● 2348 BC - According to Archbishop James Ussher's Old Testament chronology, the Great Deluge ("Noah's Flood") began on this date.
● 1034 - Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots dies. Donnchad, the son of his second daughter Bethóc and Crínán of Dunkeld, inherits the throne.
● 1120 - The White Ship sinks in the English Channel, drowning William Adelin, son of Henry I of England.
● 1177 - Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and Raynald of Chatillon defeat Saladin at the Battle of Montgisard.
● 1491 - The siege of Granada, last Moorish stronghold in Spain, begins.
● 1542 - Battle of Solway Moss. The English army defeats the Scottish.
● 1667 - A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha, Caucasia, killing 80,000 people.
● 1703 - The Great Storm of 1703, the greatest windstorm ever recorded in the British Isles, reaches its peak intensity and maintains it through November 27. Winds gust up to 120 mph, and 9,000 people perish in the mighty gale.
● 1715 - Sybilla Thomas Masters became the first American to be granted an English patent for cleaning and curing Indian corn.
● 1742 - In New York, David Brainerd, 24, was approved as a missionary to the New England Indians by the Scottish Society for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Brainerd worked heroically from Apr 1743 to Nov 1746, before advancing tuberculosis forced him to relinquish his work. (He died in October 1747.)
● 1758 - During the French and Indian War, the British captured Fort Duquesne at what is now known as Pittsburgh.
● 1783 - Nearly three months after the signing of the Treaty of Paris ending the American War for Independence, the last British soldiers evacuate New York City, their last military position. Following the withdrawal of the last British soldier, American General George Washington enters the city in triumph.
● 1795 - Partitions of Poland: Stanislaus August Poniatowski, the last king of independent Poland, is forced to abdicate and exiled to Russia.
● 1807 - Anglican missionary Henry Martyn wrote in his journal: 'With thee, O my God, there is no disappointment; I shall never have to regret that I loved thee too well.'
● 1820 - English poet and Oxford Movement leader John Keble, 28, penned the words to the hymn, "Sun of My Soul" ("Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear, It is not night if Thou be near....").
● 1835 - Industrialist Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland.
● 1837 - William Crompton patented the silk power loom.
● 1839 - Disastrous cyclone slams India with terrible winds and a 40 foot storm surge, literally wiping out the port city of Coringa, never to be entirely rebuilt again. Powerful winds level everything in sight, the storm wave sweeps inland tens of miles, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths resulted from the disaster, making this one of history's greatest catastrophes.
● 1850 - Texas relinquished one-third of its territory in exchange for $10 million from the U.S. to pay its public debts and settle border disputes.
● 1857 - American adventurer William Walker launched a new invasion of a Central American country. The invasion failed; deposed as dictator of Nicaragua, Walker was returned, a prisoner, to New York.
● 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Missionary Ridge - At Missionary Ridge in Tennessee, Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant break the Siege of Chattanooga by routing Confederate troops under General Braxton Bragg.
● 1864 - British Jewish statesman Benjamin Disraeli declared in a speech: 'Man is a being born to believe, and if no church comes forward with all the title deeds of truth, he will find altars and idols in his own heart and his own imagination.'
● 1867 - Alfred Nobel patented dynamite. Later, feeling guilty, he uses the resulting enormous wealth to initiate and endow Nobel prizes, conferring honorees with enormous prestige and what is quite literally a lot of blood money.
● 1874 - The United States Greenback Party is established as a political party consisting primarily of farmers affected by the Panic of 1873.
● 1876 - Indian Wars: In retaliation for the American defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, United States Army troops sack Chief Dull Knife's sleeping Cheyenne village at the headwaters of the Powder River.
● 1881 - Pope John XXIII was born Angelo Roncalli near Bergamo, Italy.
● 1882 - The first of 400 performances of "lolnathe" took place.
● 1883 - Ten thousand black and white workers march together in labor parade, New Orleans.
