipals.
● 1858 - Abraham Lincoln, paraphrasing a Bible passage, argued that "a house divided against itself cannot stand" in a speech to the state Republican convention in Springfield, Ill., after he was nominated for the U.S. Senate.
● 1858 - Battle of Morar, during the Indian Mutiny.
● 1864 - Siege of Petersburg & Richmond begins
● 1871 - Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine founded, NYC
● 1871 - University Tests Act allows students to enter the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Durham without religious tests, except for courses in theology.
● 1873 - Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting.
● 1873 - Pres. Grant issues Executive Order withdrawing the Wallowa Valley, in northeastern Oregon, from settlement by whites. It doesn't stick.
● 1882 - 17" hailstones weighing 1.75 lbs fall in Dubuque Iowa
● 1891 - John Abbott becomes Canada's third prime minister.
● 1896 - Temperture hits 127°F at Fort Mojave, California
● 1897 - The U.S. government signed a treaty of annexation with Hawaii.
● 1903 - Roald Amundsen commences first east-west navigation of the Northwest Passage by leaving Oslo, Norway.
● 1904 - Eugen Schauman assassinates Nikolai Bobrikov, Governor-General of Finland.
● 1907 - The Russian czar dissolved the Duma in St. Petersburg.
● 1909 - Glenn Hammond Curtiss sold his first airplane, the "Gold Bug" to the New York Aeronautical Society for $5,000.
● 1910 - The first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington. {Strangely A Proud Liberal's father was born and raised in Spokane.}
● 1911 - A 772 gram stony meteorite struck earth near Kilbourn, Columbia County, Wisconsin damaging a barn.
● 1915 - Foundation of the British Women's Institute
● 1917 - 1st Congress of Soviets convene in Russia
● 1918 - Eugene Debs delivers anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, for which he is arrested ten days later, and eventually sentenced to ten years in prison.
● 1922 - General election in Irish Free State: large majority to pro-Treaty Sinn Féin.
● 1922 - Henry Berliner demonstrates his helicopter to US Bureau of Aeronautics
● 1924 - Whampoa Military Academy is founded.
● 1925 - France accepted a German proposal for a security pact.
● 1925 - The most famous Young Pioneer camp of the USSR, Artek established.
● 1930 - Sovnarkom establishes decree time in the USSR.
● 1932 - The ban on Nazi storm troopers was lifted by the von Papen government in Germany.
● 1932 - Pres Hoover & VP Charles Curtis re-nominated by Republican Convention
● 1933 - President Roosevelt opened his New Deal recovery program, signing bank, rail, and industry bills and initiating farm aid.
● 1940 - Marshal Henri-Philippe Petain became the prime minister of the Vichy government of occupied France.
● 1940 - A Communist government is installed in Lithuania.
● 1941 - 1st US federally owned airport opened Washington DC
● 1941 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the closure of all German consulates in the United States. The deadline was set as July 10.
● 1943 - Race riot in Beaumont Texas (2 die)
● 1947 - Pravda denounces Marshall Plan
● 1948 - The storming of the cockpit of the Miss Macao passenger seaplane, operated by a subsidiary of the Cathay Pacific Airways, marks the first skyjacking of a commercial plane.
● 1949 - Gas turbine-electric locomotive demonstrated, Erie Pa
● 1952 - "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" was published in the United States.
● 1952 - A Swedish rescue plane was shot down by Soviet fighters over Swedish territorial waters. The rescue plane was searching for a lost aircraft.
● 1955 - The U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend Selective Service until 1959.
● 1955 - Pope Pius XII excommunicated Argentine President Juan Peron. The ban was lifted eight years later.
● 1955 - Argentine naval officers launched an attack on President Juan Peron's headquarters. The revolt was suppressed by the army.
● 1958 - Hungarian reform leader Imre Nagy is hanged by Soviet occupation forces in Hungary for treason. He had been the prime minister during the 1956 uprising that was crushed by Soviet tanks.
● 1961 - Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects to West in Paris
● 1963 - Levi Eshkol replaces David Ben-Gurion as Israeli PM
● 1963 - 26-year-old Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft for three days. She was the first female space traveler.
● 1964 - Quake strikes Niigata Japan
● 1964 - Armed white men surround the Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Philadelphia, Mississippi, and, after beating several blacks, burn the church to the ground.