● 1884 - J.B. Meyenberg received the patent for evaporated milk.
● 1904 - Birth of Jehan Mayoux, Charente, France. Teacher, pacifist, anti- militarist, anarchist, poet. Refused mobilization in 1939, costing him his teaching papers and five years imprisonment. Escaped but captured by Germans, and sent to a camp in the Ukraine. Later, opposed France's war with Algeria, signing the "Proclamation of the 121," and lost his teaching rights again (1960-1965). Participated in the May '68 uprising, but was nauseated by the attitude of the trade unions.
● 1904 - Birth of Pa Chin (Li Feigan). Chinese writer, discovered anarchism with the reading of Kropotkin and Emma Goldman, and created his pseudonym Pa (from Bakunin) and Chin (from Kropotkin). In 1949, he worked with the communists, rewrote his stories, removing or replacing his anarchist references with communist ones. But he is in disgrace by 1966, and again gains notoriety in 1976, in China and abroad, with novels now denouncing the communist system and the compromises he had made.
● 1905 - The Danish Prins Carl arrives in Norway to become King Haakon VII of Norway
● 1910 - French anarchist Jules Durand sentenced to die for the death of a "jaune" in a brawl, for which he was wrongly blamed. International protests eventually led to his release three months later. Unfortunately, Durand, forcibly subdued in a strait jacket for 40 days, had become insane and spent the rest of his life in an asylum. A reopening of his case in 1918 cleared his name.
● 1911 - Mexico - Tierra y libertad demonstration, includes the anarchist Zapata.
● 1912 - The Unione Sindacale Italiana (USI) anarcho-syndicalist union formally founded in Modena. Within a year it has nearly 100,000 members.
● 1913 - Panama becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
● 1914 - Baseball hall-of-famer Joe DiMaggio was born in Martinez, Calif.
● 1917 - Peace demonstrations in Berlin, Halle, Leipzig, Mannheim, Stettin and elsewhere, Germany.
● 1920 - The first play-by-play broadcast of a football game was aired in College Station, TX. The game was between the University of Texas and Texas A&M.
● 1922 - Ex-libertarian socialist and syndicalist Benito Mussolini made dictator of Italy. Train timeliness and customer satisfaction soars.
● 1922 - Marcus Garvey electrifies a crowd at Liberty Hall in New York City as he states the goals and principles of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) - "We represent peace, harmony, love, human sympathy, human rights, and human justice...we are marshaling the four hundred million Negroes of the world to fight for the emancipation of the race and for the redemption of the country of our fathers."
● 1926 - The worst, deadliest tornado outbreak in U.S. November history strikes on Thanksgiving day. 27 twisters of great strength reported in the midwest, including the strongest November tornado, an F4, that devastates Heber Springs, Arkansas. 51 deaths in Arkansas alone, 76 deaths and over 400 injuries in all.
● 1936 - In Berlin, Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, thus agreeing to consult on what measures to take "to safeguard their common interests" in case of an unprovoked attack by the Soviet Union against either nation.
● 1940 - Woody Woodpecker first appears, in the film "Knock Knock".
● 1943 - Statehood of Bosnia and Herzegovina was re-established at the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia.
● 1944 - World War II: A German V-2 rocket hits a Woolworth's store in Deptford, UK, killing 160 shoppers.
● 1944 - Baseball commissioner Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis died at age 78.
● 1946 - U.S. Supreme Court awards $1.3 million for illegally taken Oregon lands to the Siletz, Alsea, Yaquina and Neschesne tribes.
● 1947 - After being cited for Contempt of Congress the previous day, the Hollywood Ten is blacklisted. Until McCarthy's investigation of the Army, no probe wins such headlines as congress' attempt to show that Hollywood heretics are infusing "un-American ideas" into films. Nineteen were subpoenaed for the Dies committee's Hollywood session, but Parnell Thomas postponed nine, including Humphrey Bogart, John Huston, and Lauren Bacall, fearing they would truthfully answer questions regarding their political affiliations. The remaining 10 insist on claiming their Fifth-Amendment right not to tell the committee whether they were or had been Communists. Ginger Roger's mother testified her daughter had been asked to say in a film, "Share and share alike, that's democracy." Roger reveals this is (quote) - "definitely Communist propaganda." Her evidence of a Russian plot is backed by testimony by Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney, Gary Cooper, and Ayn Rand.
● 1947 - Movie studio executives meeting in New York agreed to blacklist the "Hollywood 10," who were cited a day earlier and jailed for contempt of Congress when they failed to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee.
● 1947 - New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom.
● 1950 - The "Storm of the Century", a violent snowstorm, paralyzes the northeastern United States and the Appalachians, bringing winds up to 100 mph and sub-zero temperatures. Pickens, West Virginia records 57 inches of snow. 323 people die due to the storm.
● 1950 - The People's Republic of China joins the Korean War, sending thousands of troops across the Yalu river border to fight United Nations forces.
● 1952 - Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London and eventually becomes the longest continuously-running play in history.
● 1953 - The England football team suffer their first home defeat against continental opposition, losing to Hungary.
● 1955 - In the U.S., the Interstate Commerce Commission banned racial segregation on interstate trains and buses.
● 1957 - Radical Mexican muralist Diego Rivera dies, Mexico City, Mexico.
● 1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a stroke. The whole country sighed relief when assured he would fully recover thus avoiding a President Nixon at the time.
● 1958 - French Sudan gains autonomy as a self-governing member of the French Community.
● 1960 - The Mirabal sisters of the Dominican Republic are assassinated .
● 1963 - President John F. Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. The funeral services and procession are carried live on all networks, which had been on the air around the clock without commercials since the assassination. They would not resume normal broadcasts until the next morning.

JFK Jr. salutes the casket of his father as it passes during the funeral procession. This was also his third birthday.
● 1967 - Last flower-child hippie-type demos in New York City. After this, militant.
● 1968 - American socialist novelist, politician Upton Sinclair dies.
● 1969 - Pres. Nixon declares the U.S. will not engage in bacteriological warfare. At the time, as it turned out, the U.S. was actually testing such agents on its own citizens, unsuspecting American people.
● 1969 - Sir John Lennon sent his MBE back to the Queen along with the eloquent message - "Your Majesty, I am returning this MBE in protest against Britain's involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam, and against `Cold Turkey' slipping down the charts.--With love, John Lennon of Bag."
● 1970 - In Japan, author Yukio Mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after an unsuccessful coup attempt and after giving a speech attacking Japan's post-war constitution.
● 1970 - Right-wing gay Japanese novelist Yukio Mishima, 45, dies by his own hand (committing sepuku, ritual suicide) hours after finishing his tetralogy, "The Sea of Fertility." Probably didn't want to see what the editor would do to it. Mishima remains a cult hero to right-wing, fascistic Japanese men who yearn for the days of pre-war nationalism.
● 1973 - Student sit-ins begin in opposition to Greek military junta; 20 are killed, but the dictator is forced out.
● 1973 - Greek President George Papadopoulos is ousted in a bloodless military coup led by Lieutenant General Phaidon Gizikis.
● 1974 - Former U.N. Secretary-General U Thant died at age 65.
● 1974 - Four days after two separate Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombs kill 21 and injure over 100 more in Birmingham, England, the British government outlaws the IRA in all of Great Britain, including Northern Ireland. The bombings were part of an ongoing crisis between the British government and the IRA that escalated in 1969 when British troops went into Northern Ireland to suppress Irish nationalist activity. British authorities reacted to public anger against the bombings by moving quickly to convict IRA members. Six suspects are soon captured, interrogated, and duly convicted; However, in 1998, in the face of widespread questioning of their guilt, a British court of appeals overturns the sentences of the "Birmingham Six," citing serious doubts about the legitimacy of the police evidence and the treatment of the suspects during their interrogation. Britain's brutal repression of Irish dissidents resulted in ongoing violence until, finally, a different, political approach led to apparently successful negotiations in 2001. A lesson for would-be enders of terrorism.