● 1967 - For second year in a row, blacks riot in Atlanta.
● 1970 - Kenneth A Gibson elected 1st black mayor of Newark, NJ
● 1970 - Race riots in Miami Florida
● 1971 - Racial disturbance in Jacksonville Florida
● 1971 - An El Greco sketch, "The Immaculate Conception," was recovered in New York City by the FBI. The work had been stolen 35 years earlier.
● 1972 - Ulrike Meinhof was captured by West German police in Hanover. He was co-founder of the Red Army Faction Baader-Meinhof terrorist group.
● 1972 - U.N. Declaration on the Environment, Stockholm.
● 1972 - Women and children encircle Congress demanding an end to Vietnam War, Washington D.C.
● 1972 - Largest single-site hydro-electric power project in Canada starts at Churchill Falls, Labrador.
● 1975 - The Simonstown agreement on naval cooperation between Britain and South Africa ended. The agreement was formally ended by mutual agreement after 169 years.
● 1976 - In Soweto, thousands of school children revolted against the South African government's plan to enforce Afrikaans as the language for instruction in black schools. This resulted in the Soweto Massacre as 700 students were killed for their efforts.
● 1977 - Leonid Brezhnev was named the first Soviet president of the USSR. He was the first person to hold the post of president and Communist Party General Secretary. He replaced Nikolai Podgorny.
● 1978 - U.S. President Carter and Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos exchanged the instruments of ratification for the Panama Canal treaties.
● 1979 - General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong was executed for corruption. He was the former military ruler of Ghana from 1972-1978.
● 1979 - H-E Schuster discovers asteroid #2275
● 1980 - U.S. Supreme Court rules new forms of life created in labs can be patented.
● 1982 - Welsh miners back health workers; South Wales coalfield comes to a standstill as miners strike in support of health workers.
● 1982 - Welsh miners back health workers; South Wales coalfield comes to a standstill as miners strike in support of health workers.
● 1982 - Britain requests Argentina arrange for return of prisoners
● 1983 - European Space Agency launches European Comm Satellite 1, Oscar 10
● 1983 - Yuri Andropov was elected chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. The position was the equivalent of president.
● 1984 - Wilson Ferreira Aldunate was arrested upon his return from an eleven year exile. Aldunate had been a popular Uruguayan opposition leader.
● 1986 - Despite arrests, millions stay home in South African black trade union strike on 10th anniversary of Soweto uprising and massacre.
● 1987 - Subway gunman Bernhard Goetz acquitted on all but gun possession charges after shooting 4 black youths who tried to rob him. Also, in 1996 a civil jury ordered Goetz to pay $43 million to one of the people he shot. {Gun charge carries mandatory 1 year jail sentence so his self-defense rouse did not let him get off scot-free.}
● 1987 - Paper workers strike mill near Portland, Maine.
● 1989 - Hungarian prime minister Imre Nagy was reburied. The funeral brought at least a quarter of a million people to the streets of Budapest. Nagy had been prime minister during the 1956 uprising that was crushed by Soviet tanks. He was hanged for treason on June 16, 1958.
● 1991 - Boris Yeltsin elected president of Russian SSR
● 1991 - NYC Mayor Dinkins declares "Joseph Doherty Week" (through the 23rd)
● 1992 - Former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was indicted on felony charges in the Iran-Contra affair. (He was later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush.)
● 1992 - U.S. President George H. W. Bush welcomed Russian President Boris Yeltsin to a meeting in Washington, DC. The two agreed in principle to reduce strategic weapon arsenals by about two-thirds by the year 2003. {This gave his son another agreement to ignore.}
● 1992 - Controversial Diana book published; An explosive new book about the Princess of Wales, including claims she attempted suicide, is published by author Andrew Morton.
● 1994 - A Chinese operated Tupolev TU-154 crashes 10 minutes after takeoff killing 160.
● 1996 - Russian voters went to the polls in their first independent presidential election; the result was a runoff between President Boris Yeltsin, the eventual winner, and Communist challenger Gennady Zyuganov.
● 1997 - Dairat Labguer massacre in Algeria; some 50 people killed.
● 1999 - Thabo Mbeki elected President of South Africa.
● 1999 - Kathleen Ann Soliah was arrested by the FBI in St. Paul, MN. She had been wanted since 1976 after being indicted on murder conspiracy and explosives charges.