● 1975 - Suriname gains independence from the Netherlands.
● 1976 - O.J. Simpson (Buffalo Bills) murdered them on the field as he ran for 273 yards against the Detroit Lions.
● 1980 - No Más Fight: Sugar Ray Leonard regains the WBC world welterweight boxing title in a bout against Roberto Duran.
● 1981 - Brixton riots report blames racial tension; The inquiry into the Brixton riots in April blames serious social and economic problems affecting Britain's cities.
● 1983 - Mediators from Syria and Saudi Arabia announced a cease-fire in the PLO civil war in Tripoli, Lebanon.
● 1983 - Canadian postal workers cut postal rates from 82 cents to 10 cents.
● 1984 - Volunteers in Provincetown, Mass. save a humpback whale from suffocating in a fish net.
● 1984 - 36 top musicians gather in a Notting Hill studio and record Band Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas in order to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia.
● 1984 - A KCR train derails between Sheung Shui and Fanling, Hong Kong.
● 1985 - Ronald W. Pelton was arrested on espionage charges. Pelton was a former employee of the National Security Agency. He was later convicted of 'selling secrets' to Soviet agents.
● 1986 - The Iran-Contra affair erupted as President Reagan and Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been illegally diverted to Nicaraguan rebels with the full approval and knowledge of Reagan.
● 1986 - Lt. Col. Oliver North fired by Reagan White House for being too obvious. While never imprisoned for his crime, North did suffer the punishment and humiliation of a successful career as a media commentator, speaker, and Senate candidate from Virginia. Crime never, ever pays.
● 1987 - Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington, died after suffering a heart attack in his City Hall office.
● 1987 - Supertyphoon Nina pummels the Philippines with category 5 winds of 165 mph and a surge that swallows entire villages. at least 1,036 deaths attributed to the storm.
● 1988 - Two thousand march in New York City to protest sale of furs. Over 50 other cities hold demonstrations.
● 1989 - Death of author Birago Ismael Diop. Educated as a veterinarian, became active in the Negritude movement in the 1930s and sought for a return to African cultural values.
● 1990 - Poland held its first popular presidential election.
● 1991 - Silcott not guilty of PC's murder; The man who was jailed for life in 1987 for killing a police officer is cleared of the crime.
● 1992 - Eighty-seven nations meet in Copenhagen, Denmark and agree to accelerate their schedules for phasing out ozone-depleting CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) chemicals by 1996. The U.S. opposes the agreement.
● 1992 - The Czechoslovakia Federal Assembly voted to split the country into separate Czech and Slovak republics beginning January 1, 1993.
● 1993 - Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Sedki escaped an attempt on his life when a bomb was detonated by Islamic militants near his motorcade.
● 1994 - Sony founder Akio Morita announces he will be stepping down as CEO of the company.
● 1995 - Serbs protested in the streets of the Bosnian capital Sarajevo The protest was against a peace plan.
● 1996 - An Ice storm strikes the central U.S. killing 26 people. Powerful windstorm affects Florida, winds gust over 90 mph, toppling trees and flipping trailers.
● 1997 - During a traditional town "reenactment" of the Thanksgiving myth, Plymouth, Mass. police attack Native American demonstrators, beating and pepper-spraying several and arresting 25.
● 1998 - 'Corrupt' Turkish government falls; The government of Turkey collapses after losing a no-confidence motion over corruption allegations.
● 1998 - Britain's highest court ruled that former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose extradition was being sought by Spain, could not claim immunity from prosecution for the crimes he committed during his rule.
● 1998 - President Jiang Zemin arrived in Tokyo for the first visit to Japan by a Chinese head of state since World War II.
● 1998 - The IMF (International Monetary Fund) approved a $5.5 billion bailout for Pakistan.
● 1999 - Six-year-old Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez was rescued by a pair of sport fishermen off the coast of Florida.
● 1999 - The United Nations General Assembly passes a resolution designating November 25 as the annual International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women.
● 2000 - 2000 Baku earthquake took place.
● 2001 - CIA officer Johnny ''Mike'' Spann was killed during a prison uprising in Mazar-e-Sharif, becoming America's first combat casualty of the conflict in Afghanistan.
● 2002 - President George W. Bush signed legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security and appointed Tom Ridge, a color coding specialist, to be its head.
● 2002 - Reported assassination attempt on Turkmen president Saparmurat Niyazov.
● 2003 - The Senate gave final congressional approval to historic Medicare legislation, quietly in the middle of the night with blackmail and arm twisting, combining a new prescription drug benefit with measures to control costs before the baby boom generation reaches retirement age.
● 2003 - Yemen arrested Mohammed Hamdi al-Ahdal, a top al-Qaida member suspected of masterminding the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole and the 2002 bombing of a French oil tanker off Yemen's coast.
● 2004 - Korean Research team announce that they have used cord blood stem cells to regrow a parapeligic's spinal cord. Patient walks for the first time in 19 years.
● 1501 - Yi Hwang, Confucian scholar (d. 1570)
● 1562 - Félix Lope de Vega, Spanish playwright (d. 1635)
● 1577 - Piet Hein, Dutch naval commander and folk hero (d. 1629)
● 1609 - Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, French wiafe and Queen of Charles I of England (d. 1669)
● 1638 - Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II of England (d. 1705)
● 1703 - Jean-François Séguier, French astronomer and botanist (d. 1784)
● 1712 - Charles-Michel de l'Épée, French philanthropist and developer of 'Signed French' (d. 1789)
● 1714 - Yoriyuki Arima, Japanese mathematician (d. 1783)
● 1778 - Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck, British Christian writer (d. 1856)
● 1814 - Julius Robert von Mayer, German physician and physicist (d. 1878)
● 1817 - John Bigelow, American statesman and author; editor of Benjamin Franklin's autobiography (d. 1911)
● 1835 - Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born industrialist and philanthropist (d. 1919)
● 1841 - Ernst Schröder, German mathematician (d. 1902)
● 1843 - Henry Ware Eliot American industrialist, philanthropist and the father of T. S. Eliot (d. 1919)
● 1844 - Karl Benz, German engineer (d. 1929)
● 1845 - José Maria Eça de Queiróz, Portuguese novelist (d. 1900)
● 1846 - Carrie Nation, American temperance advocate (d. 1911)
● 1858 - Alfred Capus, French author (d. 1922)
● 1862 - Ethelbert Nevin, American pianist and composer (d. 1901)
● 1869 - Ben Lindsey, American judge and social reformer (d. 1934)
● 1870 - Winthrop Ames, American theatrical director (d. 1937)
● 1874 - Joe Gans, American boxer (d. 1910)
● 1881 - Pope John XXIII (1958-63) (d. 1963)
● 1883 - Harvey Spencer Lewis, American mystic (d. 1939)
● 1883 - Merrill C. Meigs, American newspaper publisher and aviation promoter (d. 1968)
● 1887 - Nikolai Vavilov, Russian physicist (d. 1943)
● 1893 - Joseph Krutch, American naturalist and author (d. 1970)
● 1895 - Wilhelm Kempff, German pianist (d. 1991)
● 1895 - Ludvík Svoboda, President of Czechoslovakia (d. 1979)
● 1896 - Virgil Thomson, American composer, conductor and music critic (d. 1989)
● 1900 - Rudolf Hoess, commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp (d. 1947)
● 1904 - Lillian Copeland, American athlete (d. 1964)
● 1904 - Ba Jin, Chinese novelist (d. 2005)
● 1904 - Toni Ortelli, Italian composer and alpinist (d. 2000)
● 1913 - Lewis Thomas, American physician and essayist (d. 1993)
● 1914 - Joe DiMaggio, American baseball player and Hall of Fame member (d. 1999)
● 1915 - Augusto Pinochet, Chilean dictator
● 1920 - Tuanku Syed Putra ibni Almarhum Syed Hassan Jamalullail, King of Malaysia (d. 2000)
● 1920 - Ricardo Montalban, Mexican born actor (''Fantasy Island'')
● 1920 - Noel Neill, American actress
● 1924 - Takaaki Yoshimoto, Japanese poet, critic, and philosopher.