● 1999 - The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that a 1992 federal music piracy law does not prohibit a palm-sized device that can download high-quality digital music files from the Internet and play them at home. {Thus Apple Computer and the IPOD live.}
● 2000 - U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson reported that an employee at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico had discovered that two computer hard drives were missing.
● 2000 - Two anarchist eco-activists arrested in Eugene, Ore. and charged with arson for torching an SUV in a car dealership parking lot.
● 2000 - Israel complies with UN Security Council Resolution 425 after 22 years of it issuance, which calls on Israel to completely withdraw from Lebanon. Israel withdrew from all of Lebanon, except the disputed Sheba Farms.
● 2000 - Empress dowager Nagako, widow of Japan's Emperor Hirohito, died in Tokyo at age 97.
● 2003 - Two nights of rioting begin in Benton Harbor, Mich. after a black motorist dies in a crash while being chased by police, the latest in a long series of police-related deaths of local blacks in the past decade.
● 2004 - Rebuffing Bush administration claims, the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks said no evidence existed that al-Qaida had strong ties to Saddam Hussein.
● 1139 - Emperor Konoe of Japan (d. 1155)
● 1313 - Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer (d. 1375)
● 1514 - John Cheke, English classical scholar (d. 1557)
● 1583 - Axel Oxenstierna, Swedish statesman (d. 1654)
● 1591 - Joseph Solomon Delmedigo, Italian physician, mathematician, and music theorist (d. 1655)
● 1606 - Arthur Chichester, 1st Earl of Donegall, Irish soldier (d. 1675)
● 1612 - Murad IV, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1640)
● 1613 - John Cleveland, English poet (d. 1658)
● 1633 - Jean de Thévenot, French traveler and scientist (d. 1667)
● 1644 - Henrietta Anne Stuart, Princess of Scotland, England and Ireland and Duchess of Orléans (d. 1670)
● 1713 - Meshech Weare, Governor of New Hamphsire (d. 1786)
● 1723 - Adam Smith, Scottish philosopher and economist
● 1738 - Mary Katharine Goddard, American printer and publisher (d. 1816)
● 1792 - John Linnell, English artist (d. 1882)
● 1792 - Sir Thomas Mitchell, Australian explorer (d. 1855)
● 1801 - Julius Plücker, German mathematician and physicist (d. 1868)
● 1806 - Edward Davy, English physician, chemist, and inventor (d. 1885)
● 1813 - Otto Jahn, German archaeologist (d. 1869)
● 1820 - Athanase Coquerel, French Protestant preacher (d. 1875)
● 1826 - Constantin von Ettingshausen, Austrian geologist and botanist (d. 1897)
● 1829 - Geronimo, Apache leader (d. 1909)
● 1836 - Wesley Merritt, American soldier (d. 1910)
● 1837 - Ernst Laas, German philosopher (d. 1885)
● 1838 - Cushman Davis, American politician (d. 1900)
● 1840 - Ernst Otto Schlick, German engineer (d. 1913)
● 1858 - King Gustaf V of Sweden (d. 1950)
● 1860 - Sir George Frampton, English sculptor and craftsman (d. 1928)
● 1874 - Arthur Meighen, ninth Prime Minister of Canada (d. 1960)
● 1880 - Otto Eisenschiml, Austrian-American chemist and historian (d. 1963)
● 1888 - Bobby Clark, American vaudevillian and comedian (d. 1960)
● 1888 - Alexander Alexandrovich Friedman, Russian physicist (d. 1925)
● 1888 - Peter Stoner, American mathematician, astronomer and Christian apologist (d. 1980)
● 1890 - Stan Laurel, British-born actor and comedian (d. 1965)
● 1894 - Norman Kerry, American actor (d. 1956)
● 1896 - Jean Peugeot, French automobile manufacturer (d. 1966)
● 1896 - Murray Leinster, American author (d. 1976)
● 1897 - Elaine Hammerstein, American actress (d. 1948)
● 1897 - Georg Wittig, German chemist, Nobel laureate (d. 1987)