● 1925 - Jeffrey Hunter, American actor (d. 1969)
● 1926 - Poul Anderson, American writer (d. 2001)
● 1933 - Kathryn Grant Crosby, American actress
● 1936 - Matt Clark, Actor
● 1940 - Reinhard Furrer, American physicist and astronaut (d. 1995)
● 1940 - Joe Gibbs, American football coach
● 1942 - Tracey Walter, Actor
● 1944 - Ben Stein, American actor
● 1944 - Bob Lind, Singer
● 1945(40? NYT) - Percy Sledge, American musician
● 1947 - John Larroquette, American actor (''Night Court'')
● 1947 - Jonathan Kaplan, Director
● 1951 - Bucky Dent, American baseball player
● 1951 - Bill Morrissey, American musician
● 1952 - Imran Khan, Pakistani test cricketer
● 1952 - John Lynch, Governor of New Hampshire
● 1953 - Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron
● 1953 - Graham Eadie, Australian rugby league player
● 1957- Robert Ehrlich, Governor of Maryland
● 1959 - Charles Kennedy, British politician
● 1959 - Steve Rothery, British guitarist (Marillion)
● 1960 - Amy Grant, American singer
● 1960 - John F. Kennedy, Jr., American publisher (d. 1999)
● 1963 - Bernie Kosar, American football player
● 1964 - Mark Lanegan, Rock singer (Queens of the Stone Age)
● 1964 - Eric Grossman, Rock musician (K's Choice)
● 1965 - Cris Carter, American football player
● 1966 - Stacy Lattisaw, R&B singer
● 1966 - Rodney Sheppard, Rock musician (Sugar Ray)
● 1966 - Tim Armstrong, American musician (Rancid and The Transplants)
● 1968(69? NYT) - Jill Hennessy, Canadian born American actress (“Crossing Jordan”, “Law and Order”)
● 1968 - Jacqueline Hennessy, Canadian actress and talk show host
● 1968 - Erick Sermon, American rap music artist
● 1971 - Christina Applegate, American actress (''Married ... With Children'')
● 1971 - Magnus Arvedson, Swedish hockey player
● 1976 - Donovan McNabb, American football player, Philadelphia Eagles quarterback
● 1978 - Shina Ringo, Japanese musician
● 1979 - Thea Gilmore, British songwriter
● 1980 - Josh Lomberger, American professional wrestling backstage interviewer
● 1981 - Xabi Alonso, Spanish international footballer
● 1981 - Barbara Bush, daughter of George W. Bush and Laura Bush.
● 1981 - Jenna Bush, daughter of George W. Bush and Laura Bush.
● 1981 - Jared Jeffries, American basketball player
● 311 - Peter of Alexandria, Christian martyr
● 1034 - King Malcolm II of Scotland (killed)
● 1120 - William Adelin, son of Henry I of England (drowned) (b. 1104)
● 1185 - Pope Lucius III (b. 1097)
● 1326 - Prince Koreyasu, Japanese shogun (b. 1264)
● 1374 - Philip II of Taranto, Emperor of Costantinople (b. 1329)
● 1456 - Jacques Cœur, French merchant
● 1560 - Andrea Doria, Italian naval leader (b. 1466)
● 1626 - Edward Alleyn, English actor (b. 1566)
● 1694 - Ismael Bullialdus, French astronomer (b. 1605)
● 1700 - Stephanus Van Cortlandt, first native Mayor of New York (b. 1643)
● 1748 - Isaac Watts, British hymnwriter (b. 1674)
● 1755 - Johann Georg Pisendel, German musician (b. 1687)
● 1785 - Richard Glover, British poet (b. 1712)
● 1865 - Heinrich Barth, German explorer (b. 1821)
● 1881 - Theobald Boehm, German inventor of the modern flute (b. 1794)
● 1884 - Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe, German chemist (b. 1818)
● 1885 - King Alfonso XII of Spain (b. 1857)
● 1885 - Thomas Hendricks, Vice President of the United States (b. 1819)
● 1920 - Gaston Chevrolet, Swiss-born race car driver and automobile pioneer (b. 1892)
● 1944 - Kenesaw Mountain Landis, baseball commissioner (b. 1866)
● 1947 - Léon-Paul Fargue, French poet (b. 1876)
● 1950 - Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, Danish writer, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1873)
● 1959 - Gérard Philipe, French actor (b. 1922)
● 1968 - Upton Sinclair, American journalist, politician, and writer (b. 1878)
● 1965 - Dame Myra Hess, British pianist (b. 1890)
● 1970 - Yukio Mishima, Japanese writer (b. 1925)
● 1972 - Henri Coandă, Romanian aerodynamics pioneer (b. 1886)
● 1973 - Laurence Harvey, Lithuanian-born actor (b. 1928)
● 1974 - Nick Drake, British singer and songwriter (b. 1948)
● 1974 - U Thant, Burmese UN Secretary-General (b. 1909)
● 1981 - Jack Albertson, American actor (b. 1907)
● 1985 - Ray Jablonski, baseball player (b. 1923)
● 1987 - Harold Washington, Mayor of Chicago (b. 1922)
● 1998 - Nelson Goodman, American philosopher (b. 1906)
● 1998 - Flip Wilson, American actor and comedian (b. 1933)
● 1989 - Alva R. Fitch, American World War II and Korean soldier (b. 1907)
● 2002 - Karel Reisz, Czech theater director (b. 1926)
● 2005 - George Best, Northern Irish footballer (b. 1946)
● 2005 - Richard Burns, English rally driver (b. 1971)
● Roman Catholic:
● St. Catherine Laboure
● St. Catherine of Alexandria, patron of maidens/mechanics/philosophers
● St. Alnoth
● St. Jucunda
● St. Mercurius
● St. Mesrop
● St. Moses
● Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar for November 12 (Civil Date: November 25)
● St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria.
● St. Nilus the Faster of Sinai.
● Prophet Ahijah (Achias)
● Blessed John "the Hairy", fool for Christ at Rostov.
● St. Leon, Patriarch of Constantinople.
● New Martyr Sabbas Nigdelinus of Constantinople.
● New Martyr Nicholas of Constantinople.
● St. Nilus the Myrrh gusher of Mt. Athos.
● Synaxis of New Martyr of Optina: Anatole, Barnabas, Dositheus, Nektary, Nikon, Panteleimon, and Vincent.
● Repose of Righteous Cosmas of Birsk (1882) and Fr. Hilarion of Valaam and Sarov (1841).
● Commemoration of the Righteous monks and laymen buried at Optina Monastery.
● Anglican:
● Commemoration of James Otis Sargent Huntington
● Lutheran:
● Commemoration of Isaac Watts, hymn writer
● Bosnia and Herzegovina: National Day (1943)
● Surinam - Independence Day (from the Netherlands, 1975)
● International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
● These Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
● Massachusetts : John F Kennedy Day (1963) ( Sunday )
● Bern Switzerland : Onion Market Day-autumn festival ( Monday )
● US : Thanksgiving ( Thursday )
Click on this LINK to see original Wikipedia list with many having links with details.
Additional facts taken from:
On this day in the New York Times
The BBC’s Take on the day
On This Day Website
Geov Parrish's this Day in Radical History, things that happened on this day that you never had to memorize in school.
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