● 1902 - Barbara McClintock, American geneticist, Nobel laureate (d. 1992)
● 1902 - George Gaylord Simpson, American paleontologist (d. 1984)
● 1903 - Helen Traubel, American soprano (d. 1972)
● 1907 - Jack Albertson, American actor (d. 1981)
● 1909 - Archie Fairley Carr, biologist (d. 1987)
● 1910 - Ilona Massey, Hungarian movie actress and singer (d. 1974)
● 1910 - Juan Velasco, President of Peru (d. 1977)
● 1912 - Enoch Powell, British politician (d. 1998)
● 1915 - John Tukey, American statistician (d. 2000)
● 1916 - Hank Luisetti, American basketball player (d. 2002)
● 1917 - Katherine Graham, American publisher (d. 2001)
● 1917 - Irving Penn, American photographer
● 1920 - John Howard Griffin, American writer (d. 1980)
● 1920 - Raymond U. Lemieux, Canadian scientist (d. 2002)
● 1920 - José López Portillo, President of Mexico (d. 2004)
● 1923 - Ron Flockhart, Scottish racing driver (d. 1962)
● 1924 - Faith Domergue, American actor (d. 1999)
● 1927 - Tom Graveney, English cricketer
● 1927 - Herbert Lichtenfeld, German author and playwright (d. 2001)
● 1929 - Ramon Bieri, American actor (d. 2001)
● 1930 - Vilmos Zsigmond, Hungarian/American cinematographer
● 1934 - Dame Eileen Atkins, English actress
● 1934 - Roger Neilson, Canadian ice hockey coach (d. 2003)
● 1934 - William Forsyth Sharpe, American economist, Nobel laureate
● 1934 - Elvira Vinogradova, Russian TV persona
● 1935 - Bill Cobbs, Actor
● 1935 - Jim Dine, American artist
● 1937 - Erich Segal, American author
● 1937 - Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Tsar of Bulgaria
● 1938 - James Bolam, English actor
● 1938 - Joyce Carol Oates, American novelist
● 1938 - Torgny Lindgren, Swedish writer
● 1939 - Billy Crash Craddock, American country singer
● 1940 - Neil Goldschmidt, Governor of Oregon
● 1941 - Aldrich Ames, CIA officer and spy for the Soviet Union
● 1941 - Lamont Dozier, American record company executive
● 1941 - Mumtaz Hamid Rao, Pakistani journalist
● 1942 - Giacomo Agostini, Italian motorcyclist
● 1942 - Eddie Levert, American singer (The O'Jays)
● 1943 - Joan Van Ark, American actress ("Knot's Landing")
● 1945 - Claire Alexander, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1945 - Lucienne Robillard, Canadian politician
● 1946 - M. Jodi Rell, Governor of Connecticut
● 1946 - Derek Sanderson, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1947 - -minu, Swiss columnist and writer
● 1948 - Ron LeFlore, American baseball player
● 1949 - Paulo César, Brazilian footballer
● 1950 - James Smith, R&B singer (The Stylistics)
● 1951 - Roberto Durán, Panamanian boxer
● 1952 - George Papandreou, junior, Greek politician
● 1952 - Gino Vannelli, Canadian singer and songwriter {and lip-syncher}
● 1953 - Ian Mosley, British drummer (Marillion)
● 1953 - Valerie Mahaffey, American actress
● 1955 - Laurie Metcalf, American actress ("Roseanne")
● 1958 - Jóhannes Helgason, Icelandic guitarist (Þeyr)
● 1959 - Warrior, American professional wrestler
● 1960 - Peter Sterling, Australian rugby league footballer
● 1961 - Steve Larmer, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1962 - Wally Joyner, American baseball player
● 1962 - Femi Kuti, Nigerian Afrobeat Musician
● 1962 - Arnold Vosloo, South African actor
● 1962 - Anthony Wong Yiu Ming, Hong Kong singer, composer and producer
● 1963 - Jim Fullington, American professional wrestler
● 1966 - Adrienne Shelly, American actress, director and screenwriter (d. 2006)
● 1966 - Jan Zelezný, Czech athlete
● 1967 - Jenny Shimizu, Model
● 1967 - John Franklin, American actor
● 1969 - Mark Crossley, Welsh footballer
● 1970 - Clifton Collins Jr., American actor
● 1970 - Cobi Jones, American soccer player
● 1970 - Phil Mickelson, American golfer
● 1971 - Derek R. Audette, Canadian artist and poet
● 1971 - Chris Gomez, American baseball player
● 1971 - Tupac Shakur, American Rapper
● 1972 - John Cho, Korean-American actor
● 1973 - Eddie Cibrian, Actor
● 1973 - Nikos Machlas, Greek footballer
● 1976 - Edwin Tenorio, Ecuadorian footballer
● 1977 - China Shavers, Actor ("Boston Public")
● 1977 - Kerry Wood, American baseball player
● 1978 - Daniel Brühl, German actor
● 1978 - Dainius Zubrus, Lithuanian ice hockey player
● 1978 - Jasmine Leong, Chinese Malaysian singer
● 1979 - Lyndsey Marshal, British film/stage/television actress
● 1980 - Nehir Erdoğan, Turkish actress
● 1980 - Brad Gushue, Canadian curler
● 1980 - Martin Stranzl, Austrian footballer
● 1980 - Joey Yung, Hong Kong singer
● 1980 - Daré Nibombé, Togolese footballer
● 1981 - Benjamin Becker, German tennis player
● 1981 - Kevin Bieksa, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1981 - Ben Kweller, American singer/songwriter
● 1982 - Matt Costa, American singer/songwriter
● 1982 - Missy Peregrym, Canadian actress
● 1982 - Chris Wingert, American soccer player
● 1983 - Olivia Hack, Actress
● 1983 - Armend Dallku, Albanian footballer
● 1984 - Steven Whittaker, Scottish Footballer
● 1984 - Rick Nash, Canadian ice hockey player
● 1986 - Urby Emanuelson, Dutch footballer
● 1986 - Rodrigo Defendi, Brazilian footballer
● 1987 - Diana DeGarmo, American singer ("American Idol")
● 1987 - Per Ciljan Skjelbred, Norwegian footballer
● 1988 - Keshia Chanté, Canadian singer
● 1216 - Pope Innocent III
● 1397 - Philip of Artois, Count of Eu, French soldier (b. 1358)
● 1464 - Roger van der Weyden, Flemish painter (b. 1399)
● 1468 - Jean Le Fevre, Burgundian chronicler (b. ca. 1395)
● 1622 - Alexander Seton, 1st Earl of Dunfermline, Chancellor of Scotland (b. 1555)
● 1623 - Christian, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, German Protestant military leader (b. 1599)
● 1666 - Richard Fanshawe, English poet, translator, and diplomat (b. 1608)
● 1671 - Stenka Razin, Cossack rebel leader (executed)
● 1707 - Marie d'Orleans-Longueville, Duchess de Nemours, sovereign princess of Neuchâtel and writer (b. 1625)
● 1722 - John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, English general (b. 1650)
● 1749 - Johann Baptista Ruffini, Italian trader (b. 1672)
● 1752 - Giulio Alberoni, Spanish cardinal (b. 1664)
● 1752 - Joseph Butler, English philosopher (b. 1692)
● 1777 - Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gresset, French poet and dramatist (b. 1709)
● 1778 - Konrad Ekhof, German actor (b. 1720)
● 1779 - Sir Francis Bernard, Governor of New Jersey and Massachusetts (b. 1712)
● 1804 - Johann Adam Hiller, German composer (b. 1728)
● 1824 - Charles-François Lebrun, duc de Plaisance, Third Consul of France (b. 1739)
● 1849 - Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette, German theologian (b. 1780)
● 1850 - William Lawson explorer of New South Wales, Australia (b. 1774)
● 1855 - John Gorrie, American physician (b. 1803)
● 1858 - John Snow, English obstetrician (b. 1813)
● 1866 - Joseph Méry French poet (b. 1798)
● 1869 - Charles Sturt, English explorer (b. 1795)
● 1872 - Norman MacLeod, Scottish clergyman (b. 1812)
● 1878 - Crawford Long, American physician (b. 1815)
● 1881 - Sir Josiah Mason, English manufacturer (b. 1795)
● 1885 - Wilhelm Camphausen, German painter (b. 1818)
● 1902 - Ernst Schröder, German mathematician (b. 1841)
● 1925 - Chittaranjan Das, Indian patriot and freedom fighter (b. 1870)
● 1925 - Emmett Hardy, American musician (b. 1903)
● 1928 - Dr. Mark Keppel, County Superintendent of Los Angeles County Schools from 1902-1928 (b. 1867)
● 1929 - Bramwell Booth, the 2nd General of The Salvation Army (b. 1856)
● 1930 - Ezra Fitch, Abercrombie & Fitch founder (b. 1866)
● 1930 - Elmer Ambrose Sperry, American inventor (b. 1860)
● 1939 - Chick Webb, American jazz drummer and big band leader (b. 1905)
● 1940 - DuBose Heyward, American writer (b. 1885)
● 1944 - Marc Bloch, French historian (executed) (b. 1886)
● 1953 - Margaret Bondfield, English politician and feminist (b. 1873)
● 1955 - Ozias Leduc, Quebec painter (b. 1864)
● 1958 - Imre Nagy, Prime Minister of Hungary (b. 1895)
● 1959 - George Reeves, American actor (b. 1914)
● 1961 - Marcel Junod, Swiss physician (b. 1904)
● 1969 - Harold Alexander, British military commander (b. 1891)
● 1970 - Heino Eller, Estonian composer (b. 1887)
● 1970 - Brian Piccolo, American football player (b. 1943)
● 1971 - Lord Reith, British broadcast executive (b. 1889)
● 1977 - Wernher von Braun, German-born rocket scientist (b. 1912)
● 1979 - Ignatius Kutu Acheamphong, Ghanian dictator (b. 1931)
● 1979 - Nicholas Ray, American film director (b. 1911)
● 1981 - Jule Gregory Charney, American meteorologist (b. 1917)
● 1982 - James Honeyman-Scott, English guitarist and songwriter (The Pretenders) (b. 1956)
● 1984 - Lew Andreas, American basketball coach (b. 1895)
● 1986 - Maurice Duruflé, French composer and organist (b. 1902)
● 1988 - Miguel Piñero, Puerto Rican playwright, actor, and co-founder of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. (b. 1946)
● 1990 - Megan Leigh, American porn star (b. 1964)
● 1993 - Lindsay Hassett, Australian cricketer (b. 1913)
● 1994 - Kristen Pfaff, American bass guitarist (Hole) (b. 1967)
● 1996 - Mel Allen, American baseball announcer (b. 1913)
● 1996 - Curt Swan, American comic book artist (b. 1920)
● 1999 - David Edward Sutch, British musician (b. 1940)
● 2000 - Empress Kōjun of Japan (b. 1903)
● 2003 - Pierre Bourgault, French Canadian politician (b. 1934)
● 2003 - Georg Henrik von Wright, Finnish-Swedish philosopher (b. 1916)
● 2004 - Thanom Kittikachorn, Prime Minister of Thailand (b. 1912)
● 2005 - Enrique Laguerre, Puerto Rican writer (b. 1906)
● 2006 - Igor Śmiałowski, Polish actor (b. 1917)
● 2007 - Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani, (b. 1931)
● Roman Catholic:
● Madonna of Carmine, Italy
● St. Aurelian
● St. Aureus
● St. Benno
● St. Berthaldus
● St. Cettin
● St. Colman McRhoi
● St. Curig
● Sts. Felix & Maurus
● Sts. Ferreolus & Ferrutio
● St. John Francis Regis, patron of medical social workers.
● St. Lutgart of Tongeren (died 1246, patron St. of the Flemish National Movement)
● Sts. Quiriacus (Cirycus) and Julitta
● St. Tychon
● Bl. Guy Vignotelli
● Bl. William Greenwood
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for June 3 (Civil Date: June 16)
● Martyr Lucillian and those who suffered with him at Byzantium: four youths, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul and Dionysius; and Virgin Paula.
● Hieromartyr Lucian, and with him Julian and Maximian, at Beauvais in France.
● Translation of the Relics of the slain Crown Prince Demetrius of Moscow.
● St. Athanasius, wonderworker of Cilicia.
● St. Hieria, widow, of Mesopotamia.
● St. Clotilde (Chlotilda), Queen of France.
● Greek Calendar:
● St. Pappos, monk.
● Anglican: Commemoration of Joseph Butler, bishop of Durham
● South Africa - Youth Day. (In memory of students killed in Soweto massacre)
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Paraguay : Chaco Peace Day (1935) - ( Sunday )
● US : Father's Day (Remind the guy how much you care) - ( Sunday )
● 1904 - Bloomsday (date of events in James Joyce's Ulysses)
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
Scope Systems Any Day Website
Roman Catholic Saint of the Day
Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
Quotes of the Day taken from The Best Liberal Quotes Ever: Why the Left Is Right Compiled by William P. Martin ©2004
